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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Highland

    Federal judge nominee believes women should be

    Can't you guys just expunge Utah from the Union?
  2. Highland

    BTW, Should We Americans Be Worried?

    I've never agreed with the statement that we're a nation without a culture. We have one, it's just our own. Anyway, I'm not surprised at the results of this "poll" especially those from Quebec, which is just anti-Anglophone in general and anti-American in particular.
  3. Highland

    Can Someone Enlighten Me

    Fried pork sausages?
  4. Highland

    Cure for cancer/Cure for AIDS

    I'm convinced they could cure both diseases today, yet prevention and research are far more lucrative than what could be made from a cure. That cynicism aside, I'd vote to cure both, but with cancer a priority and AIDS a close second,.
  5. Highland

    Carlos Delgado's speaks up against America

    Maybe if they'd finally get around to voting in favour of being the 51st State they wouldn't be treated like a colony.....?
  6. Highland

    Should they or shouldn't they?

    Iran needs that extra push. A counter-revolution there is only a matter of time, and a democracy on its borders could be the spark that sets it off. Also, while I believe the US is sincere in it's desire for an independent and sovereign Iraq, they'll still maintain a present there, albeit a significantly smaller one.
  7. Highland

    Should they or shouldn't they?

    Jordon is probably making the offer because a stable nation on its borders is in Jordan's best interest. But a democratic nation at their borders likely isn't in their best interests. -=Mike True, but I'm rather hoping that a democratic Iraq is the catalyst that sends democracy sweeping across the Middle East. You want to stop Islamic terrorism? Give them democracy and they'll stop the fundamentalists before they can spread.
  8. Highland

    What kind of shape are you in?

    5'9 170 lbs.
  9. Highland

    Should they or shouldn't they?

    Jordon is probably making the offer because a stable nation on its borders is in Jordan's best interest.
  10. Highland

    Conservative High schooler stirs up trouble

    I hope he does get sent to Iraq and if we're lucky Darwinism will take over from there.
  11. Highland

    Should they or shouldn't they?

    They should at least consider it. Right now Iraq needs all the help it can get.
  12. Highland

    Election Day

    We're having a federal election here in Canada in a few short weeks where the question who will form the next government will be answered. Will the sponsorship-scandal ridden Liberals shake it off and rise to another majority, or will the newly-reunited Right pose enough of a threat to force a Liberal minority or even form the government themselves? What of the Bloc or the NDP? Post your rants and opinions here. (If this is appropriate, could a mod pin this, please?)
  13. Highland

    Should they or shouldn't they?

    I thought relations between the US and Jordan were relatively good? Or at least non-hostile. Anyway this could be exaclty what it appears, an offer of assistance from Jordan, but if it's not do you really think the US is going to let someone ruin all the hard work they've done in Iraq?
  14. Highland

    Stuff Happening in Africa Too

    I'm sure I'll catch flack from the neo-cons on this board, but the primary reason the States went to war against Iraq was the prospect of controlling a stable, oil-rich country in the Middle East, thus establishing a foothold there. Those speeches about freedom and linking Saddam to Al-Qaeda was just something to convince the gullible masses that would never have supported Bush if he had told them the complete truth, even though it's inanely foolish to go to war without something beneficial to gain.
  15. Highland

    What's religion are you (or should you be)?

    Liberal Quaker. I found that to be...interesting, but they also have a very broad range of beliefs, so I'm not altogether surprised.
  16. I'll side with NoCalMike on this one.
  17. I thought France was supposed to be secular...
  18. Highland

    Should We Be a Bit Worried?

    This may shed some light on the subject.
  19. Highland

    Should We Be a Bit Worried?

    The UN, like all embassies, isn't on American soil.
  20. Highland

    It's time for you, the POSTERS, to decide!

    So, is it just anyone that frequents the CE folder that gets Dr. Tom's get out of jail free card, or is it only an elite, select few?
  21. Highland

    Election Day

    Sure, but it's in PDF format.
  22. Highland

    Should We Be a Bit Worried?

    If I was Iran I would not have used something as conspicuous as security guards to film the various sites. There are easier and more effective ways to glean the information they sought without arrousing suspicion.
  23. Highland

    Should We Be a Bit Worried?

    You're right..the US bugged the office of UN leader Kofi Annan remember! I wasn't refering to that.