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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Highland

    Genocide in Sudan

    Not that anyone would have admitted it as a reason in this PC age.
  2. Highland

    Genocide in Sudan

    The Balkans are right on the doorstep of Europe. Rwanda and the Sudan are not.
  3. Highland

    Election Day

    Layton is too far to the left; Harper is too much of a neo-con for my liking and Martin has shown in this campaign and in the months and weeks prior that he has alot of chinks in his armour.
  4. Yes. Maybe, but the potential for abuse is there. It's bad enough they're trying to pass a similar, national law here.
  5. I love the new legal term "person of interest" Oh well, I'm sure there are those that will claim national security (the catchword of all tyrants) trumps the Bill of Rights
  6. Highland

    Genocide in Sudan

    The West showed it's indifference during the Rwanda massacres, so I don't see why we would suddenly have a change of heart for this crisis.
  7. Highland

    Election Day

    Martin being accused of supporting child pornography.... Harper called out for being anti-francophone.... Layton holding Martin responsible for homeless deaths.... This is the dirtiest election I've been involved in yet.
  8. Highland

    Genocide in Sudan

    Alot has gone on in Africa over the last decade that has somehow gotten below the radar of Western awareness. Hopefully this growing crises will serve as a wakeup call and show that action must be taken.
  9. Highland

    Look at this fucking pimp mobile

    Was that directed at Moa1kM or -ib- ?
  10. Highland

    Kerry/Democrat Economic Proposals...

    That would make sense, and would convince me, if the markup on items such as shoes and softdrinks wasn't aburd. It doesn't cost $100 to make a $100 set of shoes, it costs more like a few dollars, if that.
  11. Highland

    Kerry/Democrat Economic Proposals...

    Companies move to countries that pay less than a $1 to their workers because they currently can. That measly minimum wage has never forced a competent company into bankruptcy, it's just used as an excuse for outsourcing. I see nothing wrong with a required minimum wage that brings those receiving it above the poverty line.
  12. Highland

    Kerry/Democrat Economic Proposals...

    No, employers pay their employees whatever they can get away with. If they don't pay them enough, they go to a company that will more favourably pay them. Your logic for opposing any sort of wage increase is flawed, especially after you so vigorously defended the tax rebate, or was that only because that was a Bush initative and this appears to be a Democratic one? Higher pay = more money to spend = more goods and services bought = boost to economy.
  13. Highland

    Kerry/Democrat Economic Proposals...

    And how do you know what the monetary value of work is? I'm sure that guy making $7/hour believes he's worth every cent of it, and then some. If people have more money in their pocket, then they will spend it and help the economy; at least that's the logic Bush used when introducing his tax package, but of course it's better for the economy if people on minimum wage stay just hovering or actually below the poverty line, since they don't really deserve the little pay they already get.
  14. Sad. Cliched, and true.
  15. Highland

    Election Day

    I forgot about that. Fuck.
  16. Highland

    Election Day

    The NDP might turn out ot be the most influencial party coming out of this election if it ends in a minority government. Neither the Liberals or the Conservatives are going to associate themselves with the Bloc, so the NDP might be the ones holding the balance of power by supporting either of the other two national parties in a minority government.
  17. Highland

    If you could hang out with three board members...

    MikeSC Cerebus KKK
  18. Highland

    Election Day

    As in negative/attack ads? Yes. Though I know it sounds condescending and pretentious we generally dislike the more personally negative ads that are a part of some campaigns in the US and elsewhere.
  19. Highland

    Election Day

    Anyone else notice the increasing use of American-style campaign ads in this election?
  20. Highland

    It has happened again

    Little girls are better behaved.
  21. Highland

    It has happened again

    Tell that to my cats... They want to be just like their owner.....
  22. Highland

    It has happened again

    I don't like the use of the word "Monkies", but that is only because animals or incapable of evil, or good for that matter.
  23. Highland

    It has happened again

    The GC is a joke, it was designed to ensure the powerful remain powerful and as a means of legally punishing those that lose wars.