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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Highland

    English vs Spanish Culure Clash

    What's the language of government? That's the language they should learn. There's nothing wrong, in fact fact it's commendable if you keep your language and culture when you emigrate to another country, but you should at least try to speak the language. When in Rome.... (It seems like you guys have the same problem with Hispanics as we have with franophones)
  2. Exactly. It sucks becuse it's Bradshaw saying it, not because it's a "bad promo" Aren't shoots supposed to be the most effective promos? I'm no fan of Bradshaw, but at least I can say I liked his little shoot/promo even if I felt it went on a tad too long. Also, it wasn't just about Eddy, it was about JBL and his frustration with the "liberal world" He's getting the strap and later, maybe at SS, Eddy will win it back. It's a tried and tested formula that works.
  3. I actually liked JBL's promo, he makes reference from his non-wrestling life and uses it effectively in his promo, but of course it wasn't Eddy so you all say it sucks. Marks.
  4. Highland

    Interesting New Movement

    Like spending more time away from the Oval Office than any other President so he rest up at his ranch?
  5. Highland

    Handing Saddam back to Iraq..

    Yes. Though you do raise very valid points, for the reasons you listed as well as many others he must be tried in Iraq. If they capitulate now whenever the terrorist strike at them, especially in a matter a important (symbolic and otherwise) as this, then Iraq will be seen as an easy target by extremists.
  6. Highland

    Stay of execution given in MA

    Problem solved.
  7. Highland

    Handing Saddam back to Iraq..

    There are some cases where the Middle East has a better justice system than we do: Extradict the fucker.
  8. Why does he even need a bunker at this time? Is it to add some aura of mystique around him, to make him elusive and thus it's really profound when we see him in public? Please.
  9. Highland

    Election Day

    I'll catch the highlights then watch the English debate.
  10. Highland

    Supreme Court Decision

    Well that was a complete waste of time.
  11. Highland

    Who's the oldest poster on TSM?

    One of them looks like me, I wonder who's the other?
  12. Highland

    One thing I admire about America....

    I heard about that case, wasn't it over someone claiming the US annexation of Texas was illegal and therefore was never part of the Union should be independant? Or something along those lines.
  13. Highland

    Election Day

    That's what happens when you enact a Charter of Rights and Freedoms with a "notwithstanding" clause. Stupidest thing that ever happened to this country. Indeed. The notwithstanding clause makes the entire Charter not worth the paper it is written on.
  14. Highland

    Election Day

    Yes, a bill passed to quell the fears of Quebec nationalists and also to remove another argument they would have for separation.
  15. Highland

    Group of former Presidential staffers agrees

    Years from now, depending on how things go in the Middle East, Bush will either be remembered as the bringer of prosperity and democracy to a hopeless region, or an absolute failure. I've never seen such a total collapse in international dipomacy as the time between 9/11 and the Bush administrations need to war with Iraq. It's night and day.
  16. Highland

    Election Day

    Yes, that's something the sovereigntists prefer to ignore. They're convinced Quebec being part of Canada is a detriment to Quebecois culture. Well, an independant Quebec will have its own CRTC and other government bodies. It can protect its culture by forcing radio stations, television stations and magazines to have a limited amount of english content, just like the CRTC is currently doing against american content. Quebec already limits the amout of English they permit on signs. It's yet another example of how Quebec is treated differently than the rest of the country. If any other province passed a law prohibiting or limiting the use of French in public or had English language police we would never hear the end of the uproar this would cause. If Quebec achieves independence it will have to start from square one, it'll have no control over the St. Lawrence Seaway, as that is co-owned by Canada and the US, plus it will have to renegotiate with all of partners that Canada negotiated treaties and agreements with, as they would no longer apply to Quebec.
  17. Highland

    Election Day

    Yes, that's something the sovereigntists prefer to ignore. They're convinced Quebec being part of Canada is a detriment to Quebecois culture.
  18. Highland

    Election Day

    Exactly. I feel the same way. The only down side is Atlantic Canada would be physically cut off from the rest of the country, possibly leading to either annexation by the US or independence or the status quo would remain, but things would definately be different.
  19. Highland

    O.J. Simpson: Ten Years Later

    I always thought he was guilty, but if he was acquitted in a criminal trial then why should he have even been tried in a civil proceeding? It seems like just a way to get around double-jeopardy. Well, it was a way to make him suffer --- but double jeopardy only means the state can't try you twice. It doesn't mean the victims' families aren't free to sue the living snot out of you. -=Mike -chuckle- At least the ability to sue is good for something. Thanks.
  20. Highland

    O.J. Simpson: Ten Years Later

    I always thought he was guilty, but if he was acquitted in a criminal trial then why should he have even been tried in a civil proceeding? It seems like just a way to get around double-jeopardy.
  21. Highland

    My First Post

    You guys really want HD to be the mandatory first posting folder for new posters? Who's going to be the Bradshaw of HD? Mario was banned last I saw.
  22. Highland

    MTV Movie Awards

  23. Highland

    Election Day

    That's bullshit, because it assumes that all sovereignists want to remain part of the Canadian federation. There might be a small number (and i mean a handful) of sovereignists that use sovereignty as a way to get more from the federal government, but the majority (of sovereignists) really want their own country. I know, live next to and work with many sovereignists. They have nothing against Canada, they simply want political sovereignty and have decisions made by people elected by them. To think that sovereignty is only a threat and that the PQ's intention is to blackmail the rest of Canada is ignorant. Ignorant? Hardly. Sovereigntists do not want full and complete independence, they want sovereignty association. They want to share our currency and also expect Canada to assume Quebec's share of the national debt. In short they want all of the benefits of independence yet have no desire to assume any of the responsibilities that go with it.
  24. Highland

    Election Day

    Their entire platform is based on secession from the rest of the country; at the very least it is sedition. Quebec has used the threat of separation to blackmail the rest of Canada into giving into its demands. Would any other nation, democratic or not, allow any of its provincies/territories to just leave?