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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Highland

    Little Weiner Kid Faints

    I only saw a clip of it on the news, but it looked like the kid was in a spelling bee and literally fainted.
  2. Highland

    Election Day

    That is pretty much going to be my deciding factor when I vote: I don't necessarily like the other parties, but the Liberals have been in power far too long and it shows.
  3. Highland

    Election Day

    The GG post ia ceremonial formality. She is a figurehead appointed by the PM, and although her signature is used for Acts of Parliament, she cannot reject any bill submitted to her by the HoC and Senate (the latter I really believe needs to be abolished or eleectable)
  4. Highland

    Election Day

    She is only a figurehead, and her representative, the GG, has no real power either. It would not make one whit of difference in how Canada conducts its affairs if it abolishes its ties to the monarchy or not.
  5. Highland

    Election Day

    My riding has yet to nominate any candidates, but it'll probably go Liberal if only because most people here have the same voting patterns as Redbaron stated.
  6. Highland

    Election Day

    1) A very large (land size) country located to the north of the continuous United States and east of Alaska. 2) No. 3) Yes.
  7. Highland

    Can You see my new avatar?

    I like it, but you should try to slow the framerate down. Also this should have gone in the testing folder.
  8. Highland

    The media weighs it's coverage

    Try National Journal, Reason Online, the Pew and Harris polls, and some articles on The New Republic. Thanks.
  9. Highland

    Election Day

    While I believe that is a good point, I still believe a minority government will serve our best interests, as the very real threat of the ruling party losing power will ensure the debacle of the last 11 years does not repeat itself.
  10. Highland

    The media weighs it's coverage

    That's because bad news and controversy sells. Whether the media is too kind or harsh towards Bush depends on who you ask, but I've noticed the coverage is extreme either way: they love or hate him. I'd be more interested in hearing a factual analysis of his presidency, preferably unmarred by political or personal bias.
  11. I suppose there's safeguards in place to prevent any miscarriages of justice, unless your lawyer falls asleep during your capital murder trial in Texas, then you're fucked no matter what.
  12. Highland

    Yeah, it'll probably win the GameFAQs poll...

    The opening cinema for FF8 is awesome, but it's a pity the rest of the game isn't near as good.
  13. Highland

    Election Day

    I'm rather hoping for a minority government, since many of our most historic decisions were made by minority governments.
  14. Highland

    What the hell does this mean?

    I think it was more than weed in his system.
  15. Highland

    Old School Goodness

    Real Old School goodness.
  16. Highland

    Threats of violence and freedom of speech

    This is why I am so critical of the Patriot Act.
  17. Highland

    The Day After Tomorrow...

    Nothing could be worse than The Core, but it sounds like I may be proven wrong.
  18. Highland

    WWII Memorial Dedicated Today

    Even a WWII memorial isn't immune to politics in Washington, huh?
  19. Highland

    WWII Memorial Dedicated Today

    It would be alot more generous than our own government, which forced our veterans to pay their own way to a remberance ceremony in France a few weeks ago.
  20. Highland

    Teen arranges own assassination

    Damn, and I was hoping this was another successful example of Darwinism at work....
  21. Highland

    WWII Memorial Dedicated Today

    It's about time.
  22. Highland

    Yeah, it'll probably win the GameFAQs poll...

    FFVII has not aged well at all, but I still like it. Do I think it's the greatest RPG ever? Hell no, those positions belong to FFT and Xenogears.
  23. Highland

    Threats of violence and freedom of speech

    Care to name the rights lost by the Patriot Act? Just one. The left has done a bang-up job of demonizing it (well, except for Janet Reno, who thought it was a good idea) --- but that is ALL they've done. Nobody's rights have been lessened. Nobody has been oppressed due to it. -=Mike Yet. It's only a matter of time.
  24. Highland

    Threats of violence and freedom of speech

    Perhaps those same congressmen and senators could fight so vigorously to take back the rights they caused their constituents to lose when they passed the Patriot Act....