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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Highland

    The beginning of the end

    But why should you even have to register? This law makes it a crime to spend more than the allowed amounts during an election, and the limits are so low that it effectively prohibits non-party organisations from making their views known during an election.
  2. Highland

    Why only two terms for the President?

    Clinton's one the better presidents you guys have ever had.
  3. Highland

    Why only two terms for the President?

    If there were no term limits then Bill Clinton would still be president. Take that as you will.
  4. Highland

    Blair and Government physhically attacked

    George W. Bush is only a politician too, but can you imagine the reaction--and what would happen to the assailants--if this had happened to him?
  5. Highland

    News: Bad Blood ME leaked, Takashi

    You all do realize that no matter the level of her wrestling talent, she won't be allowed to use most of it and will have to conform to wwe diva style, right?
  6. Highland

    Funny article on German couple

    I'm holding back on the fluff pic, I'm still in shock that there's actually people this fucking stupid.
  7. I can't say I'm overly surprised this happened, with the celebrants firing guns in the air and all, not to mention the occasional habit soldiers have of firing on their own troops.... And no I'm not going to look for a source. we all know friendly fire happens.
  8. Very good points, Cerebus. Kudos. I hope at the very least this gets rid of the notion of needing civilian POW negotiators/interrogators. There's just some jobs that shouldn't be contracted out, like airport security and this. And a slightly related question: Will the Bush compaign start distancing themselves from the situation in Iraq since it's becoming a liability?
  9. Highland

    Bomb Kills Head of Iraq Governing Council

    Hopefully this won't affect the transfer of power, because if it does then the terrorists will get the feeling that they're winning.
  10. Highland

    Andy Kaufman returns Sunday

    Who cares? He's an overrated piece of shit "comedian" anyway. No one thought he was funny when he was alive and it's only because this stupid Hollywood myth has posthumously surrounded him that people think he's anything more than a c-list actor and comedian.
  11. Ah, so if I happen to piss off overly prudish mod no. 7, even though mods 1-6 are ok with what I posted I can still get banned? Nice to know my time here is at the subjective whims of one poster who might just be having a bad day and wants to take it out on the forum.
  12. Does this give us free reign to just randomly insult mods with impunity?
  13. Highland

    RPG 2k4 Tourney Round 7: The Forgotten Edition

    I concur. I lost all respect for this tourney when Delita Hyral lost to an Earthbound character. Earthbound brings the suck, people.
  14. Legit question --- WHY did America manage to get past the religious intolerance of the Puritans while the Middle East cannot? Was it due to the differences in Western v Arab civilization?' -=Mike It was probably due to the massive influx of differing cultures coming into America and gradually changing the social and religious fabric. The Middle East just hasn't had nearly the same level of cross-cultural co-integration.
  15. Highland

    RPG 2k4 Tourney Round 7: The Forgotten Edition

    I hate hate hate hate Terra and Kain, so I don't care which of them wins the hero category. Villian: Luca Blight.
  16. Informative and thoughtful, I liked it.
  17. Highland

    Why did you name yourself THAT?

    I got mine from a WoT passage, I don't really lke it but I can't see the point of getting it changed since everyone knows me by this name.
  18. Highland

    US Gone Hog Wild

    I was going to post a fluff pic, but decided it'd be redundant. Besides, I'm sure they taste great with potatoes and a honey-mustard glaze.
  19. Highland

    Should hunger4unger be banned?

    I vote no, even though his stupid comment about wishing the president would get killled tends to overshadow and comments and views he makes, intelligent or otherwise. This is a stupid poll, Cerebus, because there's alot of names you could use in lieu of unger's, including, yes, my own. Or you own or anyone else's, for that matter.
  20. Highland

    New I, Robot Trailer

    Damn you for making me remember that abortion.
  21. Highland

    Most frustrating bugs..

    Old PSX 3D games where you get trapped outside the game zone and have no choice put to reset because you can move but you're in a black/glitch screen and have no way to return to the game.. Legecy of Kain had this problem
  22. Highland

    Question: If Bush leaves office with Iraq in mess

    So, the Bush Administration should not have had to taken any action over the USS Cole bombing, because it happened outside of it's tenure, but the right still sees fit to blame the 9/11 attacks on Clinton. I see. As for the war in Iraq, I doubt that in 10-20 years, assuming it's a democracy, that we'll be criticising Bush for an "illegal" war. The toppling of a dictator like Saddam Hussein and the successful installment of democracy will more than outweigh most negative arguments concerning the campaign. Now, is the war in Iraq a matter of revenge by G.W. Bush for their attempted assassination of G.H.W. Bush? Is it merely another small part in the ever-growing War on Terror? Or is it merely economic in nature, namely "War for Oil"? In the end I don't really think it matters. Bush has had his revenge, whether or not Saddam was a threat the the US or was involved in terrorist activities against American interests is a matter of conjecture. Nor does it matter if economics is the true driving force behind the war in Iraq, we won't care about how it was done in 10-20 years, maybe even less time than that, if the efforts spent today make the region stable and above all, profitable.