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Everything posted by Highland
Chrono Cross answers pretty much all of those questions.
Everytime he almost gets me to see his point of view with something like this: He then loses me completely when he utters something like.... You can keep Michael Moore, we have enough trouble with seditionists of our own without having to deal with any more.
Yet, you vote for him over Ramsus, a far surperior villain. Seymour was really a weak villain. So was Zeal, but that's another story completely. I can see her go over Master Belch, but her going over Delita Hyral was a tragedy. Delita Hyral should have won this tournament. There is no one more despicable than him. He betrays the hero, his best friend, breaks oaths he makes in the memory of his dead sister and manipulates everyone all in his quest to become king. Nothing noble or altruistic, just greed for power. And what makes it worse is you never get a chance to bring him down, he's always out of reach.
Not all Solarians. The 3rd Class (of which Ramsus is from after escaping from the Soylent System) has their roots in the Lambs. This is made perfectly clear when the Solaris Special Forces are talking about it prior to leaving on the Nortune purge. Elly, Erich & Jesiah (former Gebler Supreme Commander) don't either, and they are all 1st Class purebloods. Elly, Erich and Jesiah are the exceptions. The vast majority of 1st class citizens accept the doctrine that those of a lower social standing, especially surface-dwellers, are sub-human.
Let's see....An incredibly indepth storyline, a mostly original combat engine, giant robots, very deep philosophical topics that had me questioning and comparing real life fundamental institutions like religion and western democracy and modern culture and the greatest ensemble of villians ever makes for a bad game? I don't think so. I could go into a rant about the greatness of Xenogears that would probably fill the screen, but hey, AndrewTS is cool guy and I wouldn't want to traumatize him .
Yet, you vote for him over Ramsus, a far surperior villain. Seymour was really a weak villain. So was Zeal, but that's another story completely. I can see her go over Master Belch, but her going over Delita Hyral was a tragedy. The choice between Kahran Ramsus and Seymour is the only one I had any trouble with, and I wanted to vote for Ramsus. I just felt that Seymour is more evil, despite being a weaker character.. Zeal is probably the best villian in Chrono Trigger. She isn't trying to save her race like, is not surrounded by a comedy troope such as Slash and Flea and never does a face turn like Magus (who is also very cool)
Come again? Sure he is manipulated by Krelian & Miang, but he's not exactly a nice guy either. He saved the Elements because he saw that they had great power, not that he cared for them. And he's a jerk to everybody except Miang. He does a pseudo-face turn at the end (he would have joined the party except for budget cuts), but he is clearly a bad guy for most of the story. Kahran was created to be the Contact, but Miang, Krellian and the Gazel discovered that Fei is the Contact so they had no further need for him. The called him trash and used his low sense of self-worth against him to manipulate him. He despise Fei for being the Contact and Id for defeating him at Elru. Kahran is a soldier, he does his job and follows orders and is admired by his troops, apart from his pathelogical hatred of Fei/Id I've seen nothing that shows me he is evil. Being a selfish prick doesn't make one evil. And yes I felt cheated when he wasn't added to the party, even though the story clearly showed it happens. But you can't ignore the Fei thing. Part of the reason that makes Ramsus such a great villain (and Jowy Blight even moreso) is that there is a reason for his madness. He may not be evil like Luca Blight is, but he is certainly nuts, and being the arch-enemy of the main hero makes him a villain right there. He is willing to go through everything to get Fei, including through others and sacrificing his own troops. He doesn't exactly do anything to stop the Kislev purge either, and sends one of the Elements to lead the mission. And it isn't a matter of following orders, because he disobeys the Ministry & Krelian several times in his quest for vengeance against Fei. He also has a lot of derogatory things to say about the surface-dwellers at Bledavik either. It isn't just Fei he is mad at either, throughout the game at various points he expresses hatred for the Ministry, Grahf, Miang, Krelian, Citan, Jessie, Sigurd, Shakahn and others as well. He murders the Emperor in cold blood, and cuts down Krelian & Miang in a fit of rage. He takes medication to help suppress his emotions, but it doesn't change the fact that he has severe anger management problems and it isn't just with Fei. You mention his troops are loyal to him and admire him. Not really. Elly doesn't. Vanderkaum doesn't. Renk and the rest of the Solarian Special Forces don't. Miang doesn't. The only ones who are truly loyal to him are the Elements, and that's because he saved their lives. He on the other hand showed them no respect at all until the very end, because he thought they were beneath him. Now, he does has some redeeming qualities, and he is less evil than the other main villains in the game, but it doesn't make him a good guy either. The one on this list that I would not consider a villain is Kain, and arguably Golbez. Neither one were evil, they were only being mind-controlled by Zemus. I will let Golbez slide since he is the enemy for most of the game, but Kain is a good guy for most of it. I just felt Seymour is more evil than Kahran Ramsus. Ramsus isn't out to destroy the world, and of course he'd have disdain for Bledavekians--All Solarians have contempt for "Lambs". Further, Shakan (sp?) was worthy of nothing but Kahran's contempt. Everything you stated about Ramsus is valid, but I feel the only real part that makes him a villian is his sheer hatred for the protagonist, Fei. As for Jowi, I like him too, but I feel he wasn't full of evil intent (except when he murdered that woman in cold blood and I forget if he caused the king's death or not) instead he took over Highland and wanted to crush their enemies because he honestly felt that that would be the best way to bring peace to the lands. A great villian, yes. An evil villian? No.
Come again? Sure he is manipulated by Krelian & Miang, but he's not exactly a nice guy either. He saved the Elements because he saw that they had great power, not that he cared for them. And he's a jerk to everybody except Miang. He does a pseudo-face turn at the end (he would have joined the party except for budget cuts), but he is clearly a bad guy for most of the story. Kahran was created to be the Contact, but Miang, Krellian and the Gazel discovered that Fei is the Contact so they had no further need for him. The called him trash and used his low sense of self-worth against him to manipulate him. He despise Fei for being the Contact and Id for defeating him at Elru. Kahran is a soldier, he does his job and follows orders and is admired by his troops, apart from his pathelogical hatred of Fei/Id I've seen nothing that shows me he is evil. Being a selfish prick doesn't make one evil. And yes I felt cheated when he wasn't added to the party, even though the story clearly showed it happens.
If he can actually successfully pull off separating his personal religious views from his political decisions he'll already be doing better than the current president.
Action: Super Metroid Adventure: Mega Man X (series) Driving: Gran Turismo Fighting: Soul Blade (psx) Puzzle: Fool's Errand (pc) Role-Playing: Xenogears Simulation: The Sims Strategy: Final Fantasy Tactics Sports: Super Punch-Out (snes)
Death – Castlevania (Series) vs Ganondorf -- Legend of Zelda (Series) Grahf – Xenogears (Dost thou desire the power?) vs Dracula – Castlevania (Series) Luca Blight – Suikoden 2 vs Zoma - Dragon Warrior 3 Jowy Blight - Suikoden 2 vs Kain – Final Fantasy 4 Queen Zeal - Chrono Trigger vs Master Belch – Earthbound Seymour- Final Fantasy 10 (As much as I like Kahran Ramsus, he isn't so much a villian as a victim of circumstance. Seymour is pure evil) vs Kahran Ramsus – Xenogears Ozzie - Chrono Trigger vs Ghaleon - Lunar (Series) Magus - Chrono Trigger vs Golbez – Final Fantasy 4
Selan – Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals vs Nina – Breath of Fire (Series) Celes – Final Fantasy 6 vs Alex – Lunar: The Silver Star Story Celine – Star Ocean: The Second Story vs Citan Uzuki – Xenogears Kain – Final Fantasy 4 vs Cecil – Final Fantasy 4 Terra – Final Fantasy 6 vs Crono – Chrono Trigger Fei Fong Wong – Xenogears vs Locke – Final Fantasy 6 Serge – Chrono Cross vs Cloud – Final Fantasy 7 Nes – Earthbound vs Tir – Suikoden Ramza losing to Locke?! What the fuck wrong with you people?
Way to be a friend, kkk. Again, if Bush did anything to stop the 9/11 attacks, he'd be pilloried for stampling on liberties and for being anti-Arab. -=Mike Too true.
For some reason I thouight of Kamui when I read this article. Oh yeah, further validation that Japan > America (or any Western country) isn't quite true.
L&O (all series) Justice League Yu-Gi-Oh (Shadow realms) Shadow Raiders Highlander (series) American Justice (old music)
they're getting pushed to piss you off, AS.
Our Cabinet is appointed from elected representatives. The last time I checked, the US Cabinet was not.
No where near as big as mine.
You don't see a quarter of Canadians without any sort of medical coverage either.
Truer words were never spoken. We all claim that Vince is a fucking douchebag and wonder why no one stands up to him or thinks about their own self interests--and self promotion is how you succeed in the business--yet when they do, they're told to shut up and suck it up. Is it any wonder why so many workers hate the iwc?
Death – Castlevania (Series) vs Lassic/Lashiec – Phantasy Star 1, 4 Miang – Xenogears vs Ganondorf -- Legend of Zelda (Series) Grahf – Xenogears vs Dragonlord - Dragon Warrior Dracula – Castlevania (Series) vs Rufus Shinra – Final Fantasy 7 Luca Blight - Suikoden 2 vs Ultros - Final Fantasy 6 Zoma - Dragon Warrior 3 vs Loki - Valkyrie Profile Jowy Blight - Suikoden 2 vs Romeo Gildensturn - Vagrant Story Barbarosa – Suikoden vs Kain – Final Fantasy 4 Queen Zeal - Chrono Trigger vs Sydney - Vagrant Story Sin – Final Fantasy 10 vs Master Belch – Earthbound Altima - Final Fantasy Tactics vs Seymour- Final Fantasy 10 Kahran Ramsus – Xenogears vs Galcian - Skies of Arcadia Ozzie - Chrono Trigger vs Wendy – Suikoden Gilgamesh - Final Fantasy 5 vs Ghaleon - Lunar (Series) Magus - Chrono Trigger vs Scalding Coffee Cup – Earthbound Leo - Lunar 2 vs Golbez – Final Fantasy 4
He's definately using the right grip for a blunt...
Rena – Star Ocean: The Second Story vs Selan – Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals Nina – Breath of Fire (Series) vs Tidus – Final Fantasy 10 Celes – Final Fantasy 6 vs Ryu – Breath of Fire (Series) Alex – Lunar: The Silver Star Story vs Jenna – Golden Sun: The Lost Age Celine – Star Ocean: The Second Story vs Cless – Tales of Phantasia Mega Man – Mega Man Battle Network vs Citan Uzuki – Xenogears Kain – Final Fantasy 4 vs Lharl – Disgaea: Hour of Darkness Link – Legend of Zelda (Series) vs Cecil – Final Fantasy 4 Sora – Kingdom Hearts vs Terra – Final Fantasy 6 Riou – Suikoden 2 vs Crono – Chrono Trigger Luna – Lunar: The Silver Star Story vs Fei Fong Wong – Xenogears Locke – Final Fantasy 6 vs Ramza – Final Fantasy Tactics Serge – Chrono Cross vs Felix – Golden Sun: The Lost Age Mia – Golden Sun vs Cloud – Final Fantasy 7 Nes – Earthbound vs Rudy – Wild Arms Issac – Golden Sun vs Tir – Suikoden A few of these were tough choices, but my two favourites are still in the tournament.
Yes, how dare they exercise their democrat right to vote for whomever they please. Damn those capitulators!.
Canada: Making addicts of America one toke at a time.