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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Highland

    Gamefaqs- Best. Game. Ever tourney

    I ask again: What is so great about Earthbound? I've heard nothing but good things, but I've played it and went "Meh"
  2. Highland

    The 2004 Stanley Cup Playoffs thread

    Maybe a Canadian team can represetn the West, but no the Habs are not going to win three in a row and certainly not with two games in Boston. Yes I am a very happy Bruin's fan -grin-
  3. Highland

    The 2004 Stanley Cup Playoffs thread

    Nice comeback, I'm liking this game so far, I only wish I hadn't turned it off before when they were trailing 3-1.
  4. Highland

    Worst Uniforms of All Time

    The Bruin's alternate teddy bear motif ones.
  5. Highland

    'Nam vs iraq

    29,000? Even I'm surprised by that number, especially with the relative ease wars have been won and the light casualties compared to only a generation ago. It's funny: Hollywood portrayed Vietnam as hell (which it was), but CNN and company completely sanitize the Gulf and Iraq Wars and gives us some green tracers flickering across the screen like some video game.
  6. Highland

    'Nam vs iraq

    I don't see any comparison between Iraq and Vietnam, and I know this sound callous, but a few hundred casualties is, while unfortunate, not a disaster. If all it takes is about 500 deaths over the course for the war in Iraq to be called a disaster, then I'd hate to see a real disaster, like Vietnam or WWII where literally thousands of soldiers were killed.
  7. Highland

    Lance Storm Commentary

    This is very true, and I love how cynical and jaded Lance can be.
  8. While the childishness of some in the wwe folder, especially those that can dish out the insults but can never take it, or those that insult you if you disagree with their omnipotence annoys me, I don't see much wrong with the folder, nor am I in favour of removing the OAO Raw and Smackdown threads. I like them, I like reading impromptu posts about what's happening on the shows. My biggest beefs are the repetitive topics (lets talk about how Orton sucks!) that should only get one thread, if that, but seem to pop up once every so often. Other than than, I agree with pretty much everything RRR posted here, especially his rebuttal to IO.
  9. Highland

    Round 2 of the Evil Tourney: 2k4 Edition

    Leon - Final Fantasy 2 vs Lassic/Lashiec – Phantasy Star 1, 4 Death – Castlevania (Series) vs Kuja – Final Fantasy 9 Miang – Xenogears vs Luc - Suikoden 3 Emerald - Final Fantasy 7 vs Ganondorf -- Legend of Zelda (Series) Yuber - Suikoden (Series) vs Grahf – Xenogears Piastol - Skies of Arcadia: Legends vs Dragonlord - Dragon Warrior Dracula – Castlevania (Series) vs Zeromus – Final Fantasy 4 Albedo – Xenosaga vs Rufus Shinra – Final Fantasy 7 Sephiroth - Final Fantasy 7 vs Luca Blight - Suikoden 2 Harken - Wild Arms vs Ultros - Final Fantasy 6 Id – Xenogears vs Zoma - Dragon Warrior 3 Behemoth – Final Fantasy Series vs Loki - Valkyrie Profile Jowy Blight - Suikoden 2 vs Hargon - Dragon Warrior 2 Romeo Gildensturn - Vagrant Story vs Ramirez - Skies of Arcadia Diablo – Diablo vs Barbarosa – Suikoden Ruby - Final Fantasy 7 vs Kain – Final Fantasy 4 Queen Zeal - Chrono Trigger vs Delita - Final Fantasy Tactics Culex – Super Mario RPG vs Sydney - Vagrant Story Lich - Final Fantasy 1 vs Sin – Final Fantasy 10 Mother - Wild Arms vs Master Belch – Earthbound Altima - Final Fantasy Tactics vs Chaos – Final Fantasy I Cactuar – Final Fantasy (Series) vs Seymour- Final Fantasy 10 Kahran Ramsus – Xenogears vs Azala - Chrono Trigger Necrosaro - Dragon Warrior 4 vs Galcian - Skies of Arcadia Slime - Dragon Warrior Series vs Ozzie - Chrono Trigger Wendy – Suikoden vs Vicks - Final Fantasy 6 Wedge – Final Fantasy 6 vs Gilgamesh - Final Fantasy 5 Ghaleon - Lunar (Series) vs Lynx - Chrono Cross Deus – Xenogears vs Magus - Chrono Trigger Scalding Coffee Cup – Earthbound vs Don Corneo – Final Fantasy 7 Leo - Lunar 2 vs Tiamat - Final Fantasy 1 Golbez – Final Fantasy 4 vs Bowyer – Super Mario RPG
  10. Highland

    Rene Dupree...

    I've been a Dupree fan from the start. The Dance owns all. And on a serious note, I still can't believe he's only 20 and he's already decent, I think the only danger is we might place too many lofty expectations on him, and if he can't meet them, he'll be shit on.
  11. Highland

    Foley vs. Orton

    And the change would be gradual, I'm not refering to a nauseating mutual respect hug post match.
  12. Highland

    Foley vs. Orton

    It hardly something new, storylinewise, and anything involving Orton gets shit on here.
  13. Highland

    Foley vs. Orton

    Even though his actions seem heelish, I don't think the fans will boo Foley, he's just too over. I fully expect the match to be bloody and hopefully good, with Orton getting the win. I also predict we hear endless bitching about it in the wwe folder. There's another road, which I think was mentioned somewhere, is that this might lead to Foley becoming Orton's manager. Hear me out: Foley has constantly called out Orton for his cowardice and for only being famous because of his family, but when Foley challeged him at Backlash, Flair tried to refuse, but it was Orton that interrupted him and accepted. If Orton beats Foley at Backlash, it could be like he earns Foley's respect, and vice versa, since Foley will put Orton through hell in the match. Also, aside from the Flair promo putting Orton over, I get the feeling that he's definately the outsider of the group, even with the IC belt. HHH will never let anyone else but him lead a stable he is part of, so I dismiss any thoughts of Orton taking over Evolution or HHH being kicked out. Win or lose at Backlash, shortly after Orton is getting kicked out of Evolution and getting a new manager in Foley.
  14. Highland

    n64 controller pack question

    There's a reason that long pointed protusion is sticking out from the middle of the controller, its so you can stab yourself with it for getting an N64.
  15. Highland

    Worst worker of all time...?

    Steve "Mongo" McMichael.
  16. Highland

    What is wrong with America?

    I've been watching ABC Family in the daytime a lot lately. I miss shows like Family Matters and Step by Step. They will come back eventually, but it will be a few good years before that happens. whoa whoa whooooa Shows like Family Matters and Step by Step returning? That would be one of the worst moments in TV history. Even worse than "reality shows". Indeed, and anyone clamouring for the return of Full House deserves to be tortured, then healed so they may be tortured again. Repeatedly.
  17. Highland

    Bad news for Terry Nichols

    Google is your friend, and I put the fluff pic there because this isn't newsworthy, much less a current event. While politics do interest me I'd like to see less political threads here, quite a few of those are definately fluff.
  18. Highland

    Bad news for Terry Nichols

  19. Highland

    The Eugene Character Was Nick Dinsmore's Idea

    Your continuous posts of "hypocrisy here! Everyone look! Dinsmore sucks because he came up with it, but you idiot can't see it! Idiots!" even when others are agreeing with you about it being a bad idea. You don't see any hypocracy in many of your opinions? Some of you COMPLETELY switched your opinion when you heard it was Dinsmore's idea. To defend him, you guys fooloishyl saw that he has a great mind for the business by using this gimmick to get on TV. I am saying that is WRONG, because this gimmick will kill his career. He'd be better off waiting a few more months/years to get an actual gimmick where he can thrive. I don't think he has a great mind for the business, and doesn't understand the ramifications of such an asinine gimmick. Am I still flame baiting? He's already waited a few years to get called up. When it became clear that wwe creative had nothing for him he made his own gimmick and then got called up. It's called creating an opportunity and seizing it. The man is smart. And as for this gimmick being a career killer, I doubt it, and if it doesn't work he can simply change it. Simple. I also give the markish fans a bit more credit than to think they actually believe he''s a retard out of charaacter and should therefore be stuck in the same gimmick.
  20. Highland

    The Eugene Character Was Nick Dinsmore's Idea

    So, someone that is actuallly, you know, a wrestler knows nothing about the business, yet someone with access to the internet is somehow more knowledgable of the business. Please. You have as much knowledge of the business as anyone else here....fuck all. PS. Stop flamebaiting.
  21. Highland

    The Eugene Character Was Nick Dinsmore's Idea

    You hypocrtical asses. All the time you were damning the WWE for making this dumb gimmick, then when you find out Dinsmore thought of it - you say its ok. Uh. I never said anything one way or the other until that comment, so don't call me a hypocrite. And if you'd read my posts, you'd find I'm in disagreement with alot of the other smarks here.
  22. Highland

    The Eugene Character Was Nick Dinsmore's Idea

    Actually it got him on TV, so as stupid as the gimmick is, Dinsmore obviously is not.
  23. Highland

    WWE 24/7 Video

    The wwe videos and production crews have always been top notch, too bad the rest of the company can;t match it.
  24. Highland

    Daredevil movie vs. Hulk movie

    Daredevil was better in every way, even with Affleck.
  25. Highland

    U.S Declares War on Porn

    They don't see anything in him; he lost to a dead man.