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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Highland

    George W Bush makes joke about lack of WMDs

    I'm curious to see how the conservatives here would have reacted if Clinton had declared war on Iraq, looking for WMD and having not found any made a joke about it? Naturally I expect some witty response along the lines of "He'd never go to war" or "He'd capitulate", but that's beside the point. I didn't see the clip, but I probably would have chuckled or laughed at it, but the president shouldn't be making light of a situation which he is directly responsible for.
  2. Highland

    Oregon County bans marriages...

    I hate to quote a movie, but it is very apt for this topic, "A person is smart, but people are stupid."
  3. Highland

    The OAO Law and Order Thread

    I'm a huge L&O fan, especially of the original serious and CI, and I love CI for the same reasons other people hate it, and that's Vincent D'Onofrio's character. My least favourite of the three is SVU, but even that is a solid show.
  4. Highland

    Steve Austin arrested again

    I'm sure you're being sarcastic, but it looks like you're saying that there is ANY reason for a man to lay a hand on a woman when she doesn't have a deadly weapon aimed at him. Ehh, personally i'm an equal rights kind of person. If a chick tries to lay a hand on me, i'll just knock em to the ground then continue on my merry way. Anyways, we don't have both sides of the story, so of course it's going to be a bunch of he said/she said bullshit. And the only two who know the truth are SCSA and his g/f. Not too sound sexist (I'm not), but if women wanted equal rights for everything, how come when they beat the shit out of a guy, the guy has to take it like he has no choice of not defending himself? So true. I am fully in support of equal standards for all, and if any adult hauled back and struck me I'd respond in equal fashion and diffuse the threat to my safety.
  5. Highland

    Steve Austin arrested again

    That's a pretty ignorant way to look at things. How so?
  6. Highland

    Steve Austin arrested again

    If a woman beats you up then you're a weak pussy and everyone laughs at you. If you beat up a woman then you're an asshole and everyone beats the shit out of you.
  7. Highland

    Point Made

    Who orginally funded, trained and provided support for bin Laden and his network? Exactly. As for using 9/11 as a reason to invade another country, I believe there's a large country to the south of Iraq that was far more involved in the 9/11 attacks than Saddam ever was.
  8. Highland

    A joke my gf told me

    A father watched his daughter playing in the garden. He smiled as he reflected on how sweet and innocent his little girl was. Suddenly she just stopped and stared at the ground. He went over to her and noticed she was looking at two spiders mating. "Daddy, what are those two spiders doing?" she asked. "They're mating," her father replied. "What do you call the spider on top, Daddy?" she asked. "That's a Daddy Longlegs." Her father answered. "So, the other one is a Mommy Longlegs?" the little girl asked. "No," her father replied. "Both of them are Daddy Longlegs." The little girl thought for a moment, then took her foot and stomped them flat. "Well, that might be OK in California, BUT we're not having any of that shit here in Texas"
  9. Highland

    RPG Baddie Nominations~!

    I will never ever ever understand the Earthbound love. The game sucks, and I am most definately an old school RPG fan.
  10. Highland

    A joke my gf told me

    Why not? He hates spiders and they get stepped on. Ergo, he would like it.
  11. Highland

    Richard Simmons bitch slaps MMA fighter!

    What else could he do but walk away? If he had laid a hand on Simmons he'd be a) sued for a shitload of money and b) have the book thrown at him because of his MMA background.
  12. Highland

    RPG Baddie Nominations~!

    Id: Xenogears Krellian: Xenogears Kahran Ramsus: Xenogears Miang: Xenogears Grahf: Xenogears Sephiroth: FF VII Indalecio: Star Ocean Second Story Irenicus: Baldur's Gate 2
  13. Highland

    RPG Hero Tourney: Round One

    Reed Herschel – Tales of Eternia Rina – Star Ocean: The Second Story Marche – Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Selan – Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals Lenneth Valkyrie – Valkyrie Profile Jeust Belmont – Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance Tidus – Final Fantasy 10 Benjamin – Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest Celes – Final Fantasy 6 Mouse – Reiselied: Ephemeral Fantasia Alundra – Alundra Claude – Star Ocean: The Second Story Byuu – Bahamut Dragoon Wain – Lufia: The Legend Returns Jenna – Golden Sun: The Lost Age Nigel – Land Stalkers Kharg – Arc The Lad: Twilight of Spirits Celine – Star Ocean: The Second Story Yuterald – Evergrace Cless – Tales of Phantasia Maxim – Lufia 2: The Rise of the Sinistals Mega Man – Mega Man Battle Network Citan Uzuki – Xenogears Stahn Aileron – Tales of Destiny Nathan Graves – Castlevania: Circle of the Moon Arche – Tales of Phantasia Ratix – Star Ocean Lharl – Disgaea: Hour of Darkness Vyse – Skies of Arcadia Link – Legend of Zelda (Series) Squall – Final Fantasy 8 Shion Uzuki – Xenosaga (Series) Arc – Arc The Lad Sora – Kingdom Hearts Terra – Final Fantasy 6 Tara – Lost Kingdoms 2 Hector – Fire Emblem Riou – Suikoden 2 Ashley Winchester – Wild Arms 2nd Ignition Crono – Chrono Trigger Bowie – Shining Force 2 Eiyu – Dragon Warrior 5 Fei Fong Wong – Xenogears Akia – Skies of Arcadia Chaz – Phantasy Star 4 Dart – Legend of Dragoon Ramza – Final Fantasy Tactics Zidane – Final Fantasy 9 Vahn – Legend of Legaia Serge – Chrono Cross Elc – Arc The Lad 2 Felix – Golden Sun: The Lost Age Rinoa – Final Fantasy 8 Mint – Tales of Phantasia Cloud – Final Fantasy 7 Max – Shining Force Yuris – Dark Cloud 2 Toan – Dark Cloud Cornet – Rhapsody Rudy – Wild Arms Lang – Legaia: Duel Saga Issac – Golden Sun Justin – Grandia Tir – Suikoden
  14. Highland

    RPG Baddie Nominations~!

    Delita: Final Fantasy Tactics He betrays you and everything he once held dear, using you and everyone else as a means to gain power and casts aside those he no longer has any use for, as is made shockingly clear at the end when he kills his newlywed wife to cement is rule.
  15. Highland

    The Role Playing Game Tourney 2k4 (Hero Edition)

    Fei Fong Wong - Xenogears C'mon, he has the ultimate bad ass alter ego (Id), and who else can claim the title "Slayer of God" ?
  16. Highland

    A Fad That Must End

    Just by having me on their side, Saskatchewan's average attractiveness and hipness exceeds Albertas. Sorry, but I'm that cool. Beating out Alberta is no accomplishment.
  17. Highland

    Which concerns you more?

    Why is anyone surprised at this result? The threat of terrorism, while very real, doesn't effect your everyday life unless you're extremely unlucky. Gas prices, however, do effect the lives of far more people than the threat of terrorism.
  18. Highland

    Picture of Batistia at WMXX

    This is how Evolution should be appearing every time they show up. They're supposed to be better than everyone else and are even pushed that way, even by Lawler so it would make sense. The suits own.
  19. Highland

    Notes from Smackdown:(*Spoilers*)

    Bradshaw needed a gimmick change anyway. I know he doesn't have the ring skills, but will the character be more like IRS or Million Dollar Man Lite?
  20. Highland

    Randy Orton

    Newsflash: Orton gets heat. Here's another: He's not pushed down your throat. When he's main eventing PPV's and going over top contenders then he's getting the god-push, but until then, everyone that bitches about him getting a god push doesn't know what that is. And here's a question: How do you create a new star? Answer: By pushing them. The only reason why Orton's push is called a god push is because much of the iwc hates him. What a markish attitude.
  21. Highland

    Deceptive headlines/Slanted media reporting

    Crossfire? That show lost what little dignity when it went into "town meeting" mode. When its Carville v Carlson it can get funny to watch since they're both great debaters but I can barely watch 5 minutes of Begala v Novak. If you want REAL good news programming wake your ass up on Sunday morning and watch Face the Nation, Meet the Press, and the Washington Roundtable. You're right about Carville and Carlson, and about the degraded quality of the show; I liked it much better when they were in that darkened studio. I keep meaning to watch Meet the Press, but never seem to catch it. I do watch the McLaughlin Group, McLaughlin's style sometimes annoys me, but he does have a diverse panel. Oh yeah, I do watch the Capital Gang on the weekends which I think anyway is much better than Crossfire.
  22. Highland

    Deceptive headlines/Slanted media reporting

    Pretty much. From what I've heard of FAUX, I probably wouldn't be watching it even if I did get it, but the ruling is nonsensical, since I do get CNN which I only watch for Crossfire and Lou Dobbs.
  23. Ugh. I don't want him as GM, because you just know we'll see the American badass, Shane O'Mac, come down to the ring and really kill yet another career (see Kane). Seriously, if it's a choice between Stephanie and Shane, I'd rather Stephanie: She annoys the fuck out of me, but at least she doesn't pretend to be a wrestler.
  24. Highland

    WWE Tidbits

    AS is right (for once), "Over the edge" is a rather common phrase, it has nothing whatsoever to do with Owen Hart. To me, complaining about the title is comparable to those idiots that wanted to copyright "Let's roll", yet another relatively common phrase.
  25. Highland

    Deceptive headlines/Slanted media reporting

    Did Kerry serve in Vietnam?