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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Gargoyles Justice League Batman: TAS Teen Titans Yu-Gi-Oh Samurai Jack Transformers
  2. Highland

    Deceptive headlines/Slanted media reporting

    Speaking of slanted news, I read an article (I'll have to find the link) that Fox News is illegal here. On the one hand, I despise censorship and my government dictating what I can and cannot watch, but on the other hand I'm spared having to put up with O'Reilly.
  3. Highland

    Would somebody please slap me

    Has it become cliche to shit on the wwe folder for no reason other than to try and fool everyone into believing you're pseudo-intelligent and savvy? I guess posting some useless tripe in a real suck-infested folder like HD makes you cool.
  4. Highland

    If this happened........

    The joyous celebration would last until the subjects realized that they have no one to hate, complain about and devote endless threads and posts to someone with supposedly no heat.
  5. Highland

    Harper wins Conservative leadership

    Yes, the leader of the party that wins the election becomes Prime Minister. The Conservatives want to improve relations with the US, hell they can't get any worse than they are right now. It's hard to tell exactly when an election will be called, it'll be sometime this year though. Here's the site: the Interim Policy document shows their platform.
  6. Vince hates Canada, and this is his way of making sure a Canadian never holds the strap again.
  7. Highland

    Whites-Only Scholarship Stirs R.I. College

    We're being held down by the Man~!
  8. Highland

    Whites-Only Scholarship Stirs R.I. College

    Hey, I'm left-handed. Can I check the box under "minority" on my next job application then sue if I don't get hired?
  9. Highland

    Newsmagazine stories about the success of Medicare

    I've long gotten over the fact that the media is controlled by the state. Free press my ass...
  10. Highland

    Harper wins Conservative leadership

    The big question is will the Conservatives be seen a real maintstream alternative to the Liberals, or are they just the Alliance (and all the baggage that goes with it) under a different banner?
  11. Highland

    Whites-Only Scholarship Stirs R.I. College

    Probably all of the above.
  12. Highland

    Um...Krazy Karter?

    The myth of Eagan seems greater than the sad reality.
  13. Highland

    WWE Notes from the 3/22 Observer

    By respect for Show grows everyday.
  14. Highland

    Anybody Heard About This?

    Beyond some sabre-rattling, does anyone honestly believe anything will come of this incident? The US doesn't even recognize Taiwan and unless I'm way off base, the US has a military presence in that region to prevent a war, not to incite one.
  15. Highland

    Help with Tom Zenk info

    Does Zenk take any blame for himself?
  16. Highland

    Unintentional Irony

    The part about the media fostering an "idiot culture" with what amounts to a near endless stream of intelligence insulting fluff is certainly accurate.
  17. Highland

    Anybody Heard About This?

    If it was China then the US will (and should) remove the MFN status as Mike suggested, as well as impose some trade sanctions. There might also be some military action, more along the lines of moving an aircraft career or two into the region in a show of force, but a strike or invasion is out of the question.
  18. Highland

    Ayman al-Zawahiri possibily cornered

    Point taken, but what happens if he somehow escapes? It'd be a major embarassment; they should have tried to keep this under wraps until he was captured.
  19. Highland

    Ayman al-Zawahiri possibily cornered

    It's not newsworthy until he's captured.
  20. Highland

    La Resistance

    He can take Grenier if he wants to, but leave the Dupree and Conway alone.
  21. Highland

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    The East is that tight. Guaranteed a team from the east is winning the Cup. Here's my pick, naturally....
  22. I seem to recall almost a year ago posting about a US soldier in Iraq charged with "Conduct unbecoming" and I basically defended him because it sounded like shell shock to me. Meija, however, sounds like a publicity whore who obviously wanted a free pass into the States. Normally I'm all for this: If you're willing to put your life on the line in service to your newfound home, then you should be granted citizenship after serving your full term. This guy didn't. Deport him.
  23. Highland

    Anglesault and CWM should make sweet, manly love.

    :Gets beat on head with lighttube: :Trembles and shakes: :Stands up, wags finger and admonishment then points at Sandman: :Gets hit repeatedly on the head with tube. No sells it all: :Keeps shaking and convulsing, blocks the last strike and starts to hit back: :Irishwhip to the ropes, followed by the BIG~ BOOT!: :Legdrop~! gets the three: :Poses to the crowd while "Real American" plays over the speakers:
  24. Of course they look for and use any reason to jack up the price of oil, and they get away with it because we really don't have a choice on whether to buy it or not.