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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Highland

    A Canadian Scandal

    ^^ Nixon had choice words for him if I remember correctly.
  2. Highland

    A Canadian Scandal

    Thanks. I wish I hadn't given away my copy of Suikoden II. The blonde you're refering to was Belinda Stronach, and I don't trust the CPC on some of their views either; I'm a social-liberal but I'm just of the opinion that the Liberals have been in power for far to long. Time for a change and if it's a decision between the CPC and the NDP well, I'm not that far too the left.
  3. Highland

    A Canadian Scandal

    And Chretien did?
  4. Highland

    A Canadian Scandal

    Never happen. An election was held basically six months after the scandal broke. Liberals won, albeit with a minority. They're not going anywhere. Well, not at least, with Harper running the show. He shot himself in the foot by saying Martin loved child porn. That was a long time ago. Martin has fucked up royally time and time again since then. The CPC might not make inroads in Quebec, but I fully expect the Bloc to sweep. Fact is, Martin is a lousy PM. Whether or not he is a criminally culpable Prime Minister remains to be seen.
  5. Highland

    A Canadian Scandal

    The Bloc could sweep Quebec and if the CPC makes some inroads into Ontario and Atlantic Canada they could form the government. Minority or Majority is up on the air.
  6. Highland

    A Canadian Scandal

    No, that's basically it. Several years ago the Liberals paid various advertising firms in Quebec money for work that was never completed, or never existed. Ironically it was done during the Quebec Referendum. It's a huge deal up here and the inquiry has been under a temporary publication ban due to the impending criminal trials of several of the people under investigation. This could very well topple the government.
  7. Highland

    Bad News for the USA

    You're right and it is very sad. I wish Canadians showed the patriotism towards our own country that Americans do with their's. I am deeply disappointed anytime I run into a Canadian who can't tell me who James Wolfe is. That's because showing pride in your country that doesn't involve comparing yourself to Americans is bad.
  8. Highland

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    I wish someone would pull the feeding tube from this thread. Even Foxnews has forgotten about her, the death of someone important like the Pope being more newsworthy and who by the way didn't give himself brain damage by sticking his fingers down his throat. There were people actually comparing Terri Schiavo to Jesus Christ.
  9. Highland

    The Pope

  10. Highland

    The Pope

    I believe one of the possible successors is from Nigeria, and the other from Latin America, but don't be suprised if it is someone that is completely unexpected. Karol Jozef Wojtyla was not even a front runner when he was elected Pope.
  11. Highland

    The Pope

    It's just been announced. He's passed on.
  12. Highland

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    It's over. Finally. I lost my sypathy for her when I heard that her heart attack was induced by bulemia.
  13. Highland

    The Nintendo Revolution controller

    Controllers are more durable than a touchscreen. How many of us have almost wrecked their controllers when playing certain games?
  14. Highland

    Could Christian Ever Be Believable Main Eventer?

    Remember a few years ago when he had that awesome entrance with the opera music entrance and the glittering lights? He's not getting any higher up the card than he was then.
  15. Highland

    How would WWE react in the event of a tragedy?

    What would have happened had they cancelled that or any PPV halfway through, and have been forced to refund the money? PPVs are a major source of income and a cancelled PPV would have serious repurcussion. If you ordered a PPV and it was cancelled (Owen's death notwithstanding) would you be willing to order another? Smarks might, but would the casual fan that maybe gets a couple PPVs a year. Vince was clearly thinking about the bottom line when he decided to go on with the show at OTE and honestly I cannot blame him. It wasn't greed, it was just good economic sense (maybe Stephen Joseph can vouch for this, since I'm not an economist).
  16. Highland

    NHL 2005

    My memory card's getting full and I don't know how to delete the files for nhl2005 without wiping out the whole file. I only want to get rid of some of the saved files on the game. Any ideas how?
  17. Highland

    Predict the 2006 WWE Hall of Fame class

    Why would Sting be even on the ballot? He never wrestled a day for WWF/E.
  18. Highland

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    I'm glad someone finally said it.
  19. Highland

    Most overrated/underrated writers & artists

    I agree with you completely about Terry Pratchett. His books are hilarious and well written. I've yet to read one where I didn't burst out laughing at least once.
  20. kkk > INXS or C-Bacon. He makes me laugh, the other two don't.
  21. Highland

    The Commonly Confused Words Test

    English Genius 93% Beginner, 93% Intermediate, 100% Advanced, and 94% Expert. Now if I could only do something about all the typos and poor grammar in my posts.
  22. Highland


    I agree. Evolution's like the NWO: Very interesting at first, but as the years dragged on it became very stale. Put it to rest at 'Mania 21.
  23. OMGFOXNEWSLOL2005! It could be a good sign of things turning around and that over a billion people in the world are sick of viewed as terrorists, but the cynic in me says that nothing will happen from this. Here's hoping I'm wrong.
  24. Highland

    Interesting Big Show interview

    A good read. I really liked what he said about first getting into the business, and he's not afraid to say straight out that he sucked and had a swelled ego.
  25. Highland

    Austin/Owen Friction

    Bret Hart said on OTR that Austin was upset at Owen for not being more responsible during that match. Austin feels Owen didn't protect him and screwed up the move. It happens. As for not attending the funeral, I don't think there was any malice in that, since he didn't attend Pillman's funeral either. Perhaps he feels that something so personal as mourning should not be displayed to the public?