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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Highland

    Is Austin equal to Hogan?

    I was refering to Bush Sr. and Jr. and Flair.
  2. Highland

    Is Austin equal to Hogan?

    Where did all three come from? The South? Thank you.
  3. Highland

    Is Austin equal to Hogan?

    Keep Ric Flair out of this, he's the most over-rated worker ever; he isn't even in the same league as Hogan or Austin. Outside of wrestling and the South, who knows who Flair is? Nobody. Hogan is bigger than Austin, in fact it could be argued that without Hogan, there wouldn't be a Rock or a SCSA.
  4. Highland


    I remember that too. Another reason to get the game.
  5. Highland

    Hockey is the most exciting team sport

    You know, there was a time when I'd say "Hockey", but now I just don't care anymore. Football games mean more, but a good, and the keyword is "good" hockey game is fast paced and a pleasure to watch.
  6. Highland

    Street Fighter Anniversary Collection

    Chun Li's been spaded in every rehashing of the SF franchise since World Warriors. She can't stomp kick Bison with impunity anymore.
  7. Highland

    Mounties killed in drug raid

    What pisses me off is pot is the scapegoat for this, when it was that dumbfuck justice of the peace that released the guy while the cops were searching his plots
  8. Highland

    Mounties killed in drug raid

    Ahh. No.
  9. Highland

    Mounties killed in drug raid

    I doubt that. I am sure if we had a similar population size and density that we would also have a similar amount of police killed on duty. Only speculation on my part, though.
  10. Highland

    Mounties killed in drug raid

    No, four officers being killed is very much newsworthy here.
  11. Highland

    Mounties killed in drug raid

    Other reports state that the shooter was well known for police. And in a bit of irony, he was released by a justice of the peace this morning, he rushed back to the site which he had set up with traps and video surveillance and set up the ambush.
  12. Highland

    Mounties killed in drug raid

    No, it's a direct result of officers walking into an ambush and being killed by a criminal with a high powered rifle.
  13. Highland

    Mounties killed in drug raid

    No, the red uniform is only for ceremonies.
  14. Highland

    Better as face or heel?

    Not if you cheer for him he's not. Not necessarily. I like to cheer for heels. I marked when Kevin Nash tossed Rey like a lawn dart, does that make Nash a face? He wasn't at the time.
  15. Highland

    Better as face or heel?

    1) Ric Flair: Heel. I cheer for him, but he's still a better heel than face 2) Shawn Michaels: Heel. I hate born-again Christian face HBK. 3) Bob Backlund: Heel. All I can remember of him is his Mr. Bob Backlund schtik. 4) Roddy Piper: Heel. The yin to Hogan's Yang, though I'm tempted to say Savage was a better rival to Hogan. 5) Jake Roberts: Heel. 6) Mick Foley: Either way. Heel Mankind was awesome, but when he started breaking kafabe and acting goofy, he had to be a face. He was good at that too. 7) Bret Hart: Face. I'm biased. Heel run was gold. 8) Lex Luger: I don't care. 9) The Rock: Face. Awesome either way, but nothing touches face Rock. 10) Undertaker: Face. People want to cheer the deadman, or at least used to. 11) Randy Savage: Heel. The Macho King was great. 12) Big Show/Giant:Heel. He should be crippling his opponents, not taking part in comedy skits.
  16. Highland

    Really old pc game....

    That description's very vague, but it's an old game so you might find it at www.the-underdogs.orgKick ass site for old games.
  17. Highland

    Trish Stratus

    Double post.
  18. Highland

    Trish Stratus

    Trish is the complete package, and the whole is greater than the sum of her parts.
  19. Highland

    Canada says no to missle defense scheme

    I'm still undecided on the MDS issue. Maybe I'd be convinced if they had one that actually worked.
  20. Highland

    Canada says no to missle defense scheme

    I'll take your word for it. And yeah, international topics take a backseat to provincial rivalries.
  21. Highland

    Canada says no to missle defense scheme

    Enough to know never to get any sort of donair from Halifax. Especially Greco ones.
  22. Highland

    Console Sales Numbers..

    I've had mine for almost a year and I've had no problems so far. When can I start expecting it to break down? Oh yeah, if it breaks down because you moded it, well you took that risk.