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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Highland

    Hitler wanted Peace

    This is what happens when we don't teach history. I have no doubt the US would have won the war even if the Nazis had managed to invade, but it was far preferable that it be fought over there rather than on this side of the Atlantic.
  2. Highland

    HIV Positive Man charged with First Degree murder,

    Alas, Canada doesn't have capital punishment; but he should be put away for life.
  3. Highland

    Survivor : Palau

    I'll be impressed when they make Survivor: Antartica.
  4. Highland

    Your favourite TV theme

    In no particular order... Teen Titans Batman Beyond Batman: TAS Justice League A-Team Airwolf Transformers: OS Shadow Raiders Hawaii Five-O Deep Space 9 (I agree it's one of the best openings ever) Andromeda (after first season) L&O: CI
  5. Highland

    The Terri Shiavo case

    Her ex-husband isn't doing this to be merciful to her, he wants her out of the way to get her inheritance. I don't blame her family for not wanting her taken off life support especially if it means this prick benefits from her death.
  6. Highland

    Secret Bush Tapes

    Some friend indeed.
  7. Highland

    Meltzer on 'Roids

  8. Not exactly a cartoon, but Captain Power. "Power on!"
  9. Voltron: The cartoon from the 80's, not that crappy CG abortion. Samurai Pizza Cats Thundarr BraveStar MASK Mighty Orbots
  10. Highland

    What Squaresoft should do.

    Indeed. I had FF 2-5 on my computer (bless emulators) and I quickly saw why they never made it over to this side of the ocean. Not all games that aren't sold here are good. Final Fantasy 3 was horrid, Seiken Densetsu 3 is awesome and should have been ported over here.
  11. Highland

    Superman is a dick

    Tough love.
  12. Highland

    Dean For DNC Chair Thread #2

    There are those that say Dean isn't as far left as he is portrayed, and it's mostly because of his stance on the war in Iraq that he's viewed as an ultra-liberal. Didn't he have top approval from the NRA? His job is to raise money, something he is very good at. Aside from policy wonks, who is going to vote or not vote for the Democrats based on whether or not Dean is the DNC chair?
  13. Highland

    The OAO Iraq Debate thread

    The points Jingus raised is why I was supportive of the war. Democracy, even a fledgling one, is a good thing.
  14. Highland

    Fighting liberal bias through legislation

    This bill needs to go the way of the underclothes bill in Virginia: Away.
  15. Funny how it's called capitalism when the employer wants to better its lot and make more money, but it's called communism when the employee tries the same.
  16. Highland

    Pants so low people can see your underwear?

    Does it apply to plumbers?
  17. Highland

    Why our goddess hasn't been around lately...

    I don't blame her for being upset; any injury which could mar her looks could jeopardize her career. She's eye candy, and if she doesn't look good then her value declines.
  18. Highland

    Full view of Triple H and Orton Blading at NYR

    That was probably the most blatant example I've seen to date.
  19. Threatens US bases Yes, I know it's just the usual propaganda and nothing new, but I thought it was worth noting. The situation over there might make the Middle East look tranquil.
  20. Highland

    So how should we rehabilitate these folks?

    A very long stay in a penitentiary.
  21. Highland

    Most Disturbing Image

    The snuff film in 8mm would have been disturbing if they made it so the death was unexpected, but from the way it way shot the entire audience knew what was going to happen to that girl.
  22. Highland

    Star Trek: Enterprise Cancelled

    Speaking of DS9, one of the last Enterprise eps will be a Mirror Universe show, which I suppose can mean only one thing - Evil Lesbian T'Pol... HLA ? Bischoff needs to make an appearance.
  23. Highland

    Star Trek: Enterprise Cancelled

    The new series should have taken place after DS9 and been based on the newest model ship. I think it was the Prometheus or something like that. It was on one of the few Voyager episodes I liked.
  24. Highland

    Star Trek: Enterprise Cancelled

    I don't think I've watched a single episode of Enterprise. Voyager was awful, TNG was good except the early seasons and DS:9, especially the later seasons, was awesome.