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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Highland

    Operation: Give A Toy

    It appears to be a worthy cause. I just hope this is legit and not some con.
  2. Highland

    Interesting Column

    Even I would get tired of always seeing Benoit vs. Eddy.
  3. Highland

    Fred Phelps to put anti-gay monument @ public park

    I think this is the same asswipe that came to Ottawa a couple years ago when Parliament was debating whether gays had the same rights as everyone else. He annoyed me. Greatly.
  4. Highland

    WWE Banning Even More Moves

    How long until every other variation of the suplex gets banned?
  5. Highland

    Vince McMahon

    The nwo failed in the ww(f)e because unlike in wcw, Nash, Hall and Hogan were NOT allowed to be portrayed as real badasses that actually had power. That was the secret of the success of the nwo in wcw. And I mean when it only had a few members, not half the roster. It got over because, yes even though they really did have backstage influence, it was written into the storylines. Also, no one could really stand up to them, except for Sting and then only after a long drawnout fued. Fastforward to nwo-wwf. First off, Vince's segment introducing the nwo was one of the very worst and unconvincing acting jobs I've seen him do. And he is capable of so much better. Further, the nwo wasn't given even a kayfabe sense of backstage power and the final nail in the coffin would be SCSA singlehandedly making them all his bitches.
  6. Highland

    Real Smackdown Spoilers

    I wonder if JHawk will bother recapping this one?
  7. Highland

    The one and only California recall thread

    WW2 was a direct threat to the country, unlike the recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The economic and military buildup of the US after Pearl Harbor is what really launched the US out of the Depression, not the New Deal.
  8. Highland

    Interesting Column

    You should have continued reading the rest of the article anyway. He raises many valid points.
  9. Highland

    Raw Rating

    Nobody, including Triple H, will ever touch Hogan in the political aspect of the business. HHH had to get into the McMahon family to get influence. Hogan's doesn't need to and hasn't.
  10. Highland

    Vince McMahon

    Vince didn't create the nWo, but I would say that he was an influence in it's conception, just not a direct one.
  11. Highland

    2003-04 NHL predictions

    Forget Ottawa. Forget Detroit. Forget ALL those other teams: It's all about the Bruins, baby!
  12. Highland

    OReilly: Media shouldn't support candidates

    I watch CNN, I don't get FoxNews so I can't compare them with any objectivity, but accusations of CNN being overly liberal are false when they have guests such as Ann Coulter appear on their shows. And the last I heard, Robert Novak and Lou Dobbs weren't liberals or Democrats.
  13. Highland

    Running for office while already in office

    I don't. If you're looking for another job you don't quit your current job until you know you're getting the one you're looking for.
  14. Highland

    Raw Rating

    See, Canadians do know better than to accept the crap that is wwe.
  15. Highland

    I just met Mean Gene

    Hey, if the opportunity presents itself, why not take it?
  16. Highland

    Bradshaw getting a divorce

    Maybe HHH will follow Bradshaw's lead and get a job outside of wrestling and make it full time.
  17. Highland

    Bradshaw getting a divorce

    God I want to see that episode.
  18. Highland

    Jindrak and Cade

    Haven't you listened to RD Reynolds? DON'T GIVE THEM ANY IDEAS!
  19. Highland

    The one and only California recall thread

    Those weren't Reagan's doing, despite how Republicans like to harp on how it is.
  20. Highland

    Why is Prop 54 a bad thing?

    I'd vote for it too; affirmative action is only another form of segregation.
  21. And hence the problem with all religions: If they don't like what you do or are, they can kill you and claim "God told me to"
  22. Highland

    OReilly: Media shouldn't support candidates

    I have to agree with him about the L.A. Times and also with his statement that no man (or woman for that matter) has never acted inappropriately at some time or other in their life. The California electorate are a bunch of sanctimonious hypocrites if Schwarzenegger doesn't win simply because of something he said 25 years ago. Politicians are not saints, yet they must be perceived as being as such. Pathetic.
  23. Highland

    Goddamn it

    I've been to two House shows, both in Halifax. Looking back I can see the matches weren't that great, but I would still go again. Those commercials are right when they say the live experience is much better than seeing it on tv. I went during UT's deadman gimmick, and believe me Mark Calloway had palpable charisma live. I only wish I had gotten to see a show with the Rock or Ric Flair. I DID see a match with the Macho Man when he was the champ and even though I liked him as a kid the match ended with a lame-ass roll up, instead of the flying elbow we were all waiting for. It's also funny hearing them mention spots and you can also really notice all the little things they do in the ring that you'd probably miss on tv.
  24. Highland

    The One and Only Raw Thread

    -Begin Goldberg praise- At least it all set up a feud between HBK and Goldberb. I know I marked when he got speared, and I thought it was very smart of him to just look down at HBK while he was laying on the mat instead of helping him out. It really plays well into the whole bounty angle and he is really playing the part of a marked man who can depend only on himself and trust no one. -Goldberg praise over-
  25. Highland

    Aaron Williams badmouths Canadians

    I never called Angle an all time great, I said he COULD be, and my opinion of Austin being overrated hasn't changed.