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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Highland

    Goddamn it

    Will you go anyway?
  2. If they make mention of this on TV, then and only then does a house show mean anything. Bret beating Flar for the title at a house show only happened because Vince decided at the very last minute for a change. This was apparently back when Vince could actually tell what the fans wanted and would deliver, unlike today where he and his company have largely lost touch.
  3. Highland

    The One and Only Raw Thread

    Red Sox win.
  4. Highland

    The One and Only Raw Thread

    Jericho is everyone's God. Or at least he should be.
  5. Highland

    The One and Only Raw Thread

    my god it takes Jericho to remind wwe of Austin forcing that 'Boring' gimmick on Storm.
  6. Highland

    The One and Only Raw Thread

    You know, I was actually going to mail Dames about being the Raw columnist, but this just reminded my why less and less people are watching Raw now.
  7. Highland

    The One and Only Raw Thread

    Was I the only one wishing Shane was under the car?
  8. Highland

    What would you get?

    Hockey. Since pro players are actually paid for what they do, unlike NCAA authletes that get paid squat, but make shitloads of money for the very people that forbid them from making money in the first place.
  9. Highland

    Who's next to win the world title

    I think the saddest thing is I can name a good number of candidates on SD that could be the next first time champion, yet I can't do that on Raw.
  10. Since when do the losers in a war deserve to be treated with any favourability?
  11. Highland

    Aaron Williams badmouths Canadians

    Austin, Flair and quite a few others are better than Angle, but how long has Angle been wresting? Exactly. Austin and co. each have at least a decade of experience under their belt; Angle will only improve and I don't see his neck injury impeding his ability, it hasn't impeded Benoit. I say wait until Angle's career is over (however long that may be) before we say he sucks compared to the other greats. I'm a huge Benoit mark, and think he is the greatest worker on today (I don't watch puro so I can't refute Ray's opinion), but Angle falls into that rare and elite category of the total package.
  12. Highland

    Biggest disappointment

    Chuck Palumbo: A potential breakout star whose career has been all but destroyed by very bad stereotype gimmicks. I liked him FAR better in WCW than I do in WWE.
  13. Highland

    Jindrak and Cade

    Because it's politically correct to showcase homosexuals and wwe wants to capture that huge (sarcasm) demographic. Nevermind that other 99% of the audience finds it either disgusting (and not in a bring on the heat sort of way) or is just plain indifferent to it. It sucked when Palumbo and Gunn did it, and it'll suck just as bad with this newest duo. Oh yeah, does anyone else remember a few years ago when people said Palumbo was going to be a future maineventer? It's sad how a bad gimmick can ruin a career. He's used to be in the US Airforce; Vince couldn't give him a minor face push during the Iraqi war by having the announcing team mention that every so often?
  14. Highland

    Roy of "Siegfried & Roy" attacked

    This guy, apparently.
  15. Highland

    What would you consider to be..

    I saw most of them and made a point of staying up late to watch them. I don't remember and of the matches, but for some reason I remember one shown from Texas. Vince and Jesse are on horseback and dressed like cowboys; also I think the main event was Hogan vs Hennig. Vince: "With that outfit you have on you look like Gail Evans." Ventura: "I look just like John Wayne: Perfection! Like Mr. Perfect" I still mark for that segment and would love to get it.
  16. Highland

    World Grand Prix Wrestling

    I used to watch it. Funny stuff.
  17. Highland

    The Construction of Arafat

    There'll be no peace between Israel and the Palestinians until Arafat, Sharon and those like them are removed from power. Stopping the attacks would be a good start as well. And critisizing Israel doesn't make me an antisemitic Nazi. Israel is a Jewish state, it is not Judaism.
  18. Highland

    This just creeped me out

    They want to legalize pedophilia. That alone should warrant them being dragged out onto the streets and beaten to death.
  19. Highland

    Tucker Carlson gives wrong # on Crossfire

    The dickwads that called the number Carlson gave them dialed with the full intention of threatening him and his family.
  20. Highland

    Ontario Votes

    I found the personal attacks against McGuinty rather disturbing. Then again personal attacks during an election are increasingly commonplace.
  21. Highland

    Student may wear Bush 'terrorist' shirt

    People's rights are constantly being erroded and even more so after 9/11 for the sake of 'Nation Security'
  22. Highland

    Jean Chretien ponders smoking marijuana

    He wasn't being sarcastic.
  23. Highland

    This just creeped me out

    I don't know what to say. I'm a libertarian, but I anyone that supports NAMBLA is just despicable.
  24. Highland

    Roy of "Siegfried & Roy" attacked

    I saw a clip of one of their performances. It was bound to happen.