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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Highland

    Maven's Finisher

    WWE logic. Figures.
  2. Highland

    Maven's Finisher

    They need to stop bringing up his Tough Enough history. If they constantly refer to it, even the average fan will be thinking that he "doesn't belong" there, true or not. I liked the finisher, btw.
  3. Highland

    Cruises...what's the best?

    Avoid Scotia Prince. Horrible experience.
  4. Highland

    UN clears Sudan of genocide

    True, it is stage for diplomacy, or at least it's supposed to be. However, diplomacy is largely ineffective when it is the only means available for dealing with certain situations.
  5. Highland

    UN clears Sudan of genocide

    Silly people. You should have known something as minor as genocide couldn't be allowed to get in the way of political expediency.
  6. Highland

    Man buried in avalanche

    pisses his way free He had to be utterly wasted.
  7. Highland

    The Summers Controversy

    It's one of those taboo subjects that will probably never be fully investigated, due to fears of alienations or being accused of bigotry or sexism.
  8. Highland

    "Spongebob is gay!"

    These people need to get a life. But it does piss me off that a cartoon is being used to force kids to accept a lifestyle practiced by less than a percent of the population as the norm.
  9. I've never understood the paying your dues mentality, especially among smarks. Would you hate a ball player because he skipped the minors and went straight to the Majors, or a basketball player that didn't bother with college and went straight to the NBA right out of high school? I wouldn't.
  10. Highland

    31 US Marines Killed

    As compared to a year or so under Saddam benevolent reign in which the people of Iraq lived prosperous, peaceful and free lives, not at all living in fear of a ruthless dictator willing to use chemicial weapons on his own citizens, to torture disidents and to bury countless thousands in mass graves.
  11. Highland


    claims company
  12. Highland

    Blacks think AIDs made up by Whitey

    Why sell a one time cure when you can sell lifelong treatments? It's far more profitable to do that, since once the patient is cured, they're no longer a paying customer. Unethical? Yes. Realistic? Definately.
  13. Highland

    The Drug War and the erosion of rights

    Drugs are simply the witchcraft of the modern times, with all the accompanying hysteria and where the mere accusation is enough for presumption of guilt and therefore the harshest punishments.
  14. Highland

    Things that annoy the shit out of you

    Those that claim obscure, underground bands are somehow more talented, and that when they do hit the big time they've "sold out".
  15. Highland

    Guy tries to kill himself, but decides to live...

    Irony would be him getting the death penalty. Can he get it in a case like this? He did kill 10 people after all.
  16. Highland


    But tobacco isn't illegal yet, so I don't see the legal standing this company has. It doesn't effect the employee's performance on the job either, or interfere in any way. I can't see this standing in court.
  17. Highland

    Thoughts about the "liberal media"

    Yes, I have to agree that the moral indignation gets tiresome. Both sides are guilty of mudslinging and degenerative name calling.
  18. Highland

    Music played in game breaks

    I think you're looking for everyone's favourite pedophile Gary Glitter's "Rock and Roll part 2".
  19. Highland

    Thoughts about the "liberal media"

    Was this the fault of the media or potential fraud with the exits polls? And about the Iraq-9/11 connection: Cheney did strongly imply that there was a connection, but he didn't say it outright. Quite clever actually: he got his message out, but is able to use plausible deniability because he didn't actually say it outright.
  20. Highland

    Student sues over homework

    How are you supposed to get a summer job or just enjoy the summer at all if you're saddled with homework? Heh, I bet school will really screw him over now. He'll be lucky to get into even a decent college.
  21. Highland

    Colin Farrell

    You don't have to commit to a prostitute.
  22. Highland

    Colin Farrell

    At least you can eat a cold pizza...
  23. Highland

    Geography test

    74% and I'm surprised I got that high.
  24. Highland

    How does Clark Kent hide his....

    According to one of the Batman/Superman issues, White does indeed know that Clark Kent is Superman, and yes I have also read about the different ways Clark disguises himself beyond just his glasses by using different mannerisms, body posture and muscle control.