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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Highland

    WWE's saddest sight

    The kissmyass club, Mae Young, Katie Vick, Al Wilson....(goes on and on)
  2. Highland

    Ok so where is the Test/Steiner fued going now??

    (Looks at topic) Away?
  3. Highland

    Hey Ma!!! Lookie Here...marks

    Ah, yes, we all hate wwe but we watch it anyway because it's a drug and since we're already on the fix Vince doesn't need to cater to us. See? He really is a shrewd businessman
  4. Highland

    Am I the only one?

    HHH clearly holds the ME heel spot in an iron grip if there are no credible heels to replace him. They might just push Orton up to ME or maybe even Batista (whenever he's due back).
  5. Highland

    Hey Ma!!! Lookie Here...marks

    Do ALL marks have to type reviews using all caps and very bad spelling and grammar?
  6. Wrestling was guaranteed a high spot on that list. Face it, it'll never become mainstream, there is a stigma against it, there always has been. How many times has your interests in it been brought up and you got the sneering or holier than thou attitude in response? Far more people watch it then will admit to it, but it's like watching a porn flick:Lots of people watch it, but very few will say they do.
  7. Highland

    When did you start disliking HHH?

    His win over Booker T at WMXIX, after that even my friends who are only casual watchers said they're tired of seeing him with the belt. I could add his burial of Jericho at WM17, but with all the hype surrounding his comeback and even without the stupid mutt angle that belt was HHH's to win. Sad to say.
  8. Highland

    Who's next to win the world title

    SD!: Shelton Benjamin. Raw: Booker T (If he comes back)
  9. Highland

    Kurt and Bret Meet about Mania XX

    I don't see Bret even making an appearance. He's said he's lost all interest in the business.
  10. Highland

    Aaron Williams badmouths Canadians

    Austin was a great wrestler in his Stunning Steve days and I've always been disappointed, injuries notwithstanding, that SCSA brawls rather than puts on a ***** classic. But he obviously knew what he was doing, since the brawling Steve Austin is the most over character of all time. Hogan can also lay claim to that lofty title, and we all know he was not mat tactician. It all makes you wonder if it's worth being a Benoit stuck forever in the mid card when the REAL secret is doing that Taker, SCSA, Hogan, Nash, HHH, etc. have done, which is brawl there way through most of their matched, do a spot or to, finisher, ring bell. HBK and Bret are among the few world champions that could both brawl and wrestle, but they are in the minority.
  11. Highland

    Aaron Williams badmouths Canadians

    My fervent Canadian patriotism compels me to point to my sig.
  12. Highland

    Holly / Cappotelli

    I think Nash tried to sandbag TBS while they were both in WCW, fortunately the Giant didn't drop Nash on his head, unfortunately Nash really fucked up picking Giant up for the jackknife and dropped him on his head. Paul's lucky he wasn't paralysed, frankly.
  13. Highland

    Holly / Cappotelli

    I don't expect Holly to be employed by wwe for much longer, and Vince ain't going to let him go over Brock either.
  14. Highland

    When did you start disliking HHH?

    Taker, HBK, and Austin (to a much lesser extent) are all criticized for backstage politics. What's your point? They are no where near criticized to the extend HHH is. He deserves all the crap dumped on him, but that doesn't mean the others don't deserve to be dumped on just as much.
  15. Highland

    Kurt and Bret Meet about Mania XX

    When Mick Foley said he was retiring I only half believed him, as it seemed he still loved the business and would probably return for a special event like WM, but when Bret Hart said he was through I believed him, considering his stroke, the death of Owen, his family troubles, etc. I don't want him to come back, I like to look back with nostalgia at the greatness that he was, and not to have it forever tarnished by a very frail shell of a shell of the man he once was.
  16. Highland

    Holly / Cappotelli

    Holly's a punk. Yes, he'd kick Matt's ass, but I still don't like him. While the beatdown was uncalled for, I am forced to agree that it will prepare Matt for wrestling, as there are workers out there that will try to cause injury or are just plain stiff. I think I remember one time Hogan saying someone broke his leg when he was training to be a wrestler. Compared to that, what happened between Holly and Matt doesn't sound like that big a deal and in the end this could help him.
  17. Highland

    When did you start disliking HHH?

    HHH is not the only one, is certainly not the first and won't be the last worker to play politics. In fact, Austin despite his overness, irks me more than HHH. And it's not like HHH is the only one that refuses to do the j-o-b (see UT, SCSA, HBK).
  18. Highland

    Concerning NO MERCY...

    They should have gone back to old, monster Brock. The one that would run into a match, clothesline one of them and then F5 the other.
  19. Highland

    Steph featured in SI on Campus

    Heh, despite how she annoys me I must confess that she does have a cool job. How many people would refuse the opportunities she's been given if they were presented to us?
  20. Highland

    When did you start disliking HHH?

    The final straw for me was when he was given the Raw belt by Bichoff.
  21. Highland

    Is this correct...

    We'll all miss HHH when he's gone. Admit it.
  22. Highland

    Ratings going down the toilet

    Ratings are important, but I don't think Vince is sweating bullets. Yet. I think that the only real thing that is needed is someone to come out of the blue. It could be someone new or someone already established, but the right gimmick used to greatly put them over (ie Rocky Maivia turning into the Rock and Ringmaster turning to SCSA).
  23. Highland

    Who's next to win the world title

    Raw - Bischoff (As part of an angle) Smackdown - Zach Gowan (sp?) (again as part of an angle)
  24. All kidding aside, Smackdown IS the better show and the one I can actually watch in its entirety instead of channel flipping like I do with Raw. And unlike Raw I can't really recall a time on Smackdown where I felt the need to turn off the tv or change the channel in disgust (necrophilia angles, etc.). Raw has higher ratings than SD because it is live, on a bigger network than UPN and since SD is taped, anyone on the internet can get spoilers so why would they watch the show if they already know the results? SD needs to be live.