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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Highland

    Mada's roster review

    Damn...and I like him too. He has loads of potential and I don't mean potential in a bad way. I honestly see him as an upper midcarder/lower ME someday soon.
  2. Highland

    Mada's roster review

    What happened to Nowinski anyway? I honestly don't know and would of course like to know.
  3. Shane, despite his shitty way of taking heat away from wrestlers appears only once in a while while Vince, Stephanie and company are on Smackdown every fucking week!
  4. MacMahonamania is kept to a mininum on Raw, that alone makes it better than SD! despite SD! having the superior workers and matches.
  5. Highland

    The theme music decline.

    Probably trying to sound cool and mainstream by distancing themselves from wrestling -shrug-
  6. Highland

    2 ½ Minutes is a Pretty Long Time

    They REALLY need to be trained to take bumps, I mean ok if one of them eats one of Test's Big Boots then yeah I can accept them being out for half the match, but it seems every single time they are even touched at all they're out like a light.
  7. Highland

    Jericho's commentary last night.

    I thought Taz chose to stay in the announce booth instead of facing further injury? I'm not sure myself.
  8. Highland

    Vince tells Bret what?

    Actually I had heard a rumour like that years ago while he was still in WCW, that the ENTIRE Montreal screwjob was a work, even Bret decking Vince, just so he could go over there and destroy WCW from within. I think it may have been possible that Bret would return, but Owen's death changed everything. And no, I do not believe Vince had him killed, it was an accident, or the fault of the harness makers.
  9. Highland

    HHH's vendetta against RVD

    Jealous of RVD's overness with the fans? Maybe, but that's all he needs to be jealous of. RVD ain't the one banging Vince's daughter and calling the shots, now is he? oh, and HHH is many things, mostly bad, but I'd call him a genius (see above)
  10. Highland

    HHH Gone Until The Royal Rumble!

    So do I. Yes I do hate the backstage politics, but he's not the only wrestler that has or is doing that, but I have a GREAT deal of respect for him as a performer, he's willing to bust his ass night in and night out, even at house shows, despite the fact he really doesn't have to. I do hope he loses some of the bulk when he returns, though.
  11. Highland

    What's stopping a union in WWE?

    Do we really know how the wrestlers are treated? I don't mean as far as pushes and the like, and yes I know they are pretty much left out in the cold after they leave the business, but during their tenure, what stipulations and benefits, if any, are in a standard wwe contract?
  12. Highland

    What's stopping a union in WWE?

    Independent contractors.... ^^
  13. Highland

    Rock's not a movie star yet

    Matches have been declared 2 1/2 **'s before he bell even rings, like whenever TBS or A-Train is in them.
  14. Highland

    Angle vs. Cena

    *sigh* I see nothing wrong with an Angle/Cena feud. It's just typical smark bitchiness that says this feud won't work. I'm also sick of people bitching about 97% of the fucking roster because their not smark darlings like Benoit, Eddy or Angle. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy watching all three, but it sounds to me that the only fueds going on should be only between those three and no one else. Please.
  15. Highland

    HHH vs. Chris Jericho

    I remember during an interviews on OTR with HHH on the Wx8 weekend that he said that Jericho has everything needed to be a main event superstar, but there is just 'that little bit extra' that is missing. What I think is missing is not a push, believe me I'm a Y2J mark but I also know he is by no means held down, no Jericho is missing, which the Rock, Austin and Even HHH for a time has is a bad ass attitude. Jericho rules on the mic, is solid in the ring and is probably the best worker on either brand, but I have never seen him portrayed as an no shit taking ass kicker. That's the only thing I think that keeps him from a long world title reign.
  16. Highland

    So now that JR & King are "gone". How well do you

    You know it's entirely possible that there'll be 4 announcers on Raw, but if they go that route they should take advantage of the current angle and make JR and King face commentators while Snow and Coach are the heel commentators. No tweener shit either.
  17. Highland

    Randy Orton is Underrated.

    I'll probably get alot of flack for this, but yeah Orton doesn't deserve alot of the flak we give him, but at the same time he shouldn't be so high up the card. As fot his push, I won't say he doesn't deserve it, since I feel every performer deserves to be pushed. If Vince only pushed the guys we like (Benoit, Eddy, etc) we'd quickly grow tired of them. Anyway back to the topic at hand: Orton's underrated and HBK is very much overrated. Always has been and he always will be.
  18. I'm really am hoping Orton will get through, though yeah it's a big mistake by wwe if they keep shoving him down people's throats. As for HHH's face turn, it won't last long, if it happens at all, since he's a MUCH better heel than a face and he's lost ALL of the face heet he had after his return from his quad injury. I really doubt even the so called "marks" (a term I hate, since I don't believe having a computer makes one anymore than an armchair booker) will get behind a face HHH for long, so whether he wins or loses the belt, he'll toy with facehood if he needs to reclaim the title, but shortly after he does, he'll turn heel again.
  19. Highland

    The Rock..........................................

    The Rock has probably realizes what I imagine is the dream of many wrestlers: Becoming hugely rich and popular, and being able to retire on top free of injury, incredibly wealthy and very very over. In other words, on a high note.The fact is, he doesn't need WWE; the WWE needs the Rock and they don't deserve him.
  20. Highland

    WGTT News

    This could be a blessing in disguise for Haas, if only to see how he does as a singles wrestler. Though yeah I do mark for TWGTT and don't want them broken up; there's too few tag teams as there is, and even fewer great ones.
  21. Highland

    Triple H pins first film roles

    There still will be commercials, Confidential segments, and "special looks" at the filming of the movies. Yeah...but he won't be, you know...WRESTLING. That's always a plus. He'll still be on my tv, which is definately NOT a plus.
  22. Highland

    Smackdown Spoilers

    I don't think having Brock act like a little bitch in a dark match can be called burying him. Besides he is a heel and heels are generally supposed to be unlikable and viewed with contempt. Only Raw HHHeels are allowed to be badasses Anyway when Brock turns face again the crybaby bit will be largely forgotten. TWGTT being on Velocity and the APA on SD! is a better example of talent being (or soon to be) buried; like when the APA squashes TWGTT for the belts. I hate it, you all hate it, but we all know that it's going to happen.
  23. Highland


    First of I will admit I have not seen any TNA, ROH, etc so I can't speak for them, but I do watch Raw and SD!. Anyway, one of the things that irks me is during a match the announce team (usually the Raw tandem of JR and Lawler) pretend the wrestlers in the match don't exist and instead talk about either another match/wrestling, like HHH, or worse, themselves! Obviously I disagree with this method of announcing, but I'll throw it out to you guys: Should they continue as they are doing, or should they stick to calling the match and shut up about everything else?
  24. Highland


    Maybe I wouldn't be so annoyed by JR and Lawler if they actually TRIED to act with a face vs heal mindset. Maybe I'm being overly nostalgic, but I actually miss the days of Vince (gasp!), Ventura, Monsoon, Heenan, etc. on at the announce table. They didn't act like they were friend with each other and you knew whether they were faces or heals and who they supported. T
  25. Highland

    The in-ring interview/promo/whatever...

    I think it all depends on the promo, though I had better be for a VERY good reason to end a show with one.