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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Highland

    New "Batmobile" pictures

    I'm not liking it at all, but I can see that he would use it when he's first starting out, and later going with the traditional batmobile (which is suped out all to fuck with technology far ahead of what is available to the public in the comics).
  2. Highland

    Michael Powell to step down 3 years early

    No, it's a subversive, insidious tyrany imposed upon people because they are considered incapable of making an informed choice. It is thought and behaviour manipulation.
  3. Highland

    Michael Powell to step down 3 years early

    John Ashcroft.
  4. Highland

    "Spongebob is gay!"

    It's a cartoon. Can nothing in this world me immune to politicalization and polarization?
  5. Highland

    Geography test

    92% 16 miles 281 seconds
  6. Highland

    Mikey calls for student walkout on January 20th...

    But many people did fall into the trap of equating anti-war with pro-Saddam; there were those that made (and still make) excuses that Saddam was far preferable to the situation in Iraq today.
  7. Highland

    Inauguration funds: A better use?

    That would be gold.
  8. Highland

    Inauguration funds: A better use?

    All it being private money means is that somebody's been bought. Ticket funds bought through the inauguration committee I could understand, though. But there's no way they made $40 million on that.
  9. Highland

    Mikey calls for student walkout on January 20th...

    He said he hoped someone would take a sniper rifle to the Inauguration and pick off Bush and Cheney. Spin it all you want, that's a threat.
  10. Highland

    Mikey calls for student walkout on January 20th...

    Why should he be unbanned? FS commited a crime, pure and simple. He should be lucky he's not being investigated, which is exactly what would have happened had he written his post to the opinion page of the local paper.
  11. Highland

    Mikey calls for student walkout on January 20th...

    Oh, it's very much illegal.
  12. Highland

    Mikey calls for student walkout on January 20th...

    I could have sworn that plotting or wishing for the death of the President was illegal.
  13. Highland

    Chris Jericho

    A truer and sadder analysis was never given.
  14. Highland

    Chris Jericho

    No, he said he's not trying to flamebait because he knows the knee-jerk reaction of almost every smark to criticism of Jericho, RVD or Benoit is, "Troll!" He makes very good points, the most important being Jericho acts like a goof and doesn't back up what he says. Jericho adlibs much of the material given to him, and creative can only be given so much of the blame; eventually the buck has to stop at the wrestler playing the character.
  15. Highland


    Ok, I just finished Rebirth #3 and I have to say WTF? Apparently, Jordan isn't really responsible for any of his actions, it was the impurity Parallax that made him do it. Daemon ex Machina, as was previously said.
  16. Highland


    double post
  17. Highland

    French Revolution

    The guillotine hadn't made it over to the Americas. Fitting that an invention designed to offer quick executions previously reserved only to the nobility (the commoners either hanged or otherwise tortured) too everyone was in fact used on everyone.
  18. Highland

    Chris Jericho

    Agreed. Vince decides on storylines, but in the end it's up to the wrestlers to make the most of their pushes; and everyone at one time or another has gotten a decent push.
  19. Highland

    Board Games

    Risk. Monopoly. Scrabble. Boggle. Crib. Magic the Gathering. AD&D. Scene it. Trivial Pursuit.
  20. Highland

    2005 Dead Pool - Roll up, roll up

    Sadly it's true. I'll miss him.
  21. Highland

    2005 Dead Pool - Roll up, roll up

    1. Chyna (I'll hop on the wagon) 2. Jake Roberts. (He's been lucky so far) 3. Lex Luger. (If there is a god....) 4. John Tenta. (Cancer) 5. Bobby Heenan. (Cancer)
  22. Highland

    Let's settle this, once and for all.

    But if the team is in your city/community then you probably could get away with saying "we", since arguably it is your city that has won, since the team is supposed to represent the community.
  23. Highland

    Prince Harry The Nazi

    Political correctness had nothing to do with it. What he did would be tantamout to someone walking into Manhatten with an Osama bin Laden outfit.
  24. Highland

    Let's settle this, once and for all.

    I say '"they" but I don't think it's a big deal if someone says "we". It just means I get to say "They beat your ass!"
  25. Highland

    Discovery's 100 Greatest Americans

    The people get to vote on it, meaning it'll be a celebrity. Ugh.... I expect it'll be George Washington that wins it; no one hates him and he's revered by practically all Americans (as far as I know) so I think he's the safe bet.