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Everything posted by vermilion

  1. vermilion

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Hell, backyard wrestling has a video game technically heh. And Nash was funny and all, but Shelley made those promos in my opinion. Either way, like already said, it wasn't a draw. TNA is failing. I used to be interested but since it's become the D show of WWE, I'll pass completely. The few good wrestlers/highlights aren't worth putting up with the Abyss half-assed garbage matches and Kurt Angle all over the show.
  2. vermilion

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    It was moved to Thursdays. I generally watch ECW on Tuesdays but on Thursdays I watch NBC's comedy lineup. Not to mention I read the spoilers ahead of time also so I passed it up just this once for NBC. Like it was already stated, most shows lose ratings when they switch nights.
  3. vermilion

    Impact spoilers (airs December 13th)

    Tag champ.....so technically yes. But no, never the World champ. Homicide and Joe are the only world champs on TNA right now and we know Joe isn't leaving. I was just mentioning this b/c Daniels is "fired". I wasn't sure if it was a pure storyline or perhaps he was leaving for real and the storyline was just a reason for his departure.
  4. vermilion

    CTDWAT: Indies/Overseas/General

    Not quoting the whole thing for obvious reasons, but anyway I like what Disco has to say. I like cruiserweight/X Division wrestling but there are indy guys out there who Internet fans cream over that quite frankly suck. The Briscoe Brothers are the first who come to mind. A Briscoes match is like watching 20 minutes of Smackdown vs. Raw with just big move after big move after big move and hardly any selling. Everyone on the Net loved the Briscoes vs. Steen/Generico, but honestly I thought those matches were shit. Complete and total shit. The only person selling at all in those matches was El Generico, and even his selling was less than it should have been. I honestly don't care much for the Briscoes either, but that's neither here nor there. I'm just tired of wrestlers telling fans "You don't know what a good match is!" Isn't the point of professional wrestling to be entertained? You can't tell someone their opinion on what is entertaining is wrong. Some people like high spots, some people like realistic/shoot wrestling, some like hardcore violence, some like it all. I don't give a shit if Disco Inferno doesn't like Misawa and Kobashi stiffing each other, a LOT of people do and that makes it a good match. It entertains a large number of people. They are good at pleasing their audience. Lucha Libre has been "scripted acrobatics" forever and I'm pretty sure the companies there are doing ok. Look at it this way, Michael Bay makes movies. Loud, not very thought provoking movies, summer blockbusters. They make shit loads of money. He's very good at what he does, playing to HIS audience. He knows what people want from his movies and delivers. It may not be my personal cup of tea but I won't say the guy sucks b/c obviously he's making cash and has a lot of fans. Wrestlers need to realize that not everyone appreciates every style of wrestling and instead of ripping on people that wrestle a different style, go out and give the best match they can for their audience.
  5. vermilion

    Turning Point

    I'd try and be "funny" and claim to be one of the guys in the pics but umm.....are there any guys in those pics? Stupid goths, look at them, being all goth and hating TNA.
  6. vermilion

    Impact spoilers (airs December 13th)

    Tag champ.....so technically yes. But no, never the World champ. Homicide and Joe are the only world champs on TNA right now and we know Joe isn't leaving.
  7. vermilion

    Impact spoilers (airs December 13th)

    I was just over at the ROH board for the first time and saw a thread (which was closed) talking about Low-Ki leaving TNA and in one of the first posts, some guy mentioned he heard another former ROH champ was leaving TNA as well but it hasn't been reported yet. Someone else goes on to say they heard it too. Lots of "I heard" rumor/speculation, but do you think maybe Daniels is really just leaving TNA and that's how they were going to write him out from the start?
  8. vermilion

    Worst promos ever

    Even as a kid, watching the Ultimate Warrior just made me go That's pretty bad b/c I liked Hogan and he's not one to make much sense either. As a personal worst promo, I'd have to put Austin in there. Not overall, but Austin's "What?" promos. The crowd loves them so they aren't bad persay, but god are they annoying. The worst part is people still do it. Seriously, I saw Shelton Benjamin this past week on ECW (shitty promo as well) talking and people are saying "what?". It's 2007, almost 2008, move on people.
  9. vermilion

    OAO 11/19 Raw Thread

    Yes, he is smaller than he was before. Too small? Not at all. I think with everything that's going on right now, it's kind of stupid to say that b/c it's that way of thinking that is costing lives. For all of the anti-McMahon posts on this board, some people are apparently still brainwashed into thinking big = good. On an actual RAW note, I thought the show was so-so. Jericho's return was pretty much as expected, nothing revolutionary or mindblowing but it served its purpose. Santino was good in his little Kaufmann-esque taunting of Lawler. I laughed at "gov't dog" and "knobberslocker" or whatever he said. Other than that, pretty basic show, nothing out of the ordinary.
  10. vermilion

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Hopefully Joe Mark isn't that stupid and actually uses common sense. I'm more likely to quit from someone snapping my ankle than a few small puncture wounds. Submitting to a move that has been built up, like Angle's anklelock, doesn't make anyone go "Oh what a pussy!" You see him lock it on and you go "Shit, how's he going to get out of this move? This is the end." and the more he fights, the more suspense and drama it adds to the match. Submission holds are no different than impact finishers in that aspect. Triple H's Pedigree is a killer in kayfabe. We all know this doesn't happen but theoretically if he hits someone with it, and they kick out, the match gets that much more exciting. You are supposed to think "Wow, if he kicked out of that, what is it going to take to keep him down?" and you think he has a chance of winning. If he doesn't kick out, you aren't supposed to think he's weak, b/c everyone drops to that move. It's ridiculous to take out submissions for that reason. Might as well ditch pinfalls too, don't want to make anyone look bad. Hell, everything should end in a draw then, for the sake of not making someone look weaker than another wrestler.
  11. vermilion


    I don't mind the Walls of Jericho as his submission finisher, but I'd like to see him add an impact move as well. Like mentioned before, the stunner was a perfect example of a move Jericho needs. A quick, high-impact move that can be hit on large and small opponents effectively. Jericho's not very big so so any finisher where he'll have to lift could be bad, especially against someone like Umaga. The enzuigiri was a great idea but unfortunately used a lot so to have Jericho end with it would take a little work. You'd have to condition the fans into believing that for whatever reason, his was more deadly/lethal than anyone else doing it. Same with any DDT/neckbreaker variation, not that I have a problem with him using any of those.
  12. vermilion


    I like how you can see the save_222 and rev_something or another in the electric on the cover. I'm a little annoyed though, it says "Y2J's return". I was really hoping they'd ditch that way out of date nickname and just go with Chris Jericho or even the Lionheart if you needed a nickname to call him. Does anyone have the issue to tell us what it says about him on the inside?
  13. vermilion

    WWE General Discussion - November 2007

    I understand Stephanie being upset if a big surprise was leaked or something but.....aren't the promos in question supposed to be like a riddle? I thought we were meant to figure out who it is. Stupid internet fans ruining the surprise by not being completely retarded and figuring it out the first night.
  14. Some parts of the chapter really bothered me to read. I know Bret is full of himself, and obviously was a phenomenal wrestler (I consider myself a big fan), but the part with all the agents and wrestlers verbally sucking him off seems pretty fake. Also, a little part that bothered me, it shouldn't b/c it's meaningless, was "His dad smiled, impressed that I was a man of my ­word." Come on Bret, like you honestly know the guy was thinking that. That just seemed like a very silly thing to throw in. We get it, you are a wonderful person, role model, and perfect wrestler. He just doesn't come across as being truthful or sincere based on this one chapter. I could be wrong though.
  15. vermilion

    Cyber-Sunday Main Events

    Or you could just put on consistently good PPVs. Relying on surprises to spike buy rates is a bad long-term move. Exactly, which is why I hold steady on the fact that he should debut on RAW. Either way, I'm excited that he is coming back... whether it be on RAW or at the PPV. I agree with this 100%. PPVs should be held to finally see the face get ahold of the chicken shit heel or the big epic blow-off to a feud, etc. You could have a limited number of surprises, the occassional run-in to set up a new feud, debuting wrestlers and the like but I think a majority of surprises should be for the TV shows. Look at people already saying "Shit, I have to watch RAW now...". If the show had more of an element of surprise, more of a "I can't miss this" factor, maybe the ratings wouldn't suck.
  16. vermilion

    Wrestling Moves you busted out In Real Fights

    Most of these examples aren't in actual real fights. Fucking around with your friends, it's really easy to put on submissions. You usually don't have the threat of being punched or kicked too much. My friends and I used to wrestle each other a lot, submissions and slams only though, no strikes. Makes it much easier to slap on a sharpshooter or a Boston crab. I'd say in a real fight, the most effective moves are going to be moves adapted from Judo or amateur wrestling. I don't see anyone pulling off an actual Rock Bottom, but maybe a uranage or an STO or something.
  17. vermilion

    Impact spoilers for 10/25

    Why is Ron Killings with Rhino and Chris Harris? Did I miss something where he turned face again?
  18. vermilion

    Cena's title reign

    I'm not against the FU (although a real DVD would be better), but for the love of all things holy, please stop with the STFU. It reminds me of The Rock's sharpshooter, which used to piss me off so much. Neither can apply the move correctly and both make that stupid yelling face when they do it. It's just a peeve of mine.
  19. vermilion

    Sandman Released :(

    This is also on Sandman's MySpace page. TNA and ROH both, glad to see him getting paid after busting his ass to get in good shape.
  20. vermilion

    Sandman Released :(

    Better yet, at a time where people are being suspended for drugs and other substance abuse, who would've thought we'd all be surprised that The Sandman is being fired? It's a shame, he really seemed to have things going in his favor. I always dug the guy, if not for his actual wrestling ability but at least for his endless amounts of charisma.
  21. vermilion

    Ric Flair quits WWE

    Yes, this is true, it would be chop/forearm/chop/forearm/chop. While most would've died and gone to heaven seeing this about 15 years ago, watching it now would just be a disappointment. Personally, Flair needs to just quit in-ring work. In my opinion, he's WAY too far past being useful there. He'd be great in a mentor/managerial role, as a mouthpiece for cocky young team or wrestler.
  22. vermilion

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Probably create more titles for him to carry. If the shit gets really bad, he can just drop them all to Jarrett.
  23. vermilion

    WWE suspends 10 wrestlers

    Sounds like now is the time to finally call Burchill up with his Ripper gimmick. I'd be happy with Colt Cabana on any of the shows as well but I'm sure in the WWE's eyes, he's not ready (hasn't be in OVW for very long).
  24. vermilion

    oAo thread for ECW on June 5th

    I agree completely. Personally, I'd like to see ECW have some of the old ROH guys like London, Kendrick, Noble, Punk, Cabana mixed in with badasses like Benoit, Finlay, Regal, etc. Make it the more wrestling based show, with the hardcore Balls/Sandman/Dreamer stuff thrown in as well. It won't happen, I just want all my favorites on one show
  25. Why doesn't he just say he stole it from Tenzan? I mean, he didn't even change the name of it. I dug the rest of the article though.