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Everything posted by Kapoutman

  1. Kapoutman

    Favorite Movie Quote?

    Two quotes from Naked Gun 33 1/3. "Like the midget at the urinal, I would have to stay on my toes." "Like the blind man in an orgy, I would have to feel things out."
  2. Kapoutman

    People losing weight eating McDonald's only?

    Yeah, sure, she's gonna lose weight, but she's gonna lack vitamins, minerals, her sodium is gonna be through the roof and her arteries are gonna be blocked from all the cholesterol.
  3. Kapoutman

    Pink is NOT the new black

    As far as males are concerned, only Hart family relatives should be allowed to wear pink.
  4. Kapoutman

    Favorite Movie Quote?

    I agree. But add Ghostbusters 2 to that.
  5. No. They were chanting "charrue", which means "slut". <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There was more than one French chant, so perhaps they chanted both? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> During the Edge/Venis match, the charrue chant is the only one I remember. If anybody remembers any chant they'd like to see translated, just ask.
  6. No. They were chanting "charrue", which means "slut".
  7. Kapoutman

    Simpsons Season 6 DVD Set Complaint

    I thought the Lisa on Ice episode was more liked. I love it. The stuff with the bunny's head, Lisa kicking the air and Homer coming in with his fighting speech after Marge tries to stop them... I love it.
  8. Kapoutman

    What do you do for a living?

    I'm a computer technician for the Montreal School Board. I wait in my office until one of the 7 schools assigned to me call saying they have a problem. I drive to it and repair everything. That pays really well.
  9. Kapoutman

    Wrestlers mentioned in songs..

    I love Bret Hart, but even I cringed when I saw him in that Rascals video.
  10. Kapoutman

    The Official NHL Offseason Thread

    I just put on the 24/7 sports channel and there is no scroll or news of Leclair siging anywhere.
  11. Kapoutman

    DS screen broken...

    Nintendo offers a repair service for a reasonable price. I had a problem with my Game Boy Color once, and they replaced it for 15 dollars Canadian. Just call them.
  12. Kapoutman

    Kurt Lauderdale

    This has been all over the news in Montreal. Kurt is charged with first degree murder, his parents are charged with complicity after facts since they helped him clean up and everything. The police supposedly have a really solid evidence, and the simple fact that Kurt Lauders himself led them to the body seems to indicate that he is in fact guilty. This is just tragic. However, I wouldn't say this is really bad for the Quebec wrestling scene. Just for the IWS, who said they were supporting Kurt, even though part of the evidences that led to the charging were revealed.
  13. Kapoutman

    Manager Name

    His P.R. consultant.
  14. Kapoutman

    Whats the longest your have fasted for?

    12 hours before gettign blood samples taken. Other than that, I always eat three times a day with snacks.
  15. Kapoutman

    Killer 7

    I still have good anticipations for this game. I think there's a pretty good chance this game will rule.
  16. Kapoutman

    kaZZa lite trouble

    Invent one.
  17. Kapoutman

    Favorite burgers

    Harvey's - The Original with bacon
  18. Kapoutman


    The only beer I can drink is Boréale. Don't know if it's available anywhere else than Quebec.
  19. Kapoutman

    Favorite potato chip flavor

  20. Kapoutman

    Nintendo DS likely to be bundled with Mario 64

    Minus the thumb strap? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I use the thumbstrap for WarioWare and nothing else. The D-Pad works like a charm. I got used to the new control pattern after about 30 minutes.
  21. Kapoutman

    Nintendo DS likely to be bundled with Mario 64

    I got a Nintendo DS, and Mario DS plays extremely well even without an analog stick. They added in a dash button and everything works good. I don't get all those people saying there isn't enough good games on the DS. There are incredible games already out (Mario, Warioware, PacPix, Star Wars is a great surprise too) and the future games look incredible (Animal Crossing online, Metroid Prime Hunter, Nintendogs, and Miyamoto confirmed a DS exclusive Zelda game). I love my DS.
  22. Kapoutman

    Can anyone educate me about

    Well, his name is "Guevara" and not "Guerrera". Other than that, he was Fidel Castro's pal. He helped him take out Batista as President of Cuba. He then stayed on the island a couple of years as a minister of some sort. He then helped in a couple other revolutions, but he was killed during one of them in Bolivia apparently by the CIA. That's all I know.
  23. Kapoutman

    What stars never reached

    Magnum TA
  24. Kapoutman

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    Yoda does that too when he throws it at the Clone Trooper, then jump on him to takeit out.
  25. Kapoutman

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    I also found this image. I don't know if it is from ROTS, but you were right on one point. In AOTC, Plo Koon's saber is blue.