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Posts posted by Kapoutman

  1. Nice to see dubq with "Bulls v. Blazers and the NBA playoffs" for SNES. I got that game with Madden '93 (the first edition of Madden I ever played) from my uncle who was a game reviewer at the time for free. While the gameplay was choppy I loved taking my Utah Jazz through the postseason and smashing the Bulls in the finals.


    Anyone ever play Body Harvest for N64? My brother got that game and since his taste in games wasn't good I was like "what in the heck is this?" before I played it and thought it was one of the better games on the console.


    Body Harvest is one of my favorite game on the system. Never managed to finish it as it was always a rental, but I had a lot of fun with that game.

  2. I love Oasis. A lot of people stopped caring when "Be Here Now" bombed, but they got better eventually, to the point where "Don't Believe The Truth" is actually a great album. Hell, even now, when listening again, Be Here Now has some great catchy tunes, it's just that some of them sound really loud because they overproduced it.


    If you just want single songs, "Acquiesce", "The Importance of Being Idle" and "Underneath the Sky" are some of my favourites.

  3. I just played Halo for the first time. I don't get it. Whats the big f

    'n deal?


    Great graphics

    Great story

    Great score

    Great environments

    Great characters




    Need I say more?


    I saw everything you mentioned in that game. The graphics were hot, the music was good and I liked the story, but it's when it came to playing it that it crumbled down. It just didn't feel fun. At least to me.

  4. Red Steel is not as bad as I thought it would be. The cut-scenes suck, the graphics are average, and the control takes some time getting used to, but everything still works well enough to be enjoyable. It's about a 6/10 in my opinion. I enjoy picking out bad guys with the sniper rifle, as well as shooting guns out of their hands.


    However, since it does get a bit repetitive, I usually play through one level each day. Never more than that.

  5. How many mini-games do you figure are in the game? Is it like Mario Party where you don't really see a large chunk of the available mini-games during a game? Or are they so few where you see most of them in one play-through?


    Nintendo Power say 200+ microgames.

  6. I finally finished the game yesterday, and I already feel like playing through it again. I think I'll grab what I didn't have time to get before doing that however, just to have that feeling that I did finish it completely. I have about a dozen heart pieces, 9 golden bugs and 30 poes soul left to get. Oh, and I still have all those rollgoal levels to clear and some fishes left to catch.


    Damn, that game is huge.

  7. They said that Bonk could be included in a trade for Fedorov. If they give up our faceoff and penalty killing specialist for a hasbeen like Fedorov, it would have to be the worst trade I have seen in a while. Fedorov hasn't done anything significant since he got out of Detroit.


    And I like Bonk. He has a funny name AND he plays well.

  8. I voted Zelda because there are about five games from that series in my top 10 games. Final Fantasy never really hooked me. I'm not saying they're bad games, it's just that I connect more with Zelda. Something about the story has me waiting for the next installment just to see the next twist in the legend. The last time I played a Final Fantasy game (FFVII), I found the random battles and hour-long attack animations very annoying.

  9. I got Zelda, which is pretty much the most addictive game I've played since Lego Star Wars, and I also have Excite Truck and Red Steel. I know a lot has been said about Red Steel, but I actually like it. It took me about 30 minutes to get used to the control, then it was all fun. Excite Truck is ridiculously fun, even more with the custom soundtrack option. It's just a really simple racing game, but because of the way you control it and because they take the focus out of finishing first in each race, it all feels new and fresh. And the multiplayer mode is a lot of fun too.

  10. Best Buy has this game on for $24.99 CAD. What's the replay value like and is it worth getting the PS2 version or the PC version? :)


    I got this game for the original price (about 50,00$) for PC and I still play i over a year later. Replay value is pretty high because of the Galactic Conquest mode, which gives you a couple of different scenarios and is pretty fun to play. Playing online isn't that bad actually. With the experience I had with other shooters and people cheating and screaming at the sight of a noob, I was disgusted by online play until I tried this game. It looks like people are a lot more relaxed, and even though I'm not that good at shooters, I can still manage to get a lot of kills.


    I'd say buy it, it's well worth it.

  11. Anyone know if there's a way to turn down the volume on the wiimote? It's kind of awkward playing Zelda with the TV really quiet and then the remote blaring when I solve a puzzle.


    Press the "Home" button, select your remote and there will be the options attached to it.

  12. The first time I beat Ocarina of Time. That was for two reasons.


    1) I love video games, but I suck at playing them. So my brother had already finished his game, while I was still only at the Water Temple. My girlfriend, who got the game a whole month after me, was about to catch up. So when I finally beat the game just before she did, I had a huge feeling of satisfaction. That's a bit stupid, but I still felt pretty good.


    2) The ending to that game was just incredible. The big party scene in Hyrule Field with all the major characters was a lot of fun to watch, and just left me with a big smile.


    The first reason also means that finishing The Wind Waker was also a lot of fun because it's the first Zelda game ever that I finished before my brother. Seeing Link bury his sword in Ganondorf's skull was also pretty cool.


    Finally, the numerous nights and week-ends I lost playing multiplayer Goldeneye with my brother and my friends are the reason I am such a big multiplayer games fan. I keep buying a lot of games mainly for their multiplayer mode, but I don't think I have found one that quite captured the fun we had in Goldeneye.

  13. Saw this over at DVDVR. I'm not playing this game, but I figured I'd give you guys a heads-up on 2 possibly big glitches (i.e. you'd need to restart the game from the beginning). I spoiler tagged it, because it's got some spoiler-ish stuff, but you may want to check it out to avoid having to start your game over.

    1. There will come a time in the game in which you cross a bridge just moments before it is destroyed. You'll find youself with very few options at this point and the only place to go will be into a wall of Twilight. For the love of humanity, DO NOT SAVE AND QUIT HERE! When you continue playing after you save and quit, of course, you start at the entrance of the area you last entered. In this case, this means you will have to start on the other side of the broken bridge and will have no way of crossing back over it to where you are supposed to be. There will be no way to cross this bridge again and, as such, the game cannot progress any further. You will be forced to start over from the beginning.


    2. I have not tested this out myself but, just to be safe, DO NOT SAVE AND QUIT when you are in the room with a giant cannon. If you do, an essential non-playable character will be out of position when you resume play and you will essentially be trapped in the room with no way to leave.


    I heard about these issues, but apparently, there are ways to get around both. I don't know what it is for the first one, but for the second, only his texture is out of position. the icon that says to press A to talk still appears if you go where he should be, and you can finish the scene and move on.

  14. Might be spoilers, so I'm not taking any chance.


    I got a request for you guys. My cell phone rang during the cutscene that happens after

    you collected all the Tears of Light in Lake Hylia. You know, the scene that starts with the spirit of light explaining how Hyrule came to exist, and Ilia is about to stab Link or something.

    Anyway, I forgot to press "home" on my Wiimote to pause it, so I missed the cutscene and I don't want to check GameFaqs because of the spoilers for the rest of the game.


    Could somebody just recap/tell me what's said in that cutscene? :(
