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Posts posted by Kapoutman

  1. No Mercy is my favaorite wrestling game ever, but Day of Reckoning for gamecube is fantastic. I am completely satisfied by it. I would even say it is on par with No Mercy. The CAW has a lot of options. It is really good.


    However, DoR2 is coming out either this summer or in September, and it is supposed to have the same storyline mode, only as a sequel. It could be better.

  2. She's gonna live in the NDG borough in Montreal. It's about 20 minutes from my borough (Hochelaga). Everybody is mad at the fact that she is being released. She should be kept in prison.


    Now, sure, the residents won't feel safe, but she too risks being harrased, stalked or maybe even murdered by angry residents.


    And she thinks that Quebec is less in the known? There has almost been a countdown to the day where she'll be released since 2000.

  3. Proper country music has plenty of the best songs ever don't forget.

    I guess none of them make it over here.


    Around here, country music is Shania Twain, and a couple of 50-60 years old people singing about how they are lonely and/or their love left them.


    All that with shitty guitar.

  4. If you want hookers in Montreal, just hang around corner Sainte-Catherine/Saint-Laurent.


    And there is this old, ugly hooker that established her spot in front of the convenience store, two blocks from my house.

  5. Anything by/with Sean Paul irritates me. It is truly horrible, at least to me. So Sean Paul's entire material gets the #1 spot.


    Country music as a whole comes at number 2 as a kind of "lifetime achievement" award for "Worst song ever."

  6. Even though submissions can work well in a fight, I was proven time and time again that power moves do not work. In 2000 or so, my friends were also a lot into wrestling and thought it could work if they tried. So I witnessed:


    - A guy trying to hit a DDT. He ended up in what I could describe as a release Northern Light Suplex when the other guy didn't cooperate.

    - Another guy trying a pedigree. When he jumped, the other guy stood up and carried him on his back until my friend yelled "ALL RIGHT DON'T DROP ME LET GO".



  7. The Hitman's theme will always be the greatest ever. I don't know why, but the guitar rif carries a sense of greatness to it.


    Recently, I've been loving Eddie Guerrero's theme. I checked, and it seems like I am the only one.

  8. The only moves I used in fights where submission holds, and I only used them to get the other one to stop because I am a huge pussy when it comes to fighting.


    Basically, I was punching, and the other guy punched harder than me. So I did the following.


    -Front facelock

    -Switched to a Tazmission, on the ground with bodyscissor.

    -From there, I figured I might as well switch to a Cobra clutch, and the guy had troubles breathing. He said "All right let's stop".


    So yeah, it works. But I wouldn't try anything that requires an ounce of strength.

  9. The Eiffel tower is not "cool". It's monumental. It's old, rusty and frankly, not that good-looking, but it is special.


    And Jean-Paul Belmondo stopped being cool after making that spy movie with Vanessa Paradis.

  10. France isn't really the country of love then. They just lack lesser verbs and are drawn into long-term relationships because of it.

    Yeah, it's all a big scam really. The only cool thing in France is Gerard Depardieu.

  11. May I ask what's the big deal about saying "I love you" to a girl is? I come from Quebec, and it seems like I am not the only one around here who is wondering that. When I see American movies with my friends, and the character is about to panic because he said "I Love You" (View American Pie to see what I mean), we are just wondering what's so terrible.


    I mean, saying I love you is one of the first thing you do around here when you start seeing a girl more seriously.


    Maybe it's because I'm a dirty French-Canadian, but I really don't understand what the big deal is.
