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clean rob

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Everything posted by clean rob

  1. clean rob

    Smackdown rating

    Eddy certainly looks to be grabbing a fair chunk of ratings at the moment. If No Way Out can manage a decent buyrate, given the almost total lack of build-up for the other matches, I'd say WWE will be forced to give Eddy a decent run with the title. Which would be nice.
  2. clean rob

    Smackdown Match Listing

    Good God! Didn't see that one coming. At least Smackdown looks pretty wrestling-heavy this week, even if most of the matches don't look like they'll set the world on fire.
  3. clean rob

    Explain THIS TO ME

    Nobody should have ever let on that it was clearly such bollocks, then he'd have kept on putting effort in. Now rawmvp knows nobody believes his bizarre little tale, he's not even trying. It was funnier when he was trying to make it vaguely realistic. I still want a sex scene though. Use the phrase 'quivering labia' or something.
  4. clean rob

    Explain THIS TO ME

    So, are we not getting your attempt at writing a sex scene then? Oh go on, I'd love to see what you come up with.
  5. clean rob

    Bob Holly Finally Getting Heat.....

    Fair enough, but the way I see it is if you get two 250 pound bags of muscle actually beating each other up, you're going to get some pretty nasty injuries sooner rather than later. There's a big difference between being scared to make contact, and not bothering to adequately protect whoever you're in the ring with.
  6. clean rob

    The Smark Double Standard

    No, it's been mentioned a few times in this thread already, try page 2.
  7. clean rob

    Bob Holly Finally Getting Heat.....

    No...no, you're not. You're supposed to look like you're beating each other up. IMO, the spot would have had the same effect and been considerably less dangerous if Big Show had held on to the board and thrown it away from him as it bounced off the ring post, making sure to turn it before release so that Rey ended up landing on his back.
  8. clean rob


    That is if the romance novel industry doesn't snap him up. Seriously though, this is not a good idea. One 'legend' type of match might be a good idea, more than that would be terrible.
  9. clean rob

    Benoit can win the World title.

    Nope, but that's when the company (i.e. Vince) felt he could afford to take a gamble like that, buyrates and interest in the company were much higher at the time and doing such an unexpected thing (no-one really thought HHH would walk out of that champion) was probably meant to keep the audience on its toes. Vince wants his viewers back, and he won't try to get them by supplying an unsatisfying ending to a PPV they've been touting as 'the PPV to end all PPVs' for 10 months. Sounds like a great idea to me - is it too much to hope for?
  10. clean rob

    The Smark Double Standard

    I haven't seen the Orton spot which this discussion seems mostly based on, but I stand by that the Angle DDT spot wasn't too badly botched. Remember, marks don't see the match as consisting of a bunch of spots so a reasonable amount of covering up a slightly botched spot will go relatively unnoticed. And that's what Angle and Lesnar did, a reasonable amount of covering up.
  11. clean rob

    The Smark Double Standard

    I didn't think that DDT spot was too badly botched, I suspect most marks wouldn't have noticed - also, it wasn't repeated immediately as I remember, there were a few transition moves between the botched and the non-botched spots.
  12. clean rob

    Benoit can win the World title.

    I seriously, SERIOUSLY doubt the main event (i.e. the last match on the card) at WMXX will have a heel win. The WWE will be hoping that a lot of people who don't normally watch their shows or buy their PPVs will tune in to this Wrestlemania, they won't want to give these viewers a downer at the end of the show. So, if it's not GB/Lesnar, it would make the titles look pretty unimportant if a title match didn't main event. If what seem to be the current plans go ahead either Angle/Eddie or some HHH/HBK/Benoit combo will be the ME. IMO, HHH will probably rather lose the title in the last match of the night than retain it lower down the card, so he'll push for his match to be on last.
  13. clean rob

    William Regal close to returning

    Good for Regal for staying positive and sticking at it. I look forward to seeing him wrestle again.
  14. clean rob

    WWE UK tour 2004

    Double post, 'scuse me.
  15. clean rob

    WWE UK tour 2004

    That's kind of why I fancy going to see one. Instead of seeing clashing GMs, endless Austin skits and the like, I was sorta hoping to see some entertaining wrestling matches... I've heard that because it's not going to get shown on TV the wrestlers are allowed to pretty much book the matches however they like, so I might get to see some different spots and moves, or maybe even (God forbid) some cruiserweight matches of a decent length. Plus it'd be an experience, I guess. What did you think of the shows you went to, Ravman?
  16. clean rob

    Why so many German suplexes?

    Eddie and Chavo used watered down brainbusters. Brock does a delayed fisherman's suplex. Isn't the move Brock uses a Fisherman's Buster as opposed to a Fisherman's Suplex? FrigidSoul, by Double Underhook Suplex do you mean a Butterfly Suplex? 'Cause A-Train includes those in his repertoire. I agree with everyone about the devaluation of Germans - 3 Germans should equal at the very least a nearfall, and should put away lowercarders and jobbers.
  17. I don't mean to sound rude or anything, but I think that idea just sounds awful. That post-match promo sounds like it's been penned by Billy Kidman. Orton needs to get over as a heel before turning him face will work to its maximum effect, and that won't have happened by WMXX - though I do believe he is slowly getting there.
  18. clean rob

    WWE UK tour 2004

    I might try to get tickets for Newcastle as well, I've never been to a live event before and hopefully it'd be good fun. Anyone here been to a UK event before? Worth going? Any idea of pricing?
  19. clean rob

    Who gets the B-2 Treatment?

    With any luck, Ernest Miller will last under a nanosecond. Nunzio probably.
  20. clean rob

    Royal Rumble

    I want Benoit to win as much as anyone, but don't you think you're overreacting just a tad? Match quality depends on a little more than who goes over, IMO. Do you consider every match that Benoit loses to be *? Anyway, I'm looking forward to what I hope will be an enjoyable PPV: Royal Rumble: ***1\4 - It's always difficult to gauge the quality of this sort of match, but I generally enjoy the Rumble because there's lots going on so at least it isn't dull. There's plenty of angles going in to the match, and hopefully the better workers will spend the majority of time in the ring and the big men will be used wisely. HBK/HHH: *** - I loved their match on Raw at the end of the year and they will surely attempt to top it at the Rumble, but I don't think they quite will, because the stipulation will mean loads of weapons and stalling. Should be enjoyable enough however, and the heat should be great. Brock/Holly: **1/4 - I expect a stiff brawl that tells a simple story here. Both better workers than a lot of people give credit for, and the story going in has been good. Eddie/Chavo: ***1/2 - I'm expecting this to have plenty of time, considering how much they've devoted to it on Smackdown, and I really enjoy watching both men in the ring, so I'm hoping for a lot of energy and emotion in this one. Hopefully we'll get it. Probable MOTN IMO. Rey/Noble: ** - I've given up on believing the cruisers will ever get a decent amount of time for a PPV match, so I expect this will be short and sweet in order for Austin to waste up some screen time. Evolution/Dudleys: 3/4* - Reasonable ring work here and not much else. Gets 1/4* for an opportunity to drunkenly shout 'Wooo!' at my TV.
  21. clean rob

    Royal Rumble Predictions

    Quick predictions: Triple H © Vs. Shawn Michaels - Tough call, but Last Man Standing means sledgehammers are legal, so HHH surely has the advantage... I'm going to go with my gut feeling and say HBK wins anyay, the fans are clamouring for it. Batista & Ric Flair © Vs. The Dudley Boyz - Meh, the Dudley's won't and shouldn't win this. D-Von takes the Powerbomb That Confuses J.R. once again, but through a table this time. Rey Misterio Jr. © Vs. Jamie Noble - Again, tricky choice. Hmmm, maybe Noble wins the title but loses his girl. Yeah, that's as good a prediction as any. Brock Lesnar © Vs. "Hardcore" Holly - Lesnar. Duh. I don't think this match is going to be as bad as a lot of people think, provided it's not too long. Chavo Guerrero Vs. Eddie Guerrero - Eddie. He needs to go on to bigger and better things ASAP, and losing to Chavito won't allow that. Royal Rumble - Benoit. Maybe it's naivety, or bloody-minded optimism, but he HAS to win.
  22. If they are going to do that angle, I maintain the best way is for a bunch of guys to be doing the "all shoving a big man over the top" spot, and Y2J to head top the top turnbuckle, looking to missile dropkick them all over the top rope (possibly having done the same spot once already in the match so the crowd can plainly see what he's about to do), when he sees his damsel in distress on the floor. This makes it much more believable for him to go STRAIGHT OFF the turnbuckle onto Christian or whoever it is threatening Trish, as it's a split second, emotional (or immotional, if you prefer) decision for Jericho. And yes, it is corny...but in that sense, it fits in with the angle so far.
  23. I don't see this as an indication that Benoit definitely won't be winning by any means. The fact that Benoit is up on the cover page shows that: (i) It's the main angle going into the Rumble match. (ii) In kayfabe, Benoit has a realistic shot at winning. And as for the poll, either: (i) It's fixed, and the company is showing the marks that Benoit's still in with a shot at winning despite being #1, though is by no means a shoe-in. (Which is good) (ii) It's not fixed, and the marks are telling WWE that they consider Benoit a viable title contender, although they aren't sure he'll win (also good).
  24. clean rob

    So who's ordering the Royal Rumble?

    Apparently it is on NTL, Chave II. Have a flick through, see if you can find it. It's a pretty new channel I think.
  25. clean rob

    More WWE Workers To Be Sent To OVW

    Doesn't prove a thing mate. Some builder over here in England had a boob job a couple of years back for a bet. And even his baps looked better than Lita's.