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Everything posted by 1234-5678

  1. 1234-5678

    Sexy Dirty Money

    I stopped watching it. I don't care for any of the storylines, other then will Nate Fisher bang the broad that is much hotter then his bitchy wife.
  2. 1234-5678

    The Shoot Interview Thread

    Wasn't there an RF shoot that was with both Hall and Nash? Has Waltman ever done a shoot?
  3. 1234-5678

    OAO 11/19 Raw Thread

    He said again "agayn." That's super gay right there. Nah I was glad to see him, but yeah, let's hope he's given a proper run at the top if possible.
  4. 1234-5678

    OAO 11/19 Raw Thread

    The show has been extended. Jericho will come out at 11:00, most likely, giving him 10 minutes. How do you know it has been extended?
  5. 1234-5678

    OAO 11/19 Raw Thread

    Jericho is going to get what.....3 minutes onscreen? WWE fucking blows it again. I'm ashamed I actually have this show on.
  6. 1234-5678


  7. I saw Mikey Whipwreck at GNR, 5-12-06 at the Hammerstein Ballroom. He sat right in front of me, and we talked about the upcoming One Night Stand. What do you guys have, as far as meeting and hanging out with wrestlers? I don't want to hear Denny's, or a Waffle House, or a fucking hotel bar either. Come up with some good ones.
  8. 1234-5678


    And how is that? Leaks?
  9. 1234-5678

    Strangest place you've met a wrestler

    "Thanks for the support guys. And we'd appreciate it if you tried a free jalapeno cheese cube, aisle 16. "
  10. 1234-5678

    Strangest place you've met a wrestler

    It can't be at a wrestling show they worked either. I'm talking Foley at a theme park, Nash at a car dealership, um.........I ran out. Lawler in a Mall, etc.
  11. 1234-5678


    I think it already looks to be one of the most captivating seasons of television ever.
  12. 1234-5678


    I just discovered "Wonderwall" and decided it has some of the greatest lyrics of all time. What else do they worth checking out? I need a new obsession.
  13. 1234-5678

    Sexy Dirty Money

    The important thing is, I got both of the adjectives right, and the first episode was a winner in my book. Sets everything up nicely.
  14. 1234-5678


    Jeez, only a few steps above the Goo Goo Dolls? Harsh.......that's like comparing them to Sugar Ray.
  15. 1234-5678

    JAxl almost gets shot/mugged....

    <reposted from my myspace blog> I almost got mugged today. The 2nd job interview I was at, well the job will be in a place called Bridgeport, NJ, it's all industrial complexes and stuff. But the interview was in a town called Woodbury, which may be considered a ghetto, lol. I'm walking back to my car from the interview, and I get stopped by two black guys on bikes......."What's up deeewwwwwwwd" one of them asks me, in a surfer, white guy voice. Now I don't have the tan or the wardrobe to be a surfer, but I digress........I'm like "What's happenin" and attempt to keep walking. I know this isn't going to end well. One of the guys pulls his bike in front of me, the other guy is on the right. "You in the wrong neighborhood mothafucka!" the one guy yells at me. "You lost white boy?" Now, I already had my hand in my pocket to get my keys since my car was right there, so I'm kind of deducing who to swing at first. A key between the knuckles will put anyone down, then I just have one to deal with....maybe I wasn't thinking clearly of course, but......It's hot, I'm irritated, and I know, like I said, it's going to end badly. There is no other option. I have to act quick. I'm not as smart as I think though, as the guy on the right of me yells at me to take my hand out of my pocket, reaches under his shirt and pulls out a .38 (or so Chief tells me it was based on my description) and I get to look at it for a split second.........and a patrol car fucking swoooooooops down. The two black guys haul ass one on his bike, one on foot. They catch one of them, I don't know for sure about the other. I have to make a brief statement, and they let me go. But sheesh.....take one wrong step in one wrong neighborhood, and I was almost on the 5 o clock news...pisses me off.........but hey, I'm 25 and still bullet free, so I must be doing something right.....or lucky, lol.
  16. 1234-5678

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    FoxNews.com if you want to watch it.
  17. 1234-5678

    JAxl almost gets shot/mugged....

    On the humorous side of things, I have to go back to the same place for a 2nd interview/drug test.
  18. 1234-5678

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Reggie White died of fucking sleep apnea dude. A disease that millions of non-steroid using humans suffer from. I don't think there's a misconception about the NFL. When was the last time the NFL had to cancel a game to hold a tribute because a team's Quarterback died the day before because of an enlarged heart or damaged kidneys or something? Where are all the NFL players dying in their 40's from all the drugs they're supposedly abusing? You're once again trying to deflect blame from the WWE and I don't get it. What are you trying to say? WWE shouldn't have to clean up until everyone else does? Do you want to continue seeing wrestlers die at a young age because of this shit? I guess as long as YA GET TA KEEP SEEIN YUR RASSLIN EVERY MONDAY, everything is just fine. Johnny Grunge died of fucking sleep apnea dude. It's selective reporting. Reggie was a preacher, well respected....not like a dirty wrestler. I wouldn't be surprised if they found something a little off about the size of his heart, or maybe some overused prescriptions to compensate for the pain,and it was kept quiet.
  19. 1234-5678

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    No one called for a congressional investigation with Hendrix/Joplin/Morrison all died in a year's span. Or Kurt Cobain and the guy from Sublime (Brad Nowell?) Or when Sid killed Nancy and then himself.
  20. 1234-5678

    OAO Raw Thread - July 9, 2007

    They have a lack of midcard faces so they don't have alot of choice. Shit, Sandman is over no matter what, no matter where he goes. They called him Hak and took away his beer in WCW and he was still over.
  21. 1234-5678

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    To me, this is one of the biggest moments in the history of the sport. Three of the biggest names, and the biggest story we're ever going to see, tragic as it may be.
  22. 1234-5678

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    You can. It's more common then people realize. Nancy is just trying to make it look like another wrestler died because of Astin. Reggie White died from sleep apnea. Which leads me into my "White was a steroid abusing piece of shit" diatribe I deliver at bars when people attack pro wrestling. It may not be even close to true, but he died in his 40s, so that's all I need. Early death = drugs.
  23. 1234-5678

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Next week, she'll report that Andre The Giant just died and steroids are a possible factor. They show Andre on their list of wrestlers under 60 that died. Granted, it's true, but it would be nice to see reasons next to the names.
  24. 1234-5678

    JAxl almost gets shot/mugged....

    I did not spit on her damn it.........she just accused me of it. I never claimed to be living the high life, I think not living it is part of my charm. I may DRINK the high life occasionally, altho I am not proud of it.
  25. 1234-5678

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    No. It relates to this issue. Every involving Benoit should stay in this place. Grace is a fucking idiot. You see the look of confusion when being told the difference of murder and manslaughter. I only meant because the power trifecta of Hart, Jericho and especially Cena on a major news program may deserve it's own thread. I see your point though.