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Everything posted by 1234-5678

  1. 1234-5678

    Dark Matches / Velocity spoilers

    Oooh, Greg Gagne is pissed! Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to 1964.
  2. 1234-5678

    William Hung gets record deal

    Hey look, it's sign #57 of the impending apocalypse.
  3. 1234-5678

    Just what the world needed...

    I'd need 20 people in each major city and quite a few baseball bats, several gallons of gasoline and an unlimited supply of matches. Let me go draw up the blueprints.
  4. I like this idea. Ditto.
  5. 1234-5678

    Kane vs Undertaker

    Have Kane put the Taker down after 3 or 4 Tombstones, ala their WM 14 finish except with Kane coming out on top obviously.
  6. 1234-5678

    Rob Feinstein........

    Morally bankrupt? Wrestlers and Promoters? Nah........I won't believe it.
  7. 1234-5678

    Rob Feinstein........

    I told you guys Piper was going to pull out.
  8. 1234-5678

    WMXX: Pop of the night?

    I would guess Foley or Rock in their seperate entrances, or maybe Cena. He is poised to break out at any second.
  9. 1234-5678

    Negativity Thread

    ^^^^^^^ shouldn't call Jesus Christ a has been.
  10. 1234-5678

    Negativity Thread

    ^^^^^^^^^^^ Named after a country full of ugly broads
  11. 1234-5678

    Rob Feinstein........

    The only ROH match I have ever seen was a 3 way between Daniels, Ki, and American Dragon. But this guy made me want to support them. If Feinstein is officially gone (not Patterson gone) I think I may just go watch my first ROH show whenever they are back around the Philly area. That is because I love wrestling and I appreciate the guys who leave it all in the ring like the ROH guys do (from what I hear). Indie wrestling (Like 3PW, which I have gone to see loyally since December) is the best stuff out there, those guys break their asses to make it big. They deserve a shot, despite indescretions from morons. Once again, Rob though? Get him some serious therapy or drugs. I'm not comfortable at all with taking money out of "the boys'" pockets because of some fuckin pervert. And whoever knew about him should suffer as well.
  12. 1234-5678

    Howard Stern says anti-Bush comments...

    And the kid will find something to wack off to either way......as I am sure we all know.
  13. 1234-5678

    Howard Stern says anti-Bush comments...

    Yeah me too. I think by the time kids are in HS though, they're ok to listen to Howard Stern. Their whole lives are nonstop cursing and talking about fucking.
  14. 1234-5678

    Howard Stern says anti-Bush comments...

    Yes. Anyone should be allowed to say anything at any fucking time. If you don't like what you are hearing, don't listen, or disagree. Maybe have a civilized argument. The problem in this country is no one likes being disagreed with, hence all the murdering, lol. Me? I view arguing as an art form all it's own. But how would you define free speech then if you believe what people can and can't say should be controlled by some invisible moral minority? I wish there would be some sort of backlash against these morons trying to control what I hear and see, but even if there was, you wouldn't hear about it. The news channels wouldn't report on it because of fear of punishments and fines just like Howard is getting. "Facism is coming back"----Willie O'Keefe, JFK
  15. 1234-5678

    Howard Stern says anti-Bush comments...

    Nah, see, because unlike most of the "moral" leaders, I believe in free speech.
  16. 1234-5678

    Howard Stern says anti-Bush comments...

    That's our guy Religious conservative to a tee Well stop voting these morons in! Stupid Kansasians......... There is nothing more dangerous then a bible thumper with power. If religion and government are supposed to be kept seperate, what are these fuckers doing in that house? Why is Bush always mentioning God? I think Howard is right. Within 20 years this is going to be a religious state. I'm moving to fucking Canada........maybe Amsterdam.
  17. 1234-5678

    Howard Stern says anti-Bush comments...

    "Howard said that the FCC will probably issue the fines over the weekend. He went on to say that this Senator from Kansas by the name of Brownback, wrote a letter to Mel Karmazin and asked him why he hasn't taken Howard off the air yet. This is a guy who Howard claims, lives with some other politicians in a million dollar townhouse that's paid for by a religious organization. Howard said that this is disturbing to him and anyone living in a place like that has to bow to the pressure of the group. Howard said that the name of the group is The Fellowship. He read an article and said that these guys are out of control. They are in congress and in the senate. He said that the house is valued at $1.1 million and the people living there pay just $600 a month for rent. Howard said that the religious organization is actually the C Street Center which is part of The Fellowship. " Paranoia or interesting and disturbing fact?
  18. 1234-5678

    Rob Feinstein........

    Yeah I know, I always remember reading or hearing little jokes about RF's sexual habits. I predict Piper is the next to cancel, unless his appearance already passed.
  19. 1234-5678

    Make this a classic

    Aw man. Can't you give proper credit? Like I told MiB on AIM: "The Whats?" I'm sorry JAxl, I really don't like The Doors. Thus, the Echo and the Bunnymen version is the only one I acknowledge. Aw man...........what about "LA Woman"? "Roadhouse Blues"? You download "Five To One" and tell me you still don't like them. Or "Universal Mind". Or "I Will Never Be Untrue". All good stuff, although the last two aren't very well known.
  20. 1234-5678

    Make this a classic

    Aw man. Can't you give proper credit?
  21. 1234-5678

    Make this a classic

    I just got a boner........but I am not sure if it was related to that compliment. Either way, thanks.
  22. 1234-5678

    Make this a classic

    Yeah and that's quite an accomplishment. I mean it is an internet message board.
  23. 1234-5678

    Rob Feinstein........

    That's the most disturbing picture I have ever seen.
  24. 1234-5678

    Howard Stern says anti-Bush comments...

    Didn't Howard used to have a KKK guy on there, Daniel Carver, who would use that word 40 times during the course of a conversation? I am more apt to agree with Howard. To kick him off the air because some of his program is raunchy or homophobic or racist........well where the fuck have you people been since 1980?
  25. 1234-5678

    Rob Feinstein........

    What wrestlers have made any comments about Rob being gay? The only ones I remember are Missy Hyatt and Vampiro.