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Everything posted by 1234-5678

  1. 1234-5678

    MTV's 22 Greatest CDs

    You're stupid. Says the guy with the airbrushed Michelle Branch pic in his sig it's okay, i can do it: cartman, you're stupid. VERRRRRRRRY STUPID. <waits patiently for Axl Rose joke>
  2. 1234-5678

    Actress Yancy Butler arrested in Florida

    She was kind of hot in Drop Zone with Wesley Snipes and Busey.
  3. 1234-5678

    400-lb man dies after fight with Cincy cops

    Do those morons realize that whatever verdict they come to, it still means absolutely nothing? They're not judge, jury, or executioner, they're just a waste of time.
  4. 1234-5678

    FDNY's "Dirty Secret"

    It's nobody's business but the people involved. Find something important to report, you nosy bitch.
  5. My Vote For Worst Thread God that was a waste of space.
  6. 1234-5678

    Petition Idea

    This has got to be the worst idea ever. Not even funny in the least.
  7. 1234-5678

    Coke or Pepsi

    I've started to like Coke better lately. But here's a tip.......if you're ever drinking, and make some Jack and "Cokes" or Rum and "Cokes", you should use Pepsi. I read somewhere that the difference in sugar makes Pepsi better to mix with liquor for some reason.
  8. 1234-5678

    How did Game Genie work?

    It was funny how, even with a Game Genie it was 99% impossible to be Tyson in Punch out for Nintendo. I finally did it after like 100 tries, and all you got was a stupid newspaper saying "LITTLE MAC WINS!"
  9. 1234-5678

    400-lb man dies after fight with Cincy cops

    Of course! I'm willing to bet that those damn dirty cops FORCED the cocaine into the guy before they beat him out of hate. Fat people don't do coke. If they did, they'd be skinny.
  10. 1234-5678

    Which of these...

    Eh, that all depends on taste. You might be into that whole bubbly blond deal. Me? I need em dark haired and skanky.
  11. 1234-5678

    MTV's 22 Greatest CDs

    I'm surprised there was no 2Pac on there. MTV usually pimps the shit out of him.
  12. 1234-5678

    Mick Foley to Star in CBS Sitcom

    What are they thinking trying to expand their horizons! No, nothing but wrestling for these uneducated morons. I am sick of abortions such as Mick Foley's books, or the Rock's movie career, or Jesse Ventura in politics. Keep these lunkheads where they belong, in the ring! In case you can't tell, I was being sarcastic.
  13. 1234-5678

    The One and Only...

    That can only mean one thing.........Armageddon is upon us. You guys better start hitting up church.
  14. 1234-5678

    Banky = Dames?

    I'm a joker, I'm a smoker, I'm a midnight toker..............
  15. 1234-5678

    The OAO Xmas Wish List thread

    A fuckin job so I can buy people shit.
  16. 1234-5678

    WiLd NiGHt ouT

    Bar and party Friday, bar and party Saturday. I also had the distinction of being hit on by the UGLIEST girl I had ever seen Friday night. Then the second night, I hung out with a girl who I could've gotten with in the past, but was too stupid to read the signals. Now she's all hot to trot with the new boyfriend who she claims she wants to marry. Ugh.
  17. 1234-5678

    Which of these...

    Yum.......soooooooo slutty.
  18. 1234-5678

    Mick Foley to Star in CBS Sitcom

    Before the WWF, his specialty was those really cutting edge serious promos. Maybe he could pull it off.
  19. 1234-5678

    Mick Foley to Star in CBS Sitcom

    I'll watch just cause it involves Foley.
  20. 1234-5678

    400-lb man dies after fight with Cincy cops

    Bottom line, this guy attacked police officers, and they responded with the right amount of force, being that he just kept at it. Good rittens to bad rubbish. You're not getting any sympathy from me tubby.
  21. 1234-5678

    The TSM Hall of Fame of Suck

    The Eagles definitely got it locked this year.
  22. 1234-5678

    The TSM Hall of Fame of Suck

    I like you, kid...you gots spunk. Yup spunk........all over my keyboard cause of that remark.
  23. 1234-5678

    The TSM Hall of Fame of Suck

    I wasn't even nominated? Fuck................
  24. 1234-5678

    Dirty Work on USA

    "I'm gonna go........lift weights.........what?" "Alright, it's fighting time........can I be on their side?" "I've never seen so many dead hookers in all my life!" "Lord knows, I have"