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Everything posted by 1234-5678

  1. 1234-5678

    WWF needs to go back to formula

    AKA let's find as many ways as possible to pussify "Sports Entertainment." People like risks, they like EXCITING matches, and chairshots are exciting and make the crowd react. What DOES NOT make the crowd react are chinlocks, endless side slams, endless spinebuster, sleeper holds, overused chops in the corner, overused clotheslines............I could go on forever but I don't feel like it.
  2. 1234-5678

    Randy Savage to do interview

    Anything interesting said at all?
  3. 1234-5678

    Lesnar & Angle holding down Rey Mysterio?

    Excuse me, I have to go file this under "Don't Give A Rat's Ass." BRB.
  4. IMHO, Dreamer may have had *** matches with the following people Rob Van Dam Raven Lance Storm Justin Credible CW Anderson True, he is a "garbage" wrestler, but he does it damn well. Remember his hardcore match with Stevie on Raw? Got one of the best reactions of the past couple years.
  5. 1234-5678

    Randy Savage to do interview

    Savage vs. HBK could be watchable if Mach gets rid of the ring rust first.
  6. 1234-5678

    Fuck America

    Eh, somewhat funny. If he keeps saying those same three words over and over it will be old by the 3rd post.
  7. 1234-5678

    Fuck America

    What made this guy think German would be funny? The guy speaking French already cornered this gimmick poster market, and that one was stupid too.
  8. 1234-5678

    The OAO Wrestling Quotes Game

    "And I hate how ypu people put so much damn MSG in Chinese food! I eat, and ten minutes later I am hungry again!"-----Steve Corino to Tajiri at an ECW Arena show. Tajiri is of course, Japanese.
  9. 1234-5678

    Holy Post Whores!

    I like air.
  10. 1234-5678

    JAxlMorrison's 1000th Post Party!

    Why do that when you can get a bottle of Jacquin's vodka for 7.99 and REALLY get fucked up.
  11. 1234-5678

    JAxlMorrison's 1000th Post Party!

    Well for the love of God, I hope you don't still drink it.
  12. 1234-5678

    Raw Brand: Backstage News

    It could be that whole, he's an untalented overpaid stiff thing. Or the whole, he is being pushed ahead of guys who are way more talented thing. Take your pick.
  13. 1234-5678

    JAxlMorrison's 1000th Post Party!

    Old E was fine, I was more referring to St. Ides. Everyone knew it sucked deep down, but all the punk kids drank it to seem tough or to live their wigger fantasy. "Hey look, I drink St Ides, just like those guys in Juice or Boyz In The Hood! I'm cool!"
  14. 1234-5678

    So, haven't seen this reported.

    They've both said it was both their faults.
  15. 1234-5678

    So, haven't seen this reported.

    There's an untalented rookie and a solid veteran in the ring. Solid veteran is injured during the match. Who's at fault 99% of the time? This wasn't exactly a tough thing to figure out, I can't believe some people defended Heindenrich.
  16. 1234-5678

    Jonathan Brandis dead

    At least he did it the hard way and showed some balls. Probably much more painful then an OD.
  17. 1234-5678

    JAxlMorrison's 1000th Post Party!

    They don't sell beer in 7-11's around here. When I was under 21, we had to stand outside the sleaziest bar in the area and get 40s, usually of some disgusting malt liquor.
  18. 1234-5678

    Holy Post Whores!

    i typed this with my dick
  19. 1234-5678

    JAxlMorrison's 1000th Post Party!

    What you didn't realize was you stole a bunch of Schlitz. Now that you are gone I can break out the classy beer........wait, I have no classy beer! Shit, oh well, here comes some Bud Light.
  20. 1234-5678

    The OAO Wrestling Quotes Game

    Um...I missed the connection there. I dunno........X-Pac sucks on the mic and couldn't think of something better to say?
  21. 1234-5678

    Kurt Angle recruiting Bret Hart

    Not really, I'd be happy seeing Bret in any capacity at WM XX. Unless it was just a 5 second shot of him sitting in the crowd.
  22. 1234-5678

    So, haven't seen this reported.

    Or else John pushed back on Stevie's legs too hard, or dropped back too soon and Stevie didn't have time to adjust.
  23. 1234-5678

    Mark Jindrak Interview

    I think the best prank was that ridiculous baby blue outfit Orton was wearing.
  24. 1234-5678

    Mark Jindrak Interview

    I smelled that one a mile away.
  25. 1234-5678

    JAxlMorrison's 1000th Post Party!

    *waits for someone, ANYONE, to show up*