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Everything posted by 1234-5678

  1. 1234-5678

    Bitter, I Hate You Rants

    Yeah. They all come back. Just like my genital warts.
  2. 1234-5678

    Bitter, I Hate You Rants

    I woke up with a stiffy that I attribute to his banning. No tear though.
  3. 1234-5678

    Scorror.com is EVILER~! than TSM

    Putting roofies in my Halloween candy is responsible for at least 10% of that.
  4. 1234-5678

    Goldberg vs. "Steven" Regal

    All I know is I read something afterwards that this match eventually led to Regal being fired from WCW for the first time. Apparently he wasn't cooperating in the ring, and made Goldberg look like something of a schmuck during his superman push. Can anyone describe exactly what went wrong here? Cause although I was an avid Nitro watcher at the time, I am pretty sure I missed that week.
  5. 1234-5678

    Bitter, I Hate You Rants

    Since it doesn't really affect me either way, I'll go, but only if there is an open bar. Or at least a bottle of Wild Irish Rose especially for good ol' JAxl.
  6. 1234-5678

    Unfortunate Street Name

    Reminds me of that Jackass skit where Johnny Knoxville goes to a town called Mianis (my anus). There's a sewage plant in Mianis? Do any celebrities live in Mianis? Mel Gibson owns property in Mianis? You eat your lunch in Mianis? Etc., etc.
  7. 1234-5678

    Michael Hayes is the man!!!

    he recently got arrested, so if he isn't in jail then he's deffinately on probation which means no leaving Florida. one of my main missions in life is to sit back and have a beer with Scott Give it time, he'll be auctioning that off on Ebay someday soon.
  8. 1234-5678

    Sandman's 5000th Post Extravaganza!

    I am clearly not from France.
  9. 1234-5678

    Sandman's 5000th Post Extravaganza!

    No means yes in my world. Well, at least after a date.
  10. 1234-5678

    Sandman's 5000th Post Extravaganza!

    So what you're really trying to say is..............
  11. 1234-5678

    Sandman's 5000th Post Extravaganza!

    But strippers........a funeral..........it just works on so many levels.
  12. 1234-5678

    Sandman's 5000th Post Extravaganza!

    Taking a turn for the worst with extreme hilarity?
  13. 1234-5678

    MTV's Sunday Stew

    Token gay kiss?
  14. 1234-5678

    Michael Hayes is the man!!!

    No Scott Hall? I thought they were boys.
  15. 1234-5678

    Sandman's 5000th Post Extravaganza!

    You sound like my old man at a funeral.
  16. 1234-5678

    Sandman's 5000th Post Extravaganza!

    That punch is the color of something that came out of my niece after I was done with her. OMG~ SICKO~~~!!! Just admit that the mental picture gave you bigger wood then you've had in months.
  17. 1234-5678

    Bitter, I Hate You Rants

    I'd go if I wasn't petrified of change.
  18. 1234-5678

    Scorror.com is EVILER~! than TSM

    Eh, I am already going to Hell anyway. Consider it done.
  19. 1234-5678

    Bitter, I Hate You Rants

    The lesser of too evils, I guess. He should have had his last stand in NHB like a man... He would have never come in here. He was too concerned with who HHH was going to hold down next, if Flair should get another title run, and that Kane should be in the title hunt. He was OBSESSED. A wrestling fan on a wrestling board? THE CAD~! I found it incredibly inappropriate.
  20. 1234-5678

    If you need to get someone off crack

    Well, Philly's ok, but it's hardly paradise. Maybe if I was in Boston........
  21. 1234-5678

    If you need to get someone off crack

    You fat fucks. Welcome to the jungle, pussy. Jungle? I live in the suburbs.........
  22. 1234-5678

    Sandman's 5000th Post Extravaganza!

    You really should specify which sex the strippers should be clear with this fuckin group around.
  23. 1234-5678

    Priest gets life in prison

    Couldn't have said it better myself.
  24. 1234-5678

    Shaq vs. Kobe

    Crap, my fault.
  25. 1234-5678

    Song Title Game

    THE DOORS 1. Are you male or female? Crawling King Snake 2. Describe yourself: Waiting For The Sun 3. How do some people feel about you? The Changeling 4. How do you feel about yourself? The End 5. Describe your girlfriend/boyfriend/interest: You're Lost Little Girl 6. Where would you rather be? End Of The Night 7. Describe what you want to be: Riders On The Storm 8. Describe how you live: Whiskey Bar 9. Describe how you love: Love Her Madly 10. Share a few words of wisdom: Take It As It Comes