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Everything posted by 1234-5678

  1. 1234-5678

    Your stankiest fart ever

    Budweiser and Geno's Cheesesteaks.
  2. 1234-5678

    Post in this thread

    "You are now Flounder..........." "Flounder? Why Flounder?" <BURP> "Why not!"
  3. 1234-5678

    Saddest Songs You've Ever Heard

    "Operator" by Jim Croce. Only because it was a favorite of a friend of mine who died. One of these days I may go through the trouble of looking up the lyrics.
  4. 1234-5678

    WWE 24/7

    I'm right outside Philly, so I guess I will have to look into this. The 24/7 site doesn't list where it is available however.
  5. 1234-5678

    Why Incandenza Hates Me

    I dare you to attempt to come up with something dumber. I doubt it is possible.
  6. 1234-5678

    Do birthdays even matter

    Eh, it turned out fine I guess. It was really pretty cool of them to do it actually, since I always bitch about having to set up my own party and whatnot. I did polish off most of the bottle of Jameson (it's Irish whiskey btw Nanks) and had quite a few beers, as well as going to the bar downstairs with this tasty blond chick and having a "Mind Eraser". Bad idea. Anyways, my friend Joe also showed up and played some Doors songs on accoustic guitar while i sang along, probably badly. Then, Wrestlemania broke out in the bedroom. I definitely remember taking an F5 and Demolition's finisher, and possibly a TKO, but that stupidity, of course, got us kicked out of the hotel. Starting a battle royal instead of trying to get laid may not have been the wisest decision. I'm sporting a nice lump on my head from God knows what and I have a pretty big cut and bruise on my elbow. Oh well.
  7. 1234-5678

    Do birthdays even matter

    I turn 23 today. Advise me on why I should not feel old or depressed.
  8. 1234-5678

    Do birthdays even matter

    The kegger is off, but my asshole friends decided to surprise me with a hotel suite and a bottle of Jameson. Details tomorrow.
  9. 1234-5678

    Do birthdays even matter

    Yeah, like my liver is worth anything.
  10. 1234-5678

    Do birthdays even matter

    I dunno, I doubt she'd want me for anything more then a fling. Her 7 year old son is probably more mature then I am.
  11. 1234-5678

    Do birthdays even matter

    I'm going to have to use my veto. This chick is hot as hell, smart, and we have similar tastes in every topic discussed. We'll see how it goes.
  12. 1234-5678

    B to the E

    Good gravy................... No, I meant that stuff would make good gravy.
  13. 1234-5678

    Howard Stern Moving To Satellite Radio

    Can I listen to the show whenever I want, like is there a playback feature? or do you have to listen to it live? Cause I dunno about subscribing when I can only catch about an hour of the show before work.
  14. 1234-5678

    Do birthdays even matter

    Turns out the broad is 26 with a 7 year old son. Definitely a fumble, she couldn't come out last night, but I will have her out Thursday. As far as the birthday went? Shittiest ever, with just me and one friend sitting at a dive bar, and he was too poor to buy me any rounds. The bartender was quite hospitable though. The real party will be a kegger that is thrown Friday night..............hopefully.
  15. 1234-5678

    The Grudge?

    I saw several scenes just in the trailer that appeared directly ripped off from the Ring, including a very Samara-like character crawling down the steps, and the static flashing well known from the original as well. What's the deal with this flick?
  16. 1234-5678

    Nicer Passion of the Christ poll

    Try them out on yourself. For the ones that require more then one person, get your friends to.............. Wait, um............. Pay some people to pretend to be your friends, then have them test the acts of violence on you.
  17. 1234-5678

    "Team America gets NC-17 Rating"

    Who cares? If you're over 17, go see it, if you're not, get someone older to buy you a ticket.
  18. 1234-5678

    B to the E

    It will probably taste like a sweaty foot.
  19. 1234-5678

    Do birthdays even matter

    The only people who bring up teabagiing are those who have experienced it.
  20. 1234-5678

    The Grudge?

    Just noticed another one. Showing the "evil longhaired chick" in a mirror on the wall. People I have talked to have thought this was the sequel to The Ring they look so similar.
  21. 1234-5678

    The Praise Thread

    Because you told me it was ok to fuck a married broad and seem to support most of my drunken escapades. Any updates on that situation?... I got to hit it that one night, never saw her again but kept in touch until she moved to Arizona to be with her husband who was done basic training or tech school or whatever horseshit he was in. Now I just wait for them to send him to Iraq so I can give the high hard one again.
  22. 1234-5678

    Do birthdays even matter

    Christ, I can barely even get anyone to go celebrate it with me, since it's a fuckin Tuesday. I think I will just take off work with no notice tomorrow, that'll fix em all! Sidenote question. I met this broad at the bar last Saturday, we hit it off pretty well, and exchanged numbers. I told her the next time I was going out was on Thursday, and I would call her then. Now, should I bump up that phone call two days, and see if she wants to come out tonight? Or should I just go out with a couple guy friends and get plastered.
  23. 1234-5678

    3PW October 16th

    Thanks a bunch.
  24. 1234-5678

    3PW October 16th

    Kido, you think Scorp can keep up with Styles and Sabin?
  25. 1234-5678

    3PW October 16th

    Yeah too bad, cause I enjoyed Ruckus and one of my friends who I drag to the shows was really a mark for him. Still, it'll be cool to see Scorpio again.