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Posts posted by Tawren

  1. Test always came off as hugely camera shy to me. I saw him at non-televised events and he was seriously incredible, showing 100% more personality and getting way more heat as a result.


    Yeah, I saw him against Rikishi at a house show in July '02 and his heel antics alone made the match fairly entertaining. I was shocked at how he actually had charisma at that show. Whenever I think of the guy, I think of him getting into a shouting match with a kid with Down's Syndrome in the front row at that show.


    Heaven needed another angel

  2. Action & Adventure:


    The Terminator


    Die Hard




    Batman Begins


    T-2: Judgment Day


    The Seven Samurai


    The Dark Knight









    What About Bob?




    National Lampoons Vacation


    Chasing Amy


    Forgetting Sarah Marshall


    Office Space


    The 40 Year Old Virgin



    Crime & Gangster:




    Eastern Promises


    The Departed




    Gran Torino


    Dirty Harry


    The Godfather







    The World According to Garp


    Taxi Driver


    Fight Club


    American History X


    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind






    The Dark Knight



    Epics & Historical:






    Schindler's List


    Jurassic Park


    Gangs of New York


    Forrest Gump


    All the President's Men







    Silence of the Lambs


    Nightmare on Elm Street 3


    Friday the 13th


    Child's Play


    Dawn of the Dead


    28 Days Later


    Texas Chainsaw Massacre







    Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back


    Harry Potter


    Star Wars: Return of the Jedi


    Blade Runner


    Independence Day


    Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers


    Star Wars





    War & Westerns:




    Lawrence of Arabia


    Black Hawk Down


    Apocalypse Now


    Good, Bad, and the Ugly


    Wild Wild West


    Fistful of Dollars



  3. Spinosaurus_BW.jpg




    "According to recent estimates, Spinosaurus is the largest of all known carnivorous dinosaurs, even larger than Tyrannosaurus rex and Giganotosaurus. These estimates suggest that it was around 16 to 18 metres (52 to 59 ft) in length and 7 to 9 tonnes (8 to 10 tons) in weight."

  4. I'm torn on this. While being the farthest thing from a Harper fan you could get the way this was done just seems shady.


    This is where my main problem resides. Nothing to do with Harper. Nothing to do with the economy. This is something we as voters should get to decide on, because who's to say that a Coalition will be any better? And how long do they get to govern for and who gets to overthrow them when they fuck up? Technically they're 3 parties.. but will act as a majority? Sorry that's just bullshit, IMO.


    Buddy, seriously, learn what a parliamentary government system is. This is what was voted for and decided on in the last election. This is EXACTLY what was voted for and decided on in the last election. The Conservatives got a minority government, so if more MPs than the Conservative amount decide to join together then they can form the new government with permission of the GG.


    Seriously, everyone who thinks this is "shady", "backdoor", "undemocratic", or "a coup" needs to learn how the Canadian government system works. We are not America - we do not vote for a Prime Minister. Less than 1% of voters voted for Harper. You vote for your MP. Read this:



    Particularly this:



