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Ted the Poster

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Everything posted by Ted the Poster

  1. Ted the Poster

    School Memories

    Once during junior high I was walking to band class and our drummer, this fat fuck named Matt Kimball, snuck up behind me and started whacking my head with his drumsticks. It had already been a crappy day(F's galore, break-up, etc.) and that just pushed me over the edge. I promptly set my saxaphone case down, took the instrument out, and proceeded to wail on him with the case for a good minute. He ended up with a black eye, three bruised ribs and a broken foot. That got me a good 10-day suspension, and my only regret is not having gone for that fuckwad's hands so he wouldn't be able to play his precious drums for a good while. In my senior year of high school I had a physics techer from Syria. Now I don't know if it was something he ate or what, but he emitted a horrendous body odor. Think vinegar mixed with a sweaty fart and you get the picture. Whenver a student talked about him it wasn't about his grading policy, a test, or his trouble with the english language. It was ALWAYS about his BO. By the end of the year everyone was fed up, and a plan was formed. Three other guys and myself, each in one of his classes, went out and bought cans and cans of deoderant. The night before the last day of class we broke into the school and HEAVILY sprayed the entire classroom. Then all of the empty cans were placed on his desk. Of course he still didn't get the hint, and thought it was just a prank.
  2. Ted the Poster

    Gunman goes on bulldozer rampage

    I also demand video footage. Well, if nobody was injured, what's the most he could be charged with? Resisting arrest, destruction of private property, and asault with a deadly weapon are all I can think of, but I'm sure there's more. I can understand what the guy did, and even respect him and cheer for him. It just makes me wonder why the man would kill himself rather than go to jail for 5-10 years. The only reason I can think of is his age, or that he wanted his property bought because he was going bankrupt or something and desperately needed the money. Oh well, at least he went out with a bang, so to speak.
  3. Good. I'd rather watch a marathon of fucking Catdog than My Brother and Me. I'm embarassed that spooty show took place in my hometown.
  4. I hope Angry Beavers wins. "Spoot" is one of the best pseudo-curse words ever. Does anybody remember a kid's show from the 80's that starred three people and a person in an elephant suit? I want to say it was called "The Elephant Show", but I'm not sure. This thread got me thinking about it as well as other shows I saw as a kid like "Under the Umbrella Tree" and "Don't Just Sit There".
  5. Ted the Poster

    Hulk Hogan, He-Man and Mr. T

    I did a spit take when Voltron appeared. That was some funny shit.
  6. Ted the Poster

    Create your anime-self here!

    Not bad. *waits for Piss, IDRM, Czech, etc. to post a Kamui-esque pic*
  7. Ted the Poster

    Monday Night RAW on Memorial Day 2004

    If Shelton uses the Exploder Powerslam as his finisher it should be called The C-Note. Just sayin'.
  8. Ted the Poster

    Monday Night RAW on Memorial Day 2004

    Even Eugene cuold teach Victoria how to dance. Christ, she could at least come out with some glowsticks.
  9. Ted the Poster

    Monday Night RAW on Memorial Day 2004

    Bring out Lita! I want the retard trifecta damn it!
  10. Ted the Poster

    Monday Night RAW on Memorial Day 2004

    Their tag finisher could be a Crossface/wedgie combo.
  11. Ted the Poster

    Monday Night RAW on Memorial Day 2004

    I don't care if Grenier is from Quebec- this crowd is truly imbecilic.
  12. Ted the Poster

    Your most hated animal

    I usually like dogs, but the types with annoying barks bug the shit out of me. Ever hear a beagle? Fuckers sound like they're bring strangled. I don't like spiders either, but not as bad as Dames' whole "jump on a chair and pull my skirt up" situation. Bluejays too. I live in an area with a lot of them, and those aggressive little shitheads will fucking divebomb you for no goddamn reason.
  13. Ted the Poster

    Nostalgia Trip: WWF Wrestlefest (Arcade)

    Got this from Gamefaqs, just in case anybody wanted to know... Play as Legion of Doom on Raine Emulator Enter Raine, load Wrestlefest and select: Game Setup -Action Replay --New Character Select (P1): Addr : 001c0607 Data : xx where 'xx' is one of the following: 00 Hulk Hogan 01 Jake Roberts 02 Ultimate Warrior 03 Big Boss Man 04 Hawk* 05 Animal* 06 Sgt Slaughter 07 Mr. Perfect 08 Earthquake 09 Ted DiBiase 0a Smash 0b Crush Character Select (P2): Addr : 001c0191 Data : xx where 'xx' is from the list above. *YES! They are finally selectable! With a couple of drawbacks... Hawk's grapple movelist is: Body Slam Standing Dropkick Back Breaker Back Suplex (Neckbreaker) Animal: Body Slam Atomic Drop Bear Hug Gorilla Press (Piledriver) (Hoist) The moves in brackets are performed by obtaining a headlock and then pressing K (as opposed to P - the other characters are indifferent to your button presses). Beware of Animal's 'Hoist' (the set-up to the Doomsday Device) - if you are positioned incorrectly Hawk will not jump and you will effectively have to reset. Animal will keep the opponent on shoulders indefinetly.
  14. Ted the Poster

    For the First Time

    Then I get to quote you like so. Yesterday I saw both Matrix sequels and now I can confidently say that the first movie was fine, but those two abortions called sequels had no right to suck like they did. I also watched The Hills Have Eyes late last night. First horror movie to give me nightmares since Carrie. I forgot to mention Silence of the Lambs in the earlier post, but I saw it a few weeks ago and it was amazing.
  15. Ted the Poster

    Nostalgia Trip: WWF Wrestlefest (Arcade)

    BBCW: Use the "Raine" emulator with the rom. Works perfectly. I love this game, and like most people I use Jake and Perfect. Unfortunately the only arcade close to me that has it is at Ocean Isle Beach, so I only get to play twice a year. Yeah, I've used an emulator, but the experience just isn't the same. Although you CAN play as the LOD with a Raine emulator.
  16. Ted the Poster

    For the First Time

    I just saw Natural Born Killers for the first time. I really liked the movie, but I sincerely hope that I never watch it while high. That could severely fuck with your mind.
  17. Ted the Poster

    TSM Poster Tournament III

    Ripper Sandman Kotz Thumbtack KKK Agent Of Oblivion FrozenBlockOfPiss FrigidSoul
  18. Ted the Poster

    Make Sonic run...with a touchpad!

    This game will be a big hit if it comes out. Who could possibly resist a game that can actually GIVE you Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?!
  19. Ted the Poster

    Hasselhoff wants to be a Bond baddie.

    "At least this idea is better than the rap album, Michael."
  20. Ted the Poster

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    There's no Vader Bomb in the game. I used a powerbomb and top rope moonsault as his finishers instead.
  21. Ted the Poster

    TSM Movie Tournament Round Four

    Rocky Kill Bill Vol. 1 Back to the Future Reservoir Dogs I'm just glad that this a "favorite movies" tournament, since in a "best" tournament Shawshank and Blazing Saddles being voted off would be a travesty.
  22. Ted the Poster

    Best movie from 1994?

    Shawshank, Gump and Léon are my picks. Pulp Fiction is a movie that I can only watch every few years to still be entertained at around the same level.
  23. Ted the Poster

    Man hangs self after having sex with hen

    Was the guy a breast man or a leg man? Or maybe it was a revenge thing. "Chicken... gave me a bad coupon..."
  24. Ted the Poster

    TSM TV Show Tournament

    The Simpsons Family Guy (Damn, this was a tough decision) Married With Children Cheers Angel MST3K That 70s Show 24
  25. Ted the Poster

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    Lately my game seems to have loading problems. Entrances don't finsh loading and post-match segments don't start. It's been getting more frequent recently. Does this sound like a game glitch or a problem with my PS2? I've considered my console being the problem because I've had it since the first week the system was released, but I don't know the average lifespan of a PS2.