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Ted the Poster

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Everything posted by Ted the Poster

  1. Ted the Poster

    The OAO RAW Thread for 4/19 !

    Try that commericial again. Nope, still horrible.
  2. Ted the Poster

    The OAO RAW Thread for 4/19 !

    Must eat brains... NO ONIONS!
  3. Ted the Poster

    The OAO RAW Thread for 4/19 !

    Good Kane promo. Yay for Regal, blank stare for Eugene.
  4. Ted the Poster

    The OAO RAW Thread for 4/19 !

  5. Ted the Poster

    Comedy Central's 100 Greatest Stand-Ups

    Biggie Sized said exactly what I was going to say. I also think they should do a Top 50 Newcomers show, and although it would no doubt contain most of their Comedy Central Presents people, some of them would deserve a spot.
  6. Ted the Poster

    Sound/Volume Problem

    Okay, so I uninstalled SB Live like you said and reset, got it reinstalled, and reset again. After the Windows XP logo comes up it goes to a screen saying Windows couldn't start normally, and suggests a new hardware/software installation may be the problem. So I choose to re-enter Windows with the last configuration settings that worked, and I'm back where I started. What did I do wrong?
  7. Ted the Poster

    Times when you tried to hold it in

    Six or seven years ago some friends and I were having a wrestling "match" on the trampoline. We each chose a wrestler, so I chose Undertaker(still the mark days) and my buddy Jon picks Juvi. Jon climbs to the "top rope" and goes for a 450. Of course since I'm the all-powerful Undertaker I'm not going to take that, so I sit up. I grab Jon and chokeslam him. Now, anyone who has ever used a trampoline knows what "double bounce" means. When Jon lands from the chopkeslam, I unknowingly double bounce him. The way he lands catapults him up and over the trampoline. He flies about five more feet before landing on the ground with a resounding thud. Ten seconds later he starts to move and I can't control myself any longer. I laughed until I almost pissed myself.
  8. Ted the Poster

    South Park Season 4 Box Set Announced.

    I've been waiting for this. This has got to be the best all-around seaon the show's ever had. Trapper Keeper is one of my favorite episodes, ranking right up there with Towelie. "That thing has Rosie O'Donnell!" "But which one is her? I can't tell!" I also love the Helen Keller episode, if only for Gobbles(~!) and the glimpse into Cartman's mind.
  9. Ted the Poster

    From The Desk of The Mysterious One

    I agree, mostly 'cause of the rap skillz he busted out when creating P Didsy. Beeyotch.
  10. Ted the Poster

    Details on the new WWE show

    Isn't Grisham the guy who interviewed La Resistance on Raw this past Monday? I've always liked Ivory though. Mmmm... milf.
  11. Ted the Poster

    South Park: The Aristocrats

    This is hilarious every time I see it. The end where Cartman goes "Neither do I" always makes me bust out laughing more than anything for some reason. It's too bad Matt and Trey can only have this much freedom on the internet though.
  12. Ted the Poster

    Like Seeing People in Pain?

    *wipes away tears* That was fucking glorious. Bravo Klaus.
  13. Ted the Poster

    The OAO Raw Thread 12 April 2004

    Just tuned in a few minutes ago. Why did Shelton just beat the everloving shit out of Flair? Something happen earlier?
  14. Ted the Poster

    The OAO Raw Thread 12 April 2004

  15. Ted the Poster

    Question about the Hitman series

    I just bought Hitman 2 as a PS2 Greatest Hit. Having never played the series before, I'm concerned about things I've heard. Mostly pertaining to how hard Hitman 2 is compared to Hitman 1 and the difficulty in general. Could someone who knows the series enlighten me a liitle bit?
  16. Ted the Poster

    This week's captionmania!

    Upon landing Torrie and Sable discover that not only is hot air balloon travel cheaper than flying, but more friendly to the environment as well.
  17. Ted the Poster

    Chapelle Show clips

    This post + subservient chicken = a fucking awesome day. Has anybody figured out how to save these to the computer? All I can do is save the stream address.
  18. Ted the Poster

    The Subservient Chicken

    Hmmm... "hump the couch" is amusing.
  19. Ted the Poster

    Funny SouthPark Video

    That about sums it up for me. Awesome. Is that authentic or fan-made? I can't really tell.
  20. Ted the Poster

    MDickie's wrestling games...

    Federation Booker was a great game. I still find it amazing that these games were all made by a single person.
  21. Ted the Poster

    Woo buys rights to Metroid

    Source: The Hollywood Reporter Hmm... John Woo's films have been a bit lacking recently, but I think Metroid's premise will work well as a movie. But should Woo direct or just produce? At least since Metroid's setting is in space we know Woo wouldn't be able to use those goddamn doves again. Unless of course he uses ROBOT SPACE DOVES~! However, a bigger question is who could play Samus? I think Charlize Theron would fit very well, but she's already doing one sci-fi action movie(Aeon Flux) and might not want to do another so soon. Thoughts?
  22. Ted the Poster

    Why John Kerry scares me

    Well then... *points to sig*
  23. Ted the Poster

    The OAO Raw Thread - April 5, 2004

    Hoo boy...
  24. Ted the Poster

    The OAO Raw Thread - April 5, 2004

    Yay Regal!
  25. Ted the Poster

    Model United Nations

    That's from The Critic. Gimme a cookie. Who cares? We have worse. *sends Britney Spears to tour Canada* That is not fair Hermit. We have to take two of their shitty singers, and you only make them take one??? Fuck that. *throws Xtina on the plane too* Man: What about Bryan Adams? Prime Minister: Now now, the Canadian govrnment has apologized for Bryan Adams a number of times. Anyway, I pick Jamaica.