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Ted the Poster

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Everything posted by Ted the Poster

  1. Ted the Poster

    Which concerns you more?

    Hey now, some of us have legitimate reasons for our short attention spans, like my probliems with Attention Deficit DisMy cat's name is Elvis.
  2. Ted the Poster

    Mystery Team is one of this 2 teams !

    You do know they could have Skipper rejoin and do the 3-man bit again like last year where they held the titles for about 3-4 months. But what happens when Daniels and Ki both have Japan dates at the same time? It's all about timing.
  3. Ted the Poster

    Movies that should have been good...

    I waited almost a year for Ali to come out, and was seriously hyped. While the main performances were great(Smith, Foxx, and Keitel were all very good) the movie itself was pretty damn unsatisfactory. I liked The Sixth Sense, even though you saw the ending A MILE AWAY, but Signs fucking blew. The only way the ending could've sucked more is if it was all revealed to be either a dream or in the imagination of an autistic kid(the worst TV finale ever).
  4. Ted the Poster

    Mystery Team is one of this 2 teams !

    Even if it is Ki and Daniels(which would own all sorts of ass) there's little to no chance of them winning since both work in Japan a lot and could not be there(TNA) on a constant basis.
  5. Ted the Poster

    Oh what is a Smark to do?

    Awesome. That would fucking rule, especially if you work with a bunch of marks. It's your smarkly duty to do that. You should also talk about how you still remember something he did(Chairshot Heard 'Round the World, maybe?) more than anytihing from WWE in the last five years(and slighly motion your head to HHH or whoever is the crappiest worker in the room).
  6. Ted the Poster

    Jarrett Victory in Mexico causes riot

    Yeah, I remember that from his book........ FUNNIEST.THING.EVER. What happened, exactly?
  7. Ted the Poster

    Would somebody please slap me

    I suppose we could try to fool everyone into believing that we're pseudo-intelligent and savvy by posting in the Current Events folder....I hear that's where all the cools kids hang out. I dunno about that. I've seen some real tools in there. ...being waved around constantly for size comparison. Seriously, the 85 percent of that folder that focuses on politics is just one big cock fight. "Heh heh heh, he said..." "Shut up Beavis!" *slap*
  8. Ted the Poster

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

    "That movie has warped my fragile little mind!" But, you know, in a "holy shit that was was so fucking amazing" sort of way. God bless you Charlie Kaufman, you nutty bastard.
  9. Ted the Poster

    if you get Discovery Channel

    Wait... is this why Adult Swim is doing their "Flying Shark vs. Flying Crocodile" thing this week?
  10. Ted the Poster

    Would somebody please slap me

    *pulls hand back* SLAP!!! I'm Rick James, bitch!
  11. Ted the Poster

    The Greatest Cartoons Of All Time

    In no particular order... Aqua Teen Hunger Force(duh) South Park Futurama Family Guy Thundercats Coyote/Roadrunner cartoons Tex Avery cartoons(Screwy Squirrel > you) Batman/Superman TAS Justice League Yu Yu Hakusho Trigun Lupin the Third Transformers(Soundwave rules them all) Oh, and Home Movies is the shit. Here's my favorite line from this season: "Your dog's pooping like a racehorse." "The expression is 'peeing like a racehorse'." "Well, your dog's pooping like a racehorse pees."
  12. Ted the Poster

    Hot for Jesus?

    Ho-lee shit.
  13. Ted the Poster

    Memorable film quotes

    Happy GIlmore Shooter McGavin: Stay out of my way, you'll pay, listen to what I say. Happy: How bout I just go eat some hay? I can make things out of clay or lay by the bay; I just may. What do you say? Major League 1 & 2 1. "You tring to say Jesus Christ can't hit a curve ball?" 2. "I ain't ever had a serious girlfriend like you or nothing, but this one time, I got kicked in the balls by a mule. I was in so much pain. But you know what happened the very next week? My momma died. Hell, after that, I didn't care no more about my balls hurtin'. You see what I'm getting at?" 3. "That looked like the Terminator, only slower. Maybe it was his out-of-stater, or it could have been the Hibernator--that baby is definitely going away for the winter. Whatever for Vaughn, it might be see-ya-later. He's probably gonna become a spectator." Best in Show. 1. "Excuse me if this off the subject a little bit, but just take a guess at how much I can bench press. Come on, what do you think? Take a guess. 315 pounds, maxing out at 400!" 2. "I went to one of those obedience places once... it was all going well until they spilled hot candle wax on my private parts." Uecker and Willard > You
  14. Ted the Poster

    Hot for Jesus?

    Funny as hell!
  15. Ted the Poster

    Least Funny Mainstream Comedians

    Wait... I thought Coming to America came out between/before the BHC movies... *goes to imdb* ... shit. Oh well. Still, Nutty Professor is really overrated IMO.
  16. Ted the Poster

    Smackdown/Velocity spoilers

    *Does the dance of the Benjamites* I always thought X=Christ because an X itself is cross... Occam's Razor, you know.
  17. Ted the Poster

    Game Over

    I don't think so. The dog-thing is voiced by Artie Lange, formerly on Mad TV and now on Howard Stern. Joe Pesci could never lower himself to such a level. My liking of Patrick Warburton seriously dropped after watching this abortion of a show.
  18. Ted the Poster

    I have kidnapped Damien Gonzalez

    I have a feeling if someone in Banky's jerk circle had started this, he would've already posted roughly 25 times in this thread. Who is in my circle jerk. Only one pair of hands touch my cock - and they're mine. My cock gets jealous when i touch other cocks, so i cut back for Lent. Okay then. *tiptoes out*
  19. Ted the Poster

    Least Funny Mainstream Comedians

    Jay Leno is not funny. His monologues are shitty pun after shitty pun. Headlines is funny SOMETIMES, and Jaywalking is just exposing people for the morons they are. I love Carlin's stuff up to after his show ended. The man seems to be running on steam nowadays. I mean who gives a fuck about scabs anyway? Colin Quinn could be funny if he took a PUBLIC SPEAKING CLASS. Seriously, he stutters and stammers more than Porky Pig going through crack withdrawl. A lot of his regulars are funny however- Jim Norton and Nick DiPaolo in particular. To me Will Ferrell and Adam Sandler are bi-polar; depending on the situation they're either funny(Elf/Harry Cary, Big Daddy), stupid funny(Roxbury guy, Happy Gilmore/Billy Madison), or awful(Lovers sketches, Little Nicky) Funny: Dave Chappelle, Tina Fey, Jon Stewart, Lewis Black, Conan O'Brien, Mike Meyers Not Funny: Wanda Sykes, Jimmy Fallon, Jerry Seinfeld, Eddie Murphy(after BHC2), David Spade(usually)
  20. Ted the Poster

    Tivo, DVR

    'Tis a myth. A myth I say! Seriously, it really depends on your setup. There's a 90% chance you won't need to buy any extra cables. I had to hook up my TiVo, VCR, television and PS2 to each other and doing so only took about ten minutes. The online proces to register TiVo service takes a few minutes too, but it's incredibly simple. The only downside is that you have to configure the system after registering online, which takes about twenty minutes, and then you have to wait a few hours before actually using the majority of the system's features. You can fast forward, rewind, pause, and go slow-mo right off the bat however. All things considered, setting up is really not that big of a deal.
  21. Ted the Poster

    Liberal talk radio

    BRING ME SOME GOD DAMN PANCAKES~!!! Had to say it. Anyway, I have mixed feelings about this. While Franken is a hiarious guy, I don't think anyone can take his monotone delivery for more than fifteen minutes. Oh, and Jeneane Gorafalo is horrible and idiotic- an accidental beastiality picture in the porno magazine of life.
  22. Ted the Poster

    Post your Desktop!

  23. Ted the Poster

    Various things you will do before you die.

    I plan to some day work up the courage to have an actual conversation with Ric Flair instead of just imagining it from far away. I've seen him at my local Gold's Gym at least four times and never had the nerve to speak to him. My brush with greatness WILL happen damn it! *shakes fist* Side note: I did talk to Barbarian once, though it wasn't all that exciting since he, you know, sucks.
  24. Ted the Poster

    Chappelle's Show Thread

    Heh, yeah, that and that g'damn annoying Office Max commercial. Which one? They're all irritating as hell. Oh, and how about Rick James meets Ashy Larry?
  25. Ted the Poster

    Products you put over to everyone

    Me too. My hair just grows in too goddamn thick for an electric razor. ::weeps::