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Ted the Poster

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Everything posted by Ted the Poster

  1. Ted the Poster

    Best and Worst.

    My list: Gameboy WWF Superstars WWF Raw Fire Pro Wrestling FPW2(the much better Japanese version) SNES WCW SuperBrawl WWF Royal Rumble WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game WWF Raw PS/PS2 WWF: In Your House WWF Attitude WCW Thunder Every Smackdown game Fire Pro Wrestling Z Def Jam Vendetta N64 WCW vs. nWo World Tour WCW/nWo Revenge ECW Hardcore Revolution WWF Wrestlemania 2K Virtual Pro Wrestling 2 WWF No Mercy Worst: WCW SuperBrawl Best: Fire Pro Wrestling Z(runner-ups SD:HCTP and VPW2)
  2. Ted the Poster

    Top 50 SNLs on Com. Central

    At least they showed the Tom Hanks episode from '88; I love that one. I just hope they show Norm's episode(unless they have already). Best Celebrity Jeopardy ever.
  3. Ted the Poster

    Fun with Google

    Well, they're new to me. Are there any others?
  4. Ted the Poster

    Weekend Box Office Report

    Good to see Bad Santa hanging in there.
  5. Ted the Poster

    One and Only South Park Thread

    "people screaming howdy n... ne... n-neigh..." Hahaha! It could be a whole episode. Although Jimmy's best line was in the recent Goth episode: "Wendy, Stan says you're a cont... a cont..." Seriously though, Kenny has always been more of a supporting cast member to me. I mean damn, he's only been the basis of about four episodes while Stan, Kyle and Cartman have each had like ten. Oh, and why was the Newfoundland guy talking about sodomizing his sons? Is Newfoundland like the USA's deep south? Will somebody Canadian answer this please?
  6. Ted the Poster

    boredom + php + SvC Chaos rips = this

    *views Andrew's first image* *pees pants profusely* That was gold! Here's a couple of mine: Poor Mai... So that's how it happens!
  7. Ted the Poster

    Hilary Duff Feuding Over a Boy

    Heh heh, when I saw the picture in the link I thought: Duff looks like this girl I wen't to High School with who gave guys blowjobs for 50 bucks... a pop.(ba-dum-CHING!) Cheaper by the dozen indeed. Lohan looks like the white chick on The Parkers. Yes, I'm ashamed to have watched that. I think she played Blossom's best friend too? (ashamed again)
  8. Ted the Poster

    Golden Globe 2004 Nominees Announced

    If I am not mistaken...It wasn't a part of "this" season... Yet the lead actor is up for an emmy. Yeah, that's bugging the shit out of me. I admit Nip/Tuck is awesome, but dammit, The Shield has senority! ,,, ... Yeah, I know that doesn't matter, but it should be some sort of determination factor IMO. Other than that I like the noms this year, except that BAD SANTA~! wasn't given a nod for best comedy. Fuck Love Actually. At least BBT got mentioned though. That said, good luck to Monk, CSI, 24, Arrested Development, LOTR, Translation, and Finding Nemo. May your greatness help you win for something.
  9. Ted the Poster

    Genesis/SNES Games

    I was hoping there'd be a mention of Eternal Champions. That game was the shit, but the Sega CD version (CINEKILL!!!~) was even better. Anyway, I had the Genesis and my little brother had the SNES. I played his console for Super Mario All-Stars(marks out a bit) and the MK sequels. Meanwhile he would play my machine for the sports games and Sonic games. I was never that concerned about graphics unless one version was VASTLY superior(read: MK), or about the sound because I would always use my own music. The system I played a certain game on usually hinged on which controller's layout was better for me on each game and the way that effected how the game was played. Some random 16-bit thoughts: - In the MK sequels, Friendships were a cute novelty, but Babalities were completely stupid. The only time they were entertaining was when you executed a Fatality on the Babality victim. - I can't remember. but didn't the NBA Jam games' secret players differ between systems? - I'm proud to say that I had SEGA CHANNEL!~ and it was fucking great. Oh, and, um... can somebody else own up to having Sega CD so that I don't feel so lonely?
  10. Ted the Poster

    The OAO WWE RAW 12-15-03 Thread

    It's Japanese, duh. Still, that game wil be awesome, IMO.
  11. Ted the Poster

    The OAO WWE RAW 12-15-03 Thread

    Somewhere Dames' brother just stopped dancing.
  12. Ted the Poster

    Triumpth the Insult Dog

    That song's funny as hell. Anybody else have the CD? My other favorite tracks are "Cats are Cunts", "Benji's Gay", "Together in Pooping" and most of all "Blackwolf". If you saw the footage of Triumph at the Star Wars premiere, you know why.
  13. Damn, that's great. If they make a Stewie action figure, I'll buy ten of 'em. Oh, and just imagine the others(uses announcer voice): It's the Joe Swanson action figure, with kung-fu grip and stunt wheelie action!*kid presses button* Joe figure(while rolling): Awwl right! Get some! The live show Seth talked about sounds verrrry interesting. If he can't get Fox to pick it up, he should go to Comedy Central. They'd buy it in a heartbeat, and probably let Seth have more creative freedom than a broadcast network.
  14. Ted the Poster

    Justice League

    Best JL episode yet, IMO. Hamill fucking OWNED as Joker in the last episode, as per usual. I loved the "because I'm already insane" line. Phil LaMarr is a great voice actor too, and he does a ton of other stuff- Futurama, Static Shock, Samurai Jack, Family Guy, and Metal Gear Solid 2 just to name a few. Oh, and is the guy playing the Flash the same guy who plays Lex Luthor on Smallville? He's pretty good also. Btw, I haven't read that many JL comics, so I was wondering what the Tower of Babel and Star Crossed story arcs are about, in a non-spoiler way. I'm pretty confident the Star Crossed story is about the GL-Hawkgirl relationship, but I'm not sure.
  15. Ted the Poster

    Top 5 games of 2003

    My favorites, in no real order... 1. Firepro Wrestling Z- The only import I got this year, and the only one I've played since. 2. Manhunt- Ho-lee SHIT. This game is scary as hell, no matter when and where you play. 3. GTA: Vice City(XBox)- Rockstar owns me, damn it. 4. Tony Hawk's Underground- Best in the series, except for the horrible driving physics, which don't have a place in a Tony Hawk game, period. 5. WWE Smackdown: Here Comes the Pain- Finally, a good season mode. The main thing it needs now is a way to bury people(coughHHHcough) or push them. The new submission system is also excellent. Honorable Mentions: 1. Viewtiful Joe 2. Virtua Fighter 4 3. Mario & Luigi: The Superstar Saga
  16. Ted the Poster

    How many of you have played...

    True, but I'm talking about Mark "Anti-Gravity" Henry. D'oh! I forgot about KOC since I've never played it. I was referring to Spike's FIRST 3D wrestling game, whose name presently escapes me.
  17. Ted the Poster

    How many of you have played...

    Sadly, the chances of FPZ being released outside of Japan are about as likely to happen as Mark Henry performing a moonsault.
  18. Ted the Poster

    How many of you have played...

    FPZ is a 2D game, thankfully. Spike only venture into 3D wrestling was not a good one. Here is the site for FPZ. As far as FPD goes, this is the BEST site for everything about Firepro D.
  19. Ted the Poster

    Weekend Box Office Report 11/28 - 11/30

    I just haven't seen all of their films. Oh Brother Where Art Thou was great but for some reason I didn't really like Intolerable Cruelty.
  20. Ted the Poster

    For People Who Uses KaZaA Lite

    Try this version of Kazaa Lite. Not only does it omit any song coming from the RIAA's port; it also enables you to constantly have a Participation Level of K-Lite Master. Oh, and no ads either. Did I mention it's free? BONUS!
  21. Ted the Poster

    How many of you have played...

    I have both FPA gameboy games, the FPZ import, and SFPWXP for SNES. Ownage.
  22. Ted the Poster

    Arrested Development

    Yeah, it's a great show. I love Ron Howard's narration; it's very funny deadpan. Oh, and the next episode has Bob Odenkirk, so we will most likely see a reunion of MR. SHOW~!
  23. Ted the Poster

    Weekend Box Office Report 11/28 - 11/30

    Haunted Mansion and CitH both sucked balls, IMO. The Missing was nothing spectacular, but worth seeing once. For all of its warm fuzziness, Elf was pretty damn funny. Plus, Zooey Deschanel is HOT. Bad Santa was the funniest damn thing I've seen this year. Ritter was spectacular as the squeamish store manager, and the "Fuck me Santa!" line had me rolling. This movie officially turned me into a Coen Brothers fan. The awesome Hellboy trailer in front of it didn't hurt either.
  24. Ted the Poster

    I want this

    Do people outside of Japan actually import hentai games, or can the games be downloaded? Just curious....
  25. Ted the Poster

    To You Power Ranger Marks

    Damn it! Now I'm thinking about Beetleborgs and VR Troopers! AHHHH! Since I've apparently got early 90's kids' shows going through my head right now, does anybody remember the show WMAC Masters? Man, that show fucking owned. It's the only show from that time period that I still watch.