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Ted the Poster

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Everything posted by Ted the Poster

  1. Ted the Poster

    TV's First Casualties

    Hey, I said to MY knowledge. Damn it! Oh, and who the hell is Bruno Kirby? What's he been in that I might've seen?
  2. Ted the Poster

    TV's First Casualties

    That sucks about Dragnet and Boomtown; those shows kicked ass(although I did much prefer last season's Dragnet to this year). Although that does leve a timeslot for CROSSING JORDAN~! when it comes back in January. Skin was sub-par for Bruckheimer. 'Nuff said. I wasn't suprised at the failure of Coupling, either, Remaking a British comedy has never worked(to my knowledge). If a network ever attempts to remake The Office, I'm going to fucking shoot someone. NBC needs to stop trying to create a new Friends/Seinfeld because, odds are, the next "phenom" comedy is already airing. Remember when Seinfeld went off? Friends was right there to take the ball and run with it. That leads me to believe that NBC is already airing a great show that deserves a shot at taking Friends' place, which in my opinion is Scrubs. If they air the new Joey spinoff right after it at 8:30 it would probably be great, ratings-wise. I of course say this with no in-depth knowledge of the ratings system. Oh, and I can't think of what the next show to get cancelled might be, but Stan Hooper's future doesn't look exactly bright(sorry Bob). It's been pre-empted for a 70's Show rerun twice already. I hope it stays, though, because Norm is the man.
  3. Ted the Poster

    OMG~! Possible return of Family Guy!

    ... because it takes around nine months to hand-animate one episode, whereas it takes considerably less time to do it on computer- animating an episode of South Park only takes five days.
  4. Ted the Poster

    The One and Only EVOLUTION IS ----

    Evolution makes it hurt to pee! Also, here's some lyrics done Cena-style: So Evolution is your Listerine? I'd rather gargle from a latrine! Orton's getting treated like a holy man Even though he's green as Dr. Seuss' ham Please say this is all a bad dream! Damn it, I want some Dramamine. Ric Flair needs to just clean their clocks 'Cause compared to him, their all huge *holds up mic*
  5. Ted the Poster

    Another surprising result

    I would like to thank whoever flooded that poll for giving me a laugh. You just know that there are marks over at gamefaqs or wherever posting stuff like "D00d did u see teh poll at WWE.com??? LOL, what a load of bull****! Everynody knows that the l33t match will be Team Austin versus EZ-E's team! "
  6. Ted the Poster

    Goonies Pt 2

    That's a cool idea. Jason would try to kill the Goonies while Sloth defends them. Imagine Chunk and Data walking in the woods when sudenly... "cha cha cha cha..." Then as Jason's about to kill them we hear "HEY YOU GUYS!!!", and Sloth busts onto the scene with a Baby Ruth in his hand. Gold. Oh, and Youth_N_Asia, I'm marking out like a bitch for your sig. "Oz: Behind These Walls" is a fucking great book.
  7. Ted the Poster

    The One And Only Raw Thread (11/10/03)

    So I guess that even WWE management considers its core fanbase to be nothing but rednecks. Also, what does Lita's lip tatoo say? I'm thinking "Plathe Penith Here".
  8. Ted the Poster

    The One And Only Raw Thread (11/10/03)

    I think that awesome video package has made me start to care about the Shane/Kane feud! Oh, wait... *burps*... that was just gas.
  9. Ted the Poster

    The One And Only Raw Thread (11/10/03)

    ... and Shane hopes Kane will let him get to third base before the movie is over.
  10. Ted the Poster

    The OAO WWE RAW Thread 11-03-03

    Now GOLDBERG is channeling HHH...
  11. Ted the Poster

    The OAO WWE RAW Thread 11-03-03

    Uncanny! Batista came out JUST when the show came back! Austin getting beat... cue Goldberg!
  12. Ted the Poster

    The OAO WWE RAW Thread 11-03-03

    I can sit here till m- CUT OFF! Ha!
  13. Ted the Poster

    The OAO WWE RAW Thread 11-03-03

    Austin was clapping just like Rock in HCTP.
  14. Ted the Poster

    The OAO WWE RAW Thread 11-03-03

    as a Owner of a Black Cocker, I take fucking offense. I found that humorous in the most juvenile way possible.
  15. Ted the Poster

    The OAO WWE RAW Thread 11-03-03

    Damn, I wish Teddy Long could do Raw's commentary.
  16. Ted the Poster

    The OAO WWE RAW Thread 11-03-03

    You stopped wearing the towel. -20 SP
  17. Ted the Poster

    The OAO WWE RAW Thread 11-03-03

    The beginning of the Buried Alive match commercial could be Vince's biography in a 10 second format.
  18. Ted the Poster

    The OAO WWE RAW Thread 11-03-03

  19. Ted the Poster

    The OAO WWE RAW Thread 11-03-03

    Did anybody else see how LeBron was looking at Triah? I sure hope he doesn't pull a Kobe.
  20. Ted the Poster

    The OAO WWE RAW Thread 11-03-03

    That is a creepy look from Brock in the HCTP commercial. He looks like he just ripped a huge fart or something.
  21. Ted the Poster

    The OAO WWE RAW Thread 11-03-03

    THIS is what chemmistry is supposed to be like.
  22. Ted the Poster

    The OAO WWE RAW Thread 11-03-03

    Or if Austin made an unconcious Bischoff sign without knowing it.
  23. Ted the Poster

    The OAO WWE RAW Thread 11-03-03

    Well if it isn't the man who puts the fock in Fock Fish.
  24. Ted the Poster

    The OAO WWE RAW Thread 11-03-03

    I think that promo was D... O... A.