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Ted the Poster

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Everything posted by Ted the Poster

  1. Ted the Poster

    I think its time for another anime thread

    Every Adult Swim anime is good, with the exception of FLCL, which is just too fucking surreal to make much sense, although the soundtrack kicks all kinds of ass. I watch Toonami, too. Cyborg 009 has the awesome Astro Boy throwback style, and I have always been a DBZ and DB fan. I've seen subbed episodes of DBGT, and it seems... odd. SD Gundam is a show I do not like, partly because the cel shading makes my eyes sore, and because I'm not a big fan of many Mecha series. Except G Gundam; that show owns. Right now my favorite is Inuyasha; the story is great and the animation is very good. However, my favorite anime series of all time HAS to be the Tenchi Muyo! series, except of course Tenchi in Tokyo, which was almost unbearably lame. I'm really excited that new episodes of the Tenchi OVA are coming out in the near future.
  2. Ted the Poster

    Another RVD Radio Interview

    I love Rob Van Dam. He speaks his mind about WWE politics without fear, but he's already so over that Vince can't punish him without heavy backlash. Although that is most likely one of the reasons he gets HHHeld down in upper-midcard status.
  3. Ted the Poster

    Rodney Mack hospitalizes Shane Helms

    Man, it feels weird to read through this topic after being forced to watch the infinitely shitty "Malibu's Most Wanted". Back to the original topic. Even though it's a good chance Helms didn't know about Mack being in Toughman, there's still no excuse for trying to take on a guy who could knock you out just by using his BALLS.
  4. Ted the Poster

    The 6 Man Tag Participants Have Been Announced

    Woo-hoo! This match could be hotter than Satan's rectum in hell!
  5. Ted the Poster

    If Nintendo re-released the NES

    Nintendo should make its next console look just like the NES. That would kick ass.
  6. Ted the Poster

    Ten years ago today

    Yeah, but the MK and Sonic games for Game Gear fucking OWNED.
  7. Ted the Poster

    Red Out For A Year

    Red's match with Low-Ki was the first TNA match I ever saw, and it owned more than almost all the matches I'd seen up until then. I'm going to go watch that now just so I can mark out with a Don West "Go Red go". Come back, Red!
  8. Ted the Poster

    Family Guy: The Movie!

    In honor of the movie announcement, I have just watched every episode of the show in order, in one 72-hour period... and I would do it again. All we need now is a Futurama movie, and life will be blissful.
  9. Ted the Poster

    Johnny Cash dead at 71.

    I look at it this way. With June back by his side, Johnny-- along with Elvis and the Duke-- can show everybody up there how to really have fun. The Man In Black will live forever.
  10. Ted the Poster

    The new American $20 bill

    At least you know that if you have $100(US) in Canada, you're friggin loaded! Just kidding. You guys do have better looking money though. Btw, Conan O'Brien>every other late night host.
  11. Ted the Poster

    The Game vs. The Nature Boy vs. The Boy

    I'm going to this show, but I really wish it was a Smackdown one. Things like this ME make me wonder if the booking staff on Raw knows what the air not around Triple H's ass smells like. I mean, if they like the taste of shit so much, couldn't they just find a public toilet? About the wedding thing. It's probably because Triple H and Stephanie don't have any real friends who like them. Speaking of which, I'll bet fifty bucks that they are announced as "Mr. and Mrs. Stephanie McMahon!"
  12. Ted the Poster

    Jumping the Shark

    "Jumping the shark" should be called "watching The Mullets" or "sitting through Raw".
  13. Ted the Poster


    God, I can't belive I didn't know any of Alan Rickman's roles. Until a google search made me say "Oh! The Snape guy from Harry Potter!". Then I hit myself with my copy of Dogma, looked at my Buddy Christ figure and said "Who's your buddy?" Anyway, damn straight he'd be a good choice. So would Ben Kingsley, though. Both of those guys would very possibly OWN that role. Oh and I'd like to nominate Steve Buscemi for The Scarecrow(because it'll mostly just be his creepy voice) and in a future Batman movie, Martin Short should be the Mad Hatter!
  14. Ted the Poster

    Killer Klowns from Outer Space

    Man, I saw that movie when I was NINE YEARS OLD. Imagine what a movie about homicidal clowns did to me at age nine. My family was on vacation, and since we were hella poor we stayed at what was probably THE crappiest beach hotel on the east coast. The TV's channel buttons were broken, and there was no remote. It was stuck on one channel! At one point my parents left to get food, and I was left with my sisters, brother, and grandmother. Everyone was taking a nap but me, and guess what came on TV? Oh man, when the clown punched the bikers head off I started to freak out like Al Sharpton when he's out of hair spray. I almost turned it off when the fat clown was beckoning to that little kid, but I just couldn't stop watching. The only other movie that ever scared me so badly is Carrie.
  15. Ted the Poster

    Johnny Depp Dislikes U.S.

    Screw that hypothetical war crap. Let's do this: 1. We send Bradshaw to Canada. 2. Canada gives us Test in return. 3. Each country's smarks do as they want to their new "wrestler". / / 4. Smarks across North America celebrate together.
  16. Ted the Poster

    The WWE Activity Game

    (continued from Choken One) *Bradshaw turns to nearby random white guy* Bradshaw: Hey man, you like to hunt? Man: Sometimes, yeah. Bradshaw: Then come with me boy! We're gonna got cook us some road kill and then go huntin' for some monkeys! Man: Monkeys?! I only hunt birds! Bradshaw: Dammit boy, I ain't talking about any tree monkeys! I'm talking 'bout huntin' some damn sand monkeys! WHOOOOOO!!! USA! USA! *Bradshaw fires gun at the sky several times while chanting USA over and over* Man: Jeez, rednecks are everywhere these days.
  17. Ted the Poster

    HHH's pathetically bad Pedigree

    Believe me, this was one of the sloppiest botches in a while. On another board that I use situations like this one are called "pulling a Gayda". I could probably get you the clip, but it wouldn't be until after Smackdown tonight, because I'll be at college until like 6:30 this evening. I'll post here again when I've got it, and you can PM me your email address if you want. It'll be small enough to be sent as an attatchment.
  18. Ted the Poster

    The WWE Activity Game

    I'd hang out with Spike Dudley and Steven Richards. Spike and I could watch ECW tapes while I take close-up photos of the back of his head, and later I could put them in my wrestling scrap book. Richards and I would just sit around and play FIRE PRO WRESTLING all day. *marks out for fire pro games* .... or I could have Kidman give me acting lessons.
  19. Ted the Poster

    My thoughts on RAW, 9/8/2003...

    It's not even worth it to watch Raw anymore. I just TiVo it and later fast forward through the crap to anything remotely watchable, and my crap-watch ratio gets more lopsided each week. Raw and Smackdown are hardly comparable anymore.
  20. Ted the Poster

    My thoughts on RAW, 9/8/2003...

    I was actually thinking it'd be someone ridiculous, like Minidust. Orton barely crossed my mind, mostly because nothing he has done in the ring has ever impressed me in the least. If they had put Gillberg in instead of Orton, that would have been really funny.
  21. Ted the Poster

    My thoughts on RAW, 9/8/2003...

    Yeah, it's really sad when your most entertaining moment of the show is Spike's Dudley Death Bump. Jesus, he could've seriously injured his head. I never thought a team that green could botch a spot that simple.
  22. Ted the Poster

    EA Sports, 1 week until written contracts

    Well, I've played Madden but not ESPN. Does the first-person view work with the game well? I know that other sports games that tried it weren't very good.