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Ted the Poster

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Everything posted by Ted the Poster

  1. Ted the Poster

    Malibu Enterprises

    He's dickish and pompous sometimes, but not angsty.
  2. Ted the Poster

    TSM Poster Tournament IV: Round IV

    It's one of the top three episodes ever, no question.
  3. Chave had some ribs removed.
  4. Ted the Poster

    TSM Poster Tournament IV: Round III

    This is all very situpid.
  5. Ted the Poster

    Time to get a new car soon

    Aw SNAP
  6. Ted the Poster

    TSM Poster Tournament IV: Round II

    Larry David is overrated anyway.
  7. Ted the Poster

    Things we love about Canada.

    Bryan Adams Rush Alanis Morrisette Jim Carrey Thanks for those.
  8. Ted the Poster

    TSM Poster Tournament IV: Round III

    No one is jealous of Canadians.
  9. Ted the Poster

    TSM Poster Tournament IV: Round III

    Carnival The Czech Republic - will come back later Black Lushus Hoff Slayer Zack Malibu KOAB Чэв Niskie
  10. Ted the Poster

    Jeff Jarrett is injured.

    Then they play the happy upbeat music. Grand.
  11. Ted the Poster

    Jeff Jarrett is injured.

    Is there video of this on the web.
  12. Ted the Poster

    TSM Poster Tournament IV: Round II

    I apologize too. For what, I don't know.
  13. Ted the Poster

    TSM Poster Tournament IV: Round II

    I don't blame you for misspeaking. I blame you for misREADING.
  14. Ted the Poster

    TSM Poster Tournament IV: Round II

    Oh, fuck off. You know what I meant. But I'll fix the sentence anyway so you aren't foced to look at it when you come into the thread.
  15. Ted the Poster

    TSM Poster Tournament IV: Round II

    Well no shit. It was a week later, and I knew the solution because I solved it the day I posted it on WDI. EDIT: Better phrased for Hoff, King of all Grammar.
  16. Ted the Poster

    TSM Poster Tournament IV: Round II

    Wait, what?
  17. Ted the Poster

    The Hills Have Eyes

    I liked it. Then again, I hardly ever see horror movies. It was entertaining though.
  18. Ted the Poster

    TSM Poster Tournament IV: Round II

    Slayer Kingofthe909 Zack Malibu AndrewTS Sass EvenflowDDT Popick Matt Young lovecraft231 Niskie KOAB Dangerous A kkktookmybabyaway NYU Damaramu Rudo Meatwad - I am so screwed here. CWM geniusmoment Krankor Carnival FOOSTER~! Чэв Banky Bob Barron alfdogg KingPK Hoff Vitamin X Black Lushus Kotzenjunge - had to toss a coin here. Terrible and unfair draw. The Czech Republic
  19. Ted the Poster

    The OAO Mystery Science Theater 3000 Thread

    Oh blech. Where's Puma Man, damn it.
  20. Ted the Poster

    Black Lushes the O.G. and his nigga

    Leena's current avatar looks like Michelle Trachtenberg.
  21. Ted the Poster

    I have a hard on

    The Fish!!! Damn straight.
  22. Ted the Poster

    New X3: The Last Stand Trailer

    Leech. He negates the powers of any mutant close to him.
  23. Ted the Poster

    TSM Poster Tournament IV: Round 1

    Rudo Vitamin X Matt Young Sass Spaceman Spiff Zack Malibu Popick The Czech Republic Kotzenjunge KingPK Black Lushus KOAB Banky Canadian Chick The Amazing Rando Slayer alfdogg Seyss-Inquirt geniusmoment EvenflowDDT NYU Meatwad wildpegasus FOOSTER~! Niskie lovecraft231 Krankor Damaramu Carnival Bob Barron Чэв kkktookmybabyaway