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Ted the Poster

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Everything posted by Ted the Poster

  1. Ted the Poster

    I need a good emulator and ROMs

    I'll second Underdogs. Best abandonware site out there.
  2. I don't think Crono shopping at Hot Topic suprises anyone.
  3. Ted the Poster

    I've Been Out Of The Loop For A Few Years...

    I've never noticed that, but now I can't stop thinking about it for some reason.
  4. Ted the Poster

    Xbox 360 design officially revealed...

    Now I really want an X-Box 360.
  5. Ted the Poster

    The 2005 MTV Movie Award Nominees

    No, that's you. ND was awesome.
  6. Ted the Poster

    The Current Events folder. It's a lot like Hitler.

  7. Ted the Poster

    The Current Events folder. It's a lot like Hitler.

    But isn't Dr. Tyler's stance on man-machine relations that he is decidedly against it?
  8. Ted the Poster

    The Current Events folder. It's a lot like Hitler.

    Mr. Secretary, is it true that you've had an illegitimate relationship with a certain low-ranked yellow autobot?
  9. Ted the Poster

    The Current Events folder. It's a lot like Hitler.

    Yes. Why does >>> so much?
  10. Ted the Poster

    The Current Events folder. It's a lot like Hitler.

    *SPINEBUSTERS~! Secretary Hoff*
  11. Ted the Poster

    The Current Events folder. It's a lot like Hitler.

    How dare you refer me to your secretary, Tyler.
  12. Ted the Poster

    The Current Events folder. It's a lot like Hitler.

    This thread.
  13. Ted the Poster

    The Current Events folder. It's a lot like Hitler.

    Do you support pulling the feeding tube from threads that can't be brought back from practical death?
  14. Ted the Poster

    I'm trying to cut down on my sodium

    It made you RAYCIST~!...
  15. Ted the Poster


    Congradulations on not dying yet.
  16. Ted the Poster

    Bling It On: a trap to catch stupid people

    I think Patrick is mainly just talking about the popular colors and music. Rob, what ep is that video in? I must get it.
  17. Ted the Poster

    When did these hippie ads start appearing?

    So that's where that image came from.
  18. Ted the Poster

    Here's the Story of Mike Martin

  19. Ted the Poster

    Global Warming Validated

    Like "Toby Keith", "Celine Dion" and "Linkin Park".
  20. Ted the Poster

    Jeff 'Unover' Jarrett

    That works too. Bob "Her name is spelled with ONE 'L'" Barron
  21. Ted the Poster

    Here's the Story of Mike Martin

    R. Budd Dweyer trumps everything.
  22. Ted the Poster

    First new Family Guy episode leaked

    Umm.....humor is subjective. So you can't really say "you think that's funny so you have no sense of humor." That's just ignorance. Sorry, I just can't get into a guy who goes for punchlines so obvious that a deaf guy could know what's coming. Also, Kevin Eubanks is the male Robin Quivers. I much preferred the previous guy.
  23. Ted the Poster

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    Me too. This folder should just be renamed "Fanboyism" since that's what 80% of the threads amount to anyway.
  24. Ted the Poster

    Jeff 'Unover' Jarrett

    bob "stalker" barron Har har!
  25. Ted the Poster

    14 year old crashes car

    Then it falls and makes that "wum-wum-wu-wu-wu-wu-wu-wu-wu" sound before stopping in a mix of blood and glass.