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Ted the Poster

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Everything posted by Ted the Poster

  1. "Even though it wouldn't make me feel superior, in a hypothetical situation I surmise that my mother- whom I no longer live with- can beat the everloving shit out of your maternal parental unit."
  2. Ted the Poster

    Weird eating habits and quirks.....

    Thank God. I thought I was the only one. Edges of fat on any type of meat really grosses me out. When I don't see it before biting in is the worst. The only vegetables I like are carrots, radishes, cucumbers/pickles, potatoes, corn and onions(but only in fried ring form). I'll try almost any type of fruit though, even if I never tasted it before.
  3. Ted the Poster

    More of those Bratz

    My local grocery store, aptly named "Tiajuana" by everybody(even those who inspired the name), sells Lil Homies in a gumball machine. They are truly the shoddiest figurines I've ever seen.
  4. Ted the Poster

    Detectives release photos of girl in kiddy porn

    What a provocative pose she's making. *insert Jon Benet Ramsey reference*
  5. Ted the Poster

    The Political Compass

    THUNDERDOME~! That test said I was a moderate permissive in both categories, and a centrist. I've gotta stop taking these before I blow someone's brains out due to my own insanity.
  6. Ted the Poster

    The Political Compass

    ^Well, who didn't see that coming. -4.63/-1.13 for me.
  7. Ted the Poster

    Nintendogs (DS) gets a perfect score from Famitsu!

    I always thought El Psycho Diablo was the biggest cynic in this folder.
  8. Ted the Poster

    Were the Transformers Homosexuals?

    Indeed. I had a weird crush on Red when I was six or seven. Though TMNT > All.
  9. Ted the Poster

    The Current Events folder. It's a lot like Hitler.

    It wouldn't be fun the first time either, 'cause you just know that crazy woman would be extemely dominating and try to plug you with a strap-on or do something else really emasculating. Crazy evil bitch.
  10. Ted the Poster

    Were the Transformers Homosexuals?

    I bet Kotz watched Fraggle Rock.
  11. Ted the Poster

    Bringing a baby to class...

    Call Hoff. He'll "fix" the problem.
  12. Ted the Poster

    RACIST letters terrorize college students

    Not true. It is if you send them to Bob Jones University. I wonder how many people here have ever been to Bob Jones University, because I actually have. Had to go with a friend of mine, YEARS ago, on a matter which wouldn't be of any interest to any of you. What a fucking trip that place is. It's like a throwback to the early 50s and not in a good way. I think my favorite moment out of my brief time there was getting into an argument with some ignorant hillbilly student there who was literally arguing about how Abraham Lincoln was an awful president. I think you all know why he was making that particular argument.
  13. Libertarians tend to either lean toward the left or the right. I lean left, and I'm sure Popick leans right. I'm sure we still agree on most issues though. VX, you can take this quiz if you want. It'll show your political leanings based on your answer.
  14. Ted the Poster

    Weird eating habits and quirks.....

    I have to alternate during a meal. My brother has the no-alternating OCD. Also, sometimes the tiniest thing he does sets me off and I wind up beating him nearly unconcious. They say I need help.
  15. Ted the Poster

    Nintendogs (DS) gets a perfect score from Famitsu!

    I know it's sorta like the old Catz and Dogz games for PC. What are the various breeds you can choose from? I hope Beagle is an option.
  16. Ted the Poster

    World Leaders: A bunch of lying douche bags?

    I'm not. Where is that quote from? I'd fucking recognize it if I knew the origin.
  17. I have a thing for cute chicks with glasses. I just find it really hot for some reason.
  18. I'd take Kennedy if she had bigger tirts and wouldn't talk. Damn that's an annoying voice. Leah Lail is sexy too.
  19. Ted the Poster

    Were the Transformers Homosexuals?

    Yeah, Action Masters. Fuck 'em and the hypocrisy that was their existence.
  20. They don't really need to. We can argue alongside either major party in order to get teh poon.
  21. Ted the Poster

    15 year old attempted rape

    It's not rape if she blinks twice for "yes".
  22. Yes, join ussss... We have Denis Leary and Clint Eastwood... Hey man, free Kool-Aid and snacks at all the meetings. Can't beat that. What about good looking women? Dixie Carter the blond nerdy chick from VIP Don't know any others...
  23. Yes, join ussss... We have Denis Leary and Clint Eastwood... Hey man, free Kool-Aid and snacks at all the meetings. Can't beat that. Yeah don't eat the brownies though. They're not for everyone. I found that out the hard way. I could taste colors. Sorry about that. *zips up pants*
  24. Yes, join ussss... We have Denis Leary and Clint Eastwood...