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Ted the Poster

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Everything posted by Ted the Poster

  1. Ted the Poster

    How TSM Ranks

  2. Ted the Poster

    TSM Poster Tournament 2008 Semifinals

    You should probably shave soon, Tobey Maguire's dad as Peter Parker.
  3. Things that are broken "The password is: Things That Are Funny Floating."
  4. Ted the Poster

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    The more you know.
  5. Ted the Poster

    The Gimmick Poster Thread

  6. Ted the Poster

    The Writer's Strike

  7. Ted the Poster

    The Gimmick Poster Thread

    Digger Smolken. Awesome.
  8. Ted the Poster

    The Office: Season 4

    As a fellow chaffer, I feel his pain.
  9. Ted the Poster

    This is why I don't like Religion

    Sorry, we couldn't stop him.
  10. Ted the Poster

    Knuckle Tattoos

    If I did get any ink, my feeling is that I'd eventually wander into that territory. Not.....deliberately attempting to get a Yakuza tat, but I'd probably get a shitload of ink, so that it winds up covering at least one arm, and my back, maybe my chest. My dilemma is that I just haven't found or thought of any design I'd really like. You can get AMBR ALRT on your knuckles.
  11. Ted the Poster

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    In the HISTORY of our sport.
  12. Ted the Poster

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    He wasn't that good a wrestler Who? Chris or Christ? Are you trying to say Jesus Christ couldn't hit a chinlock? A Major League reference. You bastard.
  13. Ted the Poster

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    and on the fourth day, he rested Oh, you motherfucker.
  14. Ted the Poster

    Pictures I Like

  15. Ted the Poster

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread- June 11, 2007

    In other news, the Draft cotinues THIS WEDNESDAY on WWE.COM!
  16. Ted the Poster

    OAO One Night Stand

    Local ads for the 6/16 SD taping have
  17. Ted the Poster

    OAO One Night Stand

    A Marlin Perkins refernce. I love JBL.
  18. It's good to see an unbiased list for once.
  19. Ted the Poster


    I heard there were talks to get Ron Perlman in as the Comedian.
  20. Ted the Poster

    Teachers that got fired

    My brother's seventh grade english teacher was bipolar, and went off her meds when her husband left her. About a week later she took a gun to her stomach in the bus parking lot during lunch. They fired her for that, of course.
  21. Ted the Poster

    I was going to not post, but...

    Why don't you drag yourself and Meat away from The Pit. It would be highly appreciated. Heeeeeey, you're not from Ottawa!
  22. Ted the Poster

    The Dark Knight

    I'm fine with the lips as long as he still has green hair.
  23. Ted the Poster

    Rondo Rclassics

    You feeling okay, Slayer?