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Ted the Poster

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Everything posted by Ted the Poster

  1. Ted the Poster

    Most well-known spoilers

    Is that from Haggard? I've only seen parts of it. Everybody knows the ending to Braveheart, I would think.
  2. Ted the Poster


    Took me ten minutes. That wasn't difficult at all.
  3. Ted the Poster

    Most well-known spoilers

    LaForge dies in Roots...
  4. Ted the Poster

    Exclusive pics of Kotzenjunge

    Crono: Give me the whip. CWM: Throw me the idol. No time to argue. Throw me idol, I'll throw you the whip. Crono: *throws the idol* Give me the whip. CWM: AdiĆ³s, eh.
  5. Ted the Poster

    I'm almost to 10,000 posts

    He ate a .357 Slayer S. Thompson then. Now instead of being just dead, you're a dead lunatic.
  6. Ted the Poster

    What are you genuinely afraid of?

    We did call it pop- in the 50s.
  7. Ted the Poster

    I remembered!

    At least he didn't say it was at a rest area.
  8. Ted the Poster

    Exclusive pics of Kotzenjunge

    Why does he have a sword, Hoff?
  9. Ted the Poster

    I'm almost to 10,000 posts

    R. Bud Slayer
  10. Ted the Poster

    The OAO South Park Thread for 3/16/05

    I know. What I meant was it shouldn't always have to make one.
  11. Ted the Poster

    The OAO South Park Thread for 3/16/05

    Why should the show have to make a point? It's a fucking dirty animated comedy.
  12. Ted the Poster

    Bravo's The 100 Scariest Movie Moments

    I only caught the last episode, but I marked out when I saw that Audition was 11th.
  13. Ted the Poster

    Racially Sensitive Material

    Most white people are scared of black people? Since when. I find someone like Jingus much more worrisome them someone like Ripper. Why is Jingus scary? Is he the world's biggest indy fed announcer or something?
  14. Ted the Poster

    What are you genuinely afraid of?

    I have an intense fear of flying, brought on by my fear of heights. Boats are out of the question too.
  15. Ted the Poster

    BE A MAN!

    BUSTER POINDEXTER! BUSTER POINDEXTER! BUSTER POINDEXTER! I still feel bad for McGinley though. He was in Red O'Neill in Platoon, which is how I prefer to think of him.
  16. Ted the Poster

    Racially Sensitive Material

    This statement, with the use of NOT JUST CWM and VX (meaning we would be included in that group) would lead someone to believe otherwise. Oh damn, you're right- that does look bad. I worded it totally wrong. Sorry man.
  17. Ted the Poster

    Racially Sensitive Material

    Nor did I say you were accusing me of such, Mr. Assumption. I was using your name hypothetically simply because you didn't find it funny. Humor is subjective, after all. Quiet you.
  18. Ted the Poster

    Shows you won't admit to your friends you like

    Because on the inside, he's really an eleven year old girl trapped in a nerd's body? Bob needs a prepuboplasty.
  19. Ted the Poster

    Racially Sensitive Material

    It's a racist, stereotypical book from over a century ago that some bigoted dickbag is selling in an online auction. I'm laughing at the absurdity of the book and the idiocy of the guy selling it. Which was the original reason for Arnold posting it, I'm guessing. If you don't find that funny then fine. However, anybody who would immediately call someone a racist(~!) for even chuckling at that book without considering why they might find it amusing needs to lighten the fuck up.
  20. Ted the Poster

    Racially Sensitive Material

    That was pretty funny. I predict a new avatar or sig for some people. *looks at Ripper*
  21. Ted the Poster

    Weekend Boxoffice

    I was forced to see Robots today. I almost expected Bender to make a cameo, what with all of the recycled Futurama jokes. I just hope the studios aren't thinking that CGI films will always be instant hits no matter what. That movie, while great for kids under 12, has almost nothing for the adults who take them to enjoy IMO.
  22. Ted the Poster

    NES Game Test

    14/40 Blades of Steel was a hockey game? That name doesn't make me think "hockey game", but "ninja platformer" instead.
  23. Ted the Poster

    What happened to my post count?

    Especially since they can finally swing above... whatever that body part is they set as the limit in hockey. Damn that's a stupid rule. Fuck hockey and hockey fans. Oh wait, they are.
  24. Ted the Poster

    What are you genuinely afraid of?

    Seconded. Oh, and possums scare the fuck out of me. The few who live near my house are at least three and a half feet long.
  25. Ted the Poster

    SNL Review

    *head explodes*