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Ted the Poster

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Everything posted by Ted the Poster

  1. Ted the Poster


    It's like they enjoy making Sara more fucked up. Maybe it's a bit of revenge for the whole contract issues before this season.
  2. Ted the Poster

    Convince Me Our President Isn't A Terrorist

    This thread makes me want to blow up somebody's head. *nanananananana*
  3. Ted the Poster

    Worst thing you ever laughed at?

    Don't feel bad. It's a hilarious song.
  4. Ted the Poster

    The OAO Mystery Science Theater 3000 Thread

    Ken: Rocky! Crow: (high-pitched voice)Again? (later) Ken: Rocky! Crow: (high-pitched voice)Again? (later) Ken: Rocky! Crow: (high-pitched voice)Again? Joel: STOP THAT!!!
  5. Sometimes I wave to people I don't know. It is very dangerous to wave to people you don't know, because what if they don't have a hand? They'll think you're cocky. "Look what I got motherfucker, this thing is useful...I'm gonna go pick something up." I was at this casino minding my own business, and this guy came up to me and said, "You're gonna have to move, you're blocking a fire exit." As though if there was a fire, I wasn't gonna run. If you're flammible and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit.
  6. Ted the Poster

    Shawn Daivari's finisher

    They could bill him as being from Durkadurkastan.
  7. Ted the Poster

    Somebody help

    What exactly are you a unit of? I'd suggest Bittorrent. Download a client, such as ABC. Then go to Suprnova and do a search. You'll be sure to find it there. Then use a gif making program to cut out the portion you want and save it as a gif file.
  8. Ted the Poster

    Ridge Resigns As Homeland Security Chief

    He looks like Major Dad.
  9. Ted the Poster

    Ridge Resigns As Homeland Security Chief

    ... which took "months and months", he said.
  10. Ted the Poster


  11. Ted the Poster

    An unscientific experiment

  12. Ted the Poster

    The OAO South Park Thread for12/1/04

    I actually liked Drawn Together for once. The "She's All That" ripoff with Bleh was hilarious.
  13. Ted the Poster

    Most Disturbing/Disgusting movie

    What is Cut about? I never found Ichi the killer that disturbing.
  14. Ted the Poster

    Lava Lamp kills man

    Why are you prejudiced against poor people, Shutterspeed?
  15. Ted the Poster

    Most Disturbing/Disgusting movie

    Saló. Nothing I've ever seen is as disturbing. I highly recommend downloading it or importing it if you have a strong stomach.
  16. Ted the Poster


    Heh. Didn't think so.
  17. Ted the Poster


    If IDRM is subliminal_animal, good job. You had me fooled pretty well.
  18. Ted the Poster


    Hey now, I didn't pick a fight. But I see what you mean.
  19. Ted the Poster


    Does he do this fairly regularly, Inc? Choosing somebody at random who he's never had any interaction with so he starts with a clear advantage, all so he can fellate his weak little ego and pretend to himself that he's big and strong?
  20. Ted the Poster


    You go ahead and think that. Maybe it'll make you feel good to think that you hurt somebody's feelings over the internet. Go out with your friends and buy them some drinks. "I think that I maybe discouraged somebody online from miles away, just because I felt like it! Drinks for everybody on me!" They'll slap you on the back, saying "Way to go, man! You tore that complete stranger a new asshole! Whooo!" Then the beautiful women will swarm toward you like flies to your mom's gash. You'll have the best night of your insipid little life. Give yourself a hand, buddy.
  21. Ted the Poster


    Damn! Well, if he could've kept his sense of humor, he might have too.
  22. Ted the Poster

    Don't trust the McRib.......

    They're like the chicken strips from Arby's. All breadding and barely any meat. McNuggets > Selects.
  23. Ted the Poster


    Well, you said it yourself. You take this way too seriously. I mean damn, defending yourself as not being "some low-level chatroom joker"? I guess I hit a nerve. Attacking your typing prowess was a result of me knowing nothing about you and improvising while I played along. Christ, man, it's the internet. Moreso, it's the HD folder. Even moreso, it's a WRESTLING MESSAGE BOARD. It's impossible to be truly intimidating and damage someone's self-esteem. That's why you brushed off my insults on a personal level and I've done the same with yours. It means nothing in the long run. With that little rant, this thread, which was obviously started as a joke, has ceased being fun. Subliminal_animal, if you can find your smile again, I'd be glad to respond some more.
  24. Ted the Poster


    I wasn't exaggerating except for the leper part. Your posts truly make you seem like a blithering idiot. You're not the only person on the board who I harbor contempt for. Only about 70-80% of it is for you.