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Ted the Poster

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Everything posted by Ted the Poster

  1. Ted the Poster

    The OAO Mystery Science Theater 3000 Thread

    Good episode, but not top 10 IMO. *Hugs DVD tightly*
  2. Ted the Poster


  3. Ted the Poster

    Biggest Train Wreck of a Life

    Baby oil?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! My my my my GOD!!!
  4. Ted the Poster

    Post pictures of your pet(s).

    Goddamn, that cat rules.
  5. Ted the Poster

    Pictures I Like

    "Somebody go get another box of the Blood of Christ!"
  6. Ted the Poster

    The OAO Mystery Science Theater 3000 Thread

    I like Tormented and HoSI, but those other two episodes are abysmal. Where's Beast of Yucca Flats, damn it! It's in the public domain! Some season seven would be good too. And what about Scarecrow's brain?! Edit: I do like the extra of Mike doing his Perkins impression.
  7. Ted the Poster

    Hey Dudes... is there something wrong with my testicles

    Okay, that settles it.
  8. Ted the Poster

    Hey Dudes... is there something wrong with my testicles

    Marvin's just saying that because we couldn't help him. This isn't the Mayo Clinic, man.
  9. Ted the Poster

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    Now hold on GODDAMMIT...you can call me Carny's gay lover, you can say my posting sucks, but NEVER say I'm worse than Zack! Hey Carnival's power top, your posting sucks.
  10. Ted the Poster

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    "Let me pet the rabbits, Lushus!"
  11. Ted the Poster

    Pictures I Like

  12. Ted the Poster

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    There. That's it. All of them. You can search previous posts if you want, but I just spared you a lot of trouble. Oh come on, man. Lushus is the consummate nice guy, and a good poster. Better than Al? That's purely subjective. There's no reason to insult the guy just because he's winning a stupid website tournament.
  13. Ted the Poster

    The Official "52" Thread

    DC announces new Booster Gold ongoing series!
  14. Mike Jones I've never scoffed and laughed at the same time before.
  15. Ted the Poster

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    I prefer this version of Leena to the lame 'sentence fragment for a post' Leena. That's when she copies Lushus.
  16. Ted the Poster

    high school shenanigans

    *reads thread* Uh... teachers are valuable members of society who deserve more money!
  17. Ted the Poster

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    Elite Snobs/Boardum/Pit bracket: #1 Incandenza vs. #9 Ravenbomb #12 Chave vs. #4 Banky #14 Black Lushus vs. #6 Kotz #10 kkktookmybabyaway vs. #2 AgentOfOblivion TSM Vets/Shit Folders bracket: #1 Slayer vs. #8 bob_barron #5 CWM vs. #4 Leena #3 Czech vs. #11 Smues #7 FrigidSoul vs. #15 Special K Sports Folder bracket: #1 alkeiper vs. #8 CanadianGuitarist #12 The Max vs. #4 Ripper #3 Kingofthe909 vs. #11 TheManInBlak #7 Vitamin X vs. #2 LordOfTheCurry The Awesomely Mediocre and/or Unknown bracket: #16 Muggy Bogues vs. #9 DrVenkman #12 AndrewTS vs. #4 redbaron51 #3 CanadianChris vs. #6 Hawk52 #7 HuntersTornQuad vs. #2 gary floyd
  18. Ted the Poster

    TSM Arcade Thread.

    "Have you lost more knowledge from grade school due to higher learning than most fifth graders currently posess?" Isn't that just Minnesota with cows? The only good thing it's produced that I know of are cheese, fireworks and Mike Nelson.
  19. Ted the Poster

    Ron and Fez...

    That doesn't make much sense. Women are radio cancer, Mole- all of them. RC isn't as awful as most radio women, though.
  20. Ted the Poster

    TSM Arcade Thread.

    Not the enormous hurricane thing?
  21. Ted the Poster

    Patrick Spoon has a MySpace

    Is that one of his seven friends? Perhaps the "I AM OTAKU" fellow. Or "DJ Kit Cat". Also, I can't believe I never noticed his resemblance to Costello before. Creepy.
  22. Ted the Poster

    Pictures I Like

  23. Ted the Poster

    The Official "52" Thread

    Sobek must be