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Ted the Poster

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Everything posted by Ted the Poster

  1. Ted the Poster

    The OAO Raw is Snitsky in MSG Thread

    I just tuned in. Did Lita say "Snitsky" tonight?
  2. Ted the Poster

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    My local Blockbuster doesn't do trades either, so I use myvideogames.com as well as dvds123. They pay about as well as Blockbuster, apparently.
  3. Ted the Poster

    SNL Review

    Bob, couldn't you gush about your teen idols and love for shitcoms in a blog or something? I like the sports reports though(love the Braves, hate the Saints since I'm in Charlotte, and am indifferent to hockey). Why do you like the Saints, btw? Nice review. I completely forgot to watch, so this was helpful. Hopefully I can track down a tape of the show. Oh, and Bob- You only type like that while at college, right? I'm starting to wonder about your patriotism, Mr. So-called Conservative.
  4. Ted the Poster

    Bill O'Reilly Vs. Jon Stewart

    The Daily Show is going to make more jokes about whichever party is in power at the time because that's the party under a microscope of scrutiny. Back in Black is the best thing that The Daily Show has produced. I don't think the reporters are that funny either, except for Stephen Colbert who is goddamn hilarious. He should replace Jon as host whenever he leaves, IMO.
  5. Ted the Poster

    Last Comic Standing 3

    He did laugh at Vos' "staple his kitchen" joke though, which shows he can recognize good comedy. Maybe if Ralphie eased up on the black thing he'd be funny.
  6. Ted the Poster

    Foley/JBL Debate Report

    Couldn't WWE have at least picked an informed republican representative for this? The company is obviously pretty conservative, so it wouldn't have been hard. I personally can't wait to see Bradshaw attempt to justify this in his next article.
  7. Ted the Poster

    Happy Hour For Kids

    Bully: "Man, I am sho sorry I gave dat wedgie to you yesterday..."*sobs* Nerd: "Iss okay, I shoulda gave you that ansher on the shience test..."*sobs* *cue drunken emotional hug*
  8. Ted the Poster

    Last Comic Standing 3

    It was too bad that the audience sucked though. Vos and Gulman were great, but all the crowd did was make "awww" noises. IT'S A ROAST, IDIOTS! MEAN=FUNNY!
  9. Ted the Poster

    8500 Calorie Sandwich

    Good lord; I've only dreamt of consuming never seen a sandwich that big. I just learned I was diabetic, so the overwhelming amount of carbs that are no doubt in that sandwich scares me a lot more than the number of calories.
  10. Ted the Poster

    Last Comic Standing 3

    I just wish the show was on cable so Vos wouldn't be forced to tone it down. I've seen him at a roast before, which was for Jim Norton, where he served as Roastmaster and was awesome and BRUTAL. I really hope everyone on the dais gets their own mic since Vos is best when "firing back" and Alonzo strikes me as being the same way. Jay Mohr blatantly rips off jokes from other much less known comics, so he often gets away with it, and I hope he gets verbally torn to shreds.
  11. Ted the Poster

    Not again...

    ^^Good lord. It's no wonder Washington has the nation's highest suicide rate. Hey Rant, what got you booted from the WWE folder this time?
  12. Ted the Poster

    Conan O'Brien to take over Tonight Show in 2009!

    Yes, I think most who like Conan find them funny. Which is to say, they are not Jay Leno. Btw- that's Preparation H Raymond, not a donkey.
  13. Ted the Poster

    Conan O'Brien to take over Tonight Show in 2009!

    I never found Letterman that funny. Eh.
  14. Ted the Poster

    Alan Keyes wants to lose his race I guess..

    Ha, she's wearing an anti-Bush button too! I was skeptical that it was his daughter until I saw this image: Yecch! She look exactly like him! Her girlfriend is apparently going bald on the side of her head. That's just weird.
  15. I thought the exact same thing. JR: "POP YOUR COLLAR"! ORTON JUST HIT THE "POP YOUR COLLAR", BY GAWD!
  16. Finally! Maggie, turn of the plagues, please.
  17. She was a juggy on The Man Show, for God's sake. Half the crowd knows that the act of her being half naked and embarrassed makes no sense.
  18. Trish is a GREAT heel. Carmella. God damnit.
  19. JR is a Level 53 Hosslick, apparently.
  20. Was that Ian McKellen in the X-Men commercial?
  21. "charisma bypass" That's low.
  22. ...Flair with a lightsaber is a scary image. TO BE THE JEDI... WOOOO, YOU'VE GOTTA BEAT THE JEDI! *Flair does the kneedrop onto the ground and to his nearby lightsaber* WOOOOOO...OWWWW, MY FUCKING LEG! WHERE'D IT GO?! Then he uses alcohol to numb the pain. ... and uses the Force to heal his leg.
  23. ...Flair with a lightsaber is a scary image. So is Orton with a robotic hand.