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Ted the Poster

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Everything posted by Ted the Poster

  1. Ted the Poster

    Is my monitor dying?

    Recently my screen started to vibrate at a high frequency, and at first I thought it had been on too long, and discovered that turning it off for a bit would usually fix the problem. It got more and more frequent over a few weeks, and today when I turned it on the screen had a greenish hue. The colors, after a few seconds, appeared to be going back to normal, but got brighter than they're supposed to be. I checked and saw that the brightness and contrast controls were on the normal setting. Then the screen blinked off and on once, and a few seconds later completely shut itself off for a few seconds before coming back on by itself. Perplexed, I turned it off manually for a few minutes. When I turned it back on, the screen had a magenta-like hue. I left for a minute and came back to a purplish screen, which upon typing this has gone to a bluish purple. So... what type of monitor should I get to replace this one? I don't have enough money for a flatscreen, though I don't really want one anyway. My dad ssuggested getting a ViewSonic.
  2. Ted the Poster

    Last Comic Standing 3

    I missed the first half of the show- was Louie's set mostly about getting abused like usual? Mordal was great, and yes rape jokes can be funny in the right situation(see: Jim Norton). John Heffron is Howie Mandel lite. Blecch. Glass would be funnier if he was allowed to do his real act without having to soften it considerablly for television. I saw him last year and believe me, it's much funnier. I predict Vos and Alonzo will own the roast next week, and Mordal will do well too. Vos is a master at verbally abusing hacks, and Mohr is one of the biggest ever.
  3. Ted the Poster

    Sony Shrinks the Playstation 2

    I'd get the new one(my PS2 was bought at launch) except I'd have to mod it again, and there's no telling when or if a fliptop would be made. Andy- Here's a site for the fliptop. The Magic Swap discs can be bought along with the fliptop for eighteen bucks extra. Assembly of the fliptop is easy as hell. Just make sure you get the fliptop for the right version of the PS2 you're modding. It's well worth the small effort. I'm going to go play some Fire Pro Z now.
  4. Ted the Poster

    Donald Duck in Naziland

    I saw the banned Bugs Bunny cartoon a few weeks ago- the one about the Japanese. I turned off the very tired and overused PC section of my mind, and the cartoon was pretty funny.
  5. Ted the Poster

    A simple question for Bush supporters

    Edited for accuracy. It's not Logan's Run down here. America is the most diverse country in the world in almost every way. The unfortunate reality is that we're only given two realistic choices: Shitty Candidate A or Shitty Candidate B. Other candidates- Nader, Keyes, Perot- are basically just fodder in order for the government to give the vague illusion to Joe Idealistic that there is another option. I think this is part of the reason voting numbers have declined so much. People just don't want to put up with the bullshit anymore.
  6. I see two major problems with the Tuesday PPV: 1. Marks outnumber smarks, and voting will reflect that. 2. These matches will be decided live, and assuming the voting won't be rigged, the participants will have no time beforehand to practice. That makes me think the matches and stipulations will be decided from a small, pre-set group of choices with each scenario already rehearsed beforehand.
  7. Ted the Poster

    A Scientific Experiment!

    Thank you for that beautiful description Martha Lazarus.
  8. I'm not feelin' it. You also have to press one of a certain mod's fairly delicate buttons.
  9. Thank God Bradshaw and Batista aren't on the same show, because you know they'd be in a "deadliest clothesline" feud if they were. Blecch.
  10. Flair is pulling a .6 Jake Roberts tonight.
  11. Maybe the doctor lost it at a concert, found it at Lost and Found, then lost him again.
  12. I know a lot of dead baby jokes, but I ain't saying any. Which local wrestler was playing the doctor tonight, I wonder?
  13. "Screw the fans" Once again, I love shoot comments...
  14. Is Hurricane going rogue a la Superman?
  15. Speaking of which, is there a site where you can see the Alt+### combinations for those types of letters? The only one I know is "é".
  16. Servant? "Damn it Uncle Eric, I said bring me the Sit 'n' Spin, not the See 'n' Say!"
  17. I love shoot comments that aren't supposed to be shoot comments.
  18. Bischoff comes out selling the foot. Will he continue to though? Aw, the damn PPV announcement.
  19. Ted the Poster

    Listen up (Based on Tony Kornheiser)

    I think that if CBS truly wanted it to succeed as a show they should've put it on right before a CSI or something. Regardless, it'd still be as bad as it's been tonight. Blecch. That's the general rule, but I think there are a few exceptions- Spin City for example.