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Ted the Poster

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Everything posted by Ted the Poster

  1. Ted the Poster

    The Commercial Thread

    I hate any commercial that has NOTHING to do with the product. Like a recent Lay's ad. It's basically just a cute girl eating the chips and that's all. Commercials like that make me want to drive to an ad agency and choke somebody. One commercial I do like right now is the "old man" Six Flags ad. It's humorous and puts out a good overall message.
  2. Ted the Poster

    I'm already tired of this team bullshit.

    That's because all your team does is shoot blanks.
  3. assvalve? Maybe you'd prefer cock magnet or sackwart?
  4. Sorry, I guess my horn-rims need a new perscription.
  5. That reminds me, could you turn my name grey in the thread Kotz? It's really embarasing to look at it red.
  6. I only hate members of the Yankees who play solely for money. So yeah, I hate 3/4 of them. Plus liking them would make me think of Anglesault, and that should be done as little as possible. That's also why I would never drink the stuff in glowsticks- it could make me hallucinate to the point that I think the Yankees are a team worth cheering for.
  7. Maybe if you stopped drinking the glowstick fluid you'd realize it was just an observation, assvalve.
  8. *marks for Major League reference* I can't believe nobody else noticed that. For shame.
  9. Do what now? The loser would be you, have a group hug with your group. GO HUG! WHOOSH~!
  10. Take -iB-??? No! The MMFR can never break up.
  11. Screw that. I'm no damned martyr.
  12. So I'm not allowed to quit? FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! ... YOU put me on that shithole of a team, didn't you Kotz? Shame on you for doing that to a fellow Carolinian! SHAME~!!!
  13. What the FUCK? I lose internet access for a short time and now I find that I'm on Team Post Whore!?! Why was I put on a team with a Bankees fan, the world record holder for post whoring and the Mighty Morphing Fagtime Rangers? Maybe it's because I don't have an AWESOME reputation or gimmick like some others here. I know! I'll stick a leaky glowstick up my ass, toss on a ladykillin' fedora, read the latest Teen Beat magazine, watch The OC and masturbate to pictures of Derek Jeter and Kurt Angle! That'll make me kewl 4 SURE! Or maybe it's because I'm not as well-known as others. Either way, fuck this. I resign from my "team" and declare myself a freelance poster. If I'm not allowed to resign, then I'll be a Benedict Arnold and post against my own team.
  14. Ted the Poster

    Raw 6.07.2004

    I think most would rather he didn't.
  15. Ted the Poster

    Raw 6.07.2004

    What the fuck? Canadian snaps?
  16. Ted the Poster

    Raw 6.07.2004

    Revolving Devolver?
  17. Ted the Poster

    Raw 6.07.2004

    Must be. I got an ad for "Atlantic Championship Wrestling" that focused on Ole Anderson.
  18. Ted the Poster

    Raw 6.07.2004

    Can Nitro actually work worth a shit?
  19. Ted the Poster

    Raw 6.07.2004

    Psychology in a women's match? *head implodes*
  20. Ted the Poster

    Raw 6.07.2004

    Not with Stacy up there they don't.
  21. Ted the Poster

    Brain Teaser

    Was the solution supposd to be so obvious?
  22. Draft me as well. Each leader needs a different personality from the others. On this board though, that might be hard to do.
  23. Ted the Poster

    The Cat From Outer Space

    That was Homeward Bound, I think. I think the name of the dog he voiced was Chance.