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Everything posted by Vanhalen

  1. Vanhalen

    Wrestlezone forums are a fuck up

    All hail Hulkamania Fan, the best banned poster of all time
  2. Vanhalen

    Im Back

    God I miss Hulkamania Fan
  3. Vanhalen


  4. Vanhalen


    Why you never call no more, you going to up your ass for a white girl?
  5. Vanhalen

    The Youtube Thread

    Just so people can catch up, www.videodownloader.net is where you can download the youtube vids(and from other sites), and use a program called total video converter to convert files from their .flv format to mpeg/avi etc etc
  6. Vanhalen


  7. Vanhalen


    I love you slayer
  8. Vanhalen

    Why have we been

    How many posts you have shouldnt qualify you as a n00b or not, I only have just over 1000 but have been on this board and thesmarks site for fucking years, yellow board and all.
  9. Vanhalen

    Hulk vs. Orton SSlam

    "The Hulkster only makes the big towns brother"
  10. Vanhalen

    TSM: The movie

    I want a sex scene in the movie (with Slayer)
  11. Vanhalen

    That front page is hideous

    Unless it comes out differently on my screen, thats a hideous front page, awful colours and fonts, and it never gets updated, the old page looked smart, neat and concise, whatever the hell was wrong with that one that it needed changing? Its just change for changes sake
  12. Vanhalen

    That front page is hideous

    And yes, I know its been up now for a month or two, its just I was waiting before saying anything incase it was a preliminary page
  13. Vanhalen

    Can I Be Let Back In

    No problem mate, ive sorted it out for you now
  14. http://leena.shilohcentral.com/
  15. Vanhalen

    This shit just speaks for its fucking self

    No Holds Barred summed up in one sentence
  16. Vanhalen

    so i should update this and shit

    but i just cant be arsed, who the fuck would be interested in me
  17. Vanhalen

    The Post Your Cell Phone Thread

    Mine is a Sony Ericsson V600i Pretty much does what a standard phone does nowadays, 1.3 mg camera, bluetooth, games, mp3, video and that, but heres the really cool thing about this phone, you can watch satellite tv on it, it works really well, no buffering or anything, eats batteries like a total bitch tho.
  18. Vanhalen

    Windows Media Player 11

    Just downloading it now, already noticed its double the size of WMP10, anyone else using it yet, any thoughts on it?
  19. Vanhalen

    TSM needs a Wikipedia entry

    Wasnt there already one?
  20. Vanhalen

    Windows Media Player 11

    I've got to say, I have a huge music collection and the improved music libary makes things so much easier, I also like that black sheen, presumably thats what Vista will look like, VLC player is good for playing VLC files(youtube and others) but I find it a drag for anything else
  21. Vanhalen

    What this board should be

    This board should be:
  22. Vanhalen

    What this board should be

    Fratton Park is... Fratton Park is falling down, falling down, falling down Fratton Park is falling down Poor old Pompey Build it up with Red and White Red and white, red and white Build it up with Red and White Poor old Pompey Then we'll kick it down again, down again..
  23. Vanhalen

    What this board should be

    Better than being a skate tho
  24. Vanhalen

    The Real Chave

    When I was just a little boy, I asked my mother what shall I be? Shall I be pompey? Shall I be Saints? Here's what she said to me, Wash yer mouth out son, Go fetch your fathers gun, And shoot the pompey scum, And support the Saints We hate pompey, we hate pompey If I had the wings of a sparrow, If I had the arse of a crow, I'd fly over Fratton tomorrow, And shit on the bastards below, below, Shit on the bastards below.
  25. Vanhalen

    The Real Chave

    Jealous of what? Of your shit stadium, your nobhead of a manager and you skate fans? I don't think so