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Open the Muggy Gate

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Everything posted by Open the Muggy Gate

  1. Open the Muggy Gate

    Things that seemingly everyone hated

    me too. I always thoght Bryan Clark should have had a singles push.
  2. Open the Muggy Gate

    "Best of Walker Texas Ranger clips on Conan"

    After seeing it again, I wouldn't mind a stand alone clip and aftermath of Walker punching that woman in the face after jumping off the plane. That was fucking hilarious.
  3. Open the Muggy Gate

    Another weird Ebay auction

    At least people aren't stupid enough to buy it. And I've seen stupider.... like the air guitar with no case for 3.99.
  4. Open the Muggy Gate

    NBA Playoffs

    I guess I'll throw in my predictions for the whole damn thing. 1st Round Heat over Nets in 5 Pistons over Sixers in 6 Celtics over Pacers in 7 Bulls over Wizards in 7 Suns over Grizzlies in 5 (WE'LL GET ONE WIN! WOO HOO!) Nuggets over Spurs in 6 (UPSET~!) Kings over Sonics in 6 Mavericks over Rockets in 5 Quarters Heat over Bulls in 5 Pistons over Celtics in 6 Mavericks over Suns in 7 Nuggets over Kings 6 Semis Heat over Pistons in 6 Mavericks over Nuggets in 7 Finals Mavericks over Heat in 7 to win the NBA Title.
  5. Open the Muggy Gate

    Where will you be in September?

    I have no damn clue where I'll be. I don't even know if I'm going to transer to another college next sememster. I'll probably in the same place I've been for 16 years straight, Jackson, TN.
  6. Open the Muggy Gate

    Champions Carnival 2005 schedule

  7. Open the Muggy Gate

    New Diva to debuet

    You should see the woman in Tennessee.
  8. Open the Muggy Gate

    Big Vis gets POP

    Who...Kane or Vis? Vis. I think he was getting a more sarcastic reaction then anything else. I hope writers don't confuse that with a good thing. Too late
  9. Open the Muggy Gate

    ROH Video

    Clicky Clicky A guy I know on another site made this. I thought it was pretty damn good. Take a look if ya wish.
  10. Open the Muggy Gate

    The Heart-Throbs

    If they'd used two 'established' wrestlers, people would have been on their ass for not using two guys from OVW. Damned if they do. Damned if they don't. The only new talent worth supporting is Hassan w/Davari and Simon Dean the others don't deserve to be on cable tv. Dean is a peice of crap. Id much rather see HT and MNM. Dean may be crap right now, but he invented the ambigiously gay duo.
  11. Open the Muggy Gate

    "Best of Walker Texas Ranger clips on Conan"

    you can make a WMV of that? That would be awesome man. Could you include Conan's reaction as well? That's what made it great.
  12. Open the Muggy Gate

    "Best of Walker Texas Ranger clips on Conan"

    does anyone have a stand alone clip of the kid falling off the ladder onto the floor?
  13. Open the Muggy Gate

    We got Pope smoke...

  14. Open the Muggy Gate

    Backlash Discussion

    Hint: The person's name starts with an H.
  15. Open the Muggy Gate

    KFC Snacker

    If I ever want a chicken sandwich, I get a Hot n' Spicy McChicken from McDonalds. It's only 1 buck, bigger, and tastes pretty damn good.
  16. Open the Muggy Gate

    The Heart-Throbs

    Put the Heatthrobs with Viscera and have them tour various local spots around the towns they go to. The segments could be GOLD.
  17. Open the Muggy Gate

    Things you always thought about other posters

    I thought that one day Dama would snap after that lost to USC and declare himself a Texas Longhorn.
  18. Open the Muggy Gate

    Cookie - Monster = Goodbye childhood memories...

    Isn't there another orange muppet on there besides Kami? I seem to remember one.
  19. Open the Muggy Gate

    The Official Smackdown Spoilers Thread

    I do. He's crazy enough to get over with some of the fans. Keep doing bizarre promos and actions and he can get over no matter how crappy he is inside of that ring.
  20. Open the Muggy Gate

    TNA News and Notes

    So you take Dustin Rhodes and Bobby Roode... two guys who can put on a solid match and do a good job in that ring.... and YOU PUT THEM IN A BLINDFOLD MATCH IN A CAGE? WHAT THE FLYING FUCK?
  21. Open the Muggy Gate

    Molly Holly released

  22. Open the Muggy Gate

    WWE Carlito Shirt Poll

    I wear a lot of orange shirts, so I'll go with that first one. I'd wear that one.
  23. Open the Muggy Gate

    2005 WWE Television Win-Loss Record & Standings

    Nova invented being worth something.
  24. Open the Muggy Gate

    HHH injured neck, collapses

    Well if he is out for a long time then WWE will be forced to -GASP- create new main eventers. I have no mix feelings about this, he got what he deserved for being a bigger prick than HBK and Hogan combined. Vince: We need a new dynamic main eventer. We need someone to step up. We need- HYEEYALELEALAELALE....... Tatanka? Muhammad.
  25. Open the Muggy Gate

    HHH injured neck, collapses

    Well if he is out for a long time then WWE will be forced to -GASP- create new main eventers. I have no mix feelings about this, he got what he deserved for being a bigger prick than HBK and Hogan combined. Vince: We need a new dynamic main eventer. We need someone to step up. We need- HYEEYALELEALAELALE.......