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Open the Muggy Gate

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Everything posted by Open the Muggy Gate

  1. Open the Muggy Gate

    NFL - Week One.

    And even in this slaughter, can we honestly say we saw anything from Phillip Rivers yet? He only threw 11 passes and gave LT the ball the rest of the time. I don't think you can judge anything out of this first game. It was the Raiders after all...
  2. Open the Muggy Gate

    Has it really been 5 years allready? 9-11-2001

    That is truly the biggest group of homophobes i have ever seen.
  3. Open the Muggy Gate

    NFL - Week One.

    SF Chronicle reports that Jerry Porter was sitting on the sidelines laughing after Brooks got sacked for the 765th time (or 7th, hard to keep track that stat in a Raider game). Fuel, meet fire. Fire, meet fuel.
  4. Open the Muggy Gate

    Has it really been 5 years allready? 9-11-2001

    JustPassinBy just compared George W. Bush to FDFNR. Someone load up the shotgun and take him out back.
  5. Open the Muggy Gate

    OAO Raw Thread - September/11th/2006.

    "She may have mixed emotions." That was awesome.
  6. Open the Muggy Gate

    OAO Raw Thread - September/11th/2006.

    And that's the first botch of Hardy's return... and a doozy it is. That could have been a whole lot worse.
  7. Open the Muggy Gate

    OAO Raw Thread - September/11th/2006.

  8. Open the Muggy Gate

    OAO Raw Thread - September/11th/2006.

    "THAT'S MY PAINTING!" I'm starting to like Jeff Hardy all over again.
  9. Open the Muggy Gate

    Hey JustPassinBy

    But their Myspace pages can't lie! THEY JUST CAN'T LIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Shit...
  10. Open the Muggy Gate

    The Oregon Trail

    Fuck, you just reminded me of that game. It fucking rocked for one simple reason.... candy. In the 6th grade, they had it on the old ass computers (one year before they upgraded to stuff with Windows and shit). Every Friday, we got a choice between Oregon and Number Cruncher, we all picked Number Cruncher, cause the teacher would give you choices of candy based on the points you racked up in that game. And holy shit was I good at that game. I would walk out of that classroom with hordes of candy. Sell some off for quarters, eat some, hand off the rest to friends. Good times, good times...
  11. Open the Muggy Gate

    Do Something Funny

    Will you please impale yourself on something? I wasn't trying to be funny there Czech. Geez, the internet really needs a sarcasm button.
  12. Open the Muggy Gate

    donny d

    I know karate. I watched the Power Rangers. I'm ready for his shit! BRING IT ON DONNIE DOUCHEBAG!
  13. Open the Muggy Gate

    donny d

    He hasn't posted in here in the past 90 minutes! Victory for TSM!
  14. Open the Muggy Gate

    Hey JustPassinBy

    Yesterday, I hung out at the bar with a couple of friends and one of them brought along 3 lesbians. Yeah, twas a good night.
  15. Open the Muggy Gate

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Johnny Nitro is in the match. It can't be epic.
  16. Open the Muggy Gate

    Do Something Funny

    What's red and looks like a bucket? A red bucket. What's blue and looks like a bucket? A red bucket in disguise.
  17. Open the Muggy Gate

    Hey JustPassinBy

  18. Open the Muggy Gate

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

  19. Open the Muggy Gate

    New Moderators

    Dangerous Donnie D! That's pretty close to Dangerous Doug Gilbert, so I approve of that.
  20. Open the Muggy Gate

    Describe in as much detail as possible

    raza has gone further than leena ever did. Jesus Christ on a cracker...
  21. Open the Muggy Gate

    Crocodile Hunter Dead

    Okay. That's a fucking big stingray.
  22. Open the Muggy Gate

    OAO Raw Thread - September/4th/2006.

  23. Open the Muggy Gate

    OAO Raw Thread - September/4th/2006.

    If your offended by it, you'll soon get desensitized. Look at Eugene.
  24. Open the Muggy Gate

    OAO Raw Thread - September/4th/2006.

    I think that was one of the better RAW's we've seen in a long damn time. The McMahon stuff was kept fairly minimum, a hot main event, great mic work, Maria watching paint, Super Crazy getting a warm welcome and a push on RAW, and a Trevor Murdoch sighting! Great show.
  25. Open the Muggy Gate

    OAO Raw Thread - September/4th/2006.

    Crowd is damn hot for this match.