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Open the Muggy Gate

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Everything posted by Open the Muggy Gate

  1. Open the Muggy Gate

    The OAO Raw Thread for 4/17/06

    Kinda shocked there's no McMahon talk in this one this week. Oh well. Here's the topic.
  2. Open the Muggy Gate

    The Player Haters Ball.

    As i walk throught the valley where i harvest my grain, I take a look at my wife and realize she's very plain. But that's just perfect for an Amish like me, You know I shun fancy things like electricity. At 4:30 in the mornin' i'm milking cows, Jebediah feeds the chickens and Jacob plows, fool And I've been milking and plowing so long that Even Ezekial thinks that my mind is gone. I'm a man of the land, I'm into discipline, Got a Bible in my hand and a beard on my chin, But if I finish all of my chores, and you finish thine, Then tonight we're going to party like it's 1699. We've been spending most our lives living in an Amish Paradise, I churn butter once or twice, living in an Amish Paradise, It's hard work and sacrifice, living in an Amish Paradise, We sell quilts at discount price, living in an Amish Paradise. A local boy kicked me in the BUTT last week, I just smiled at him, and I turned the other cheek. I don't really care, in fact I wish him well, Cause I'll be laughing my head off when he's burning in Hell. I ain't never punched a tourist even if he deserved it, An Amish with a 'tude, you know that's unheard of. I never wear buttons, but I got a cool hat, And my homies agree i really look good in black, fool If you come to visit, you'll be bored to tears, We haven't even payed the phone bill in 300 years, But we ain't really quaint, so please don't point and stare, We're just technologically impaired. There's no phone, no lights, no motorcars, not a single luxury, Like robonson Crusoe, it's as primitive as can be, We've been spending most our lives living in an Amish Paradise, We're just plain and simple guys, living in an Amish Paradise, There's no time for sin and vice, living in an Amish Paradise, We don't fight, we all play nice, living in an Amish Paradise Hitching up the buggy, churning lots of butter, Raised a barn on Monday, soon i'll raise anutter Think you're really rightious? Think you're pure in heart? Well i know i'm a million times as humble as thou art. I'm the pioust guy the little Amletts want to be like On my knees day and night scoring points for the afterlife. So don't be vain, and don't be whiney, Or else my brother might have to get medieval on your hiney. We've been spending most our lives living in an Amish Paradise, We're all crazy Mennonites, living in an Amish Paradise, There's no cops or traffic lights, living in an Amish Paradise, But you'd probably think it bites, living in an Amish Paradise, Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah ah-ah ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah, yech!
  3. Open the Muggy Gate

    I Just Noticed

    Man, I didn't picture Marvin to look like that at all...
  4. Open the Muggy Gate

    I got a new printer

  5. Open the Muggy Gate

    I got a new printer

  6. Open the Muggy Gate

    The ALCS: New York Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox

    Yeah, I liked the chats too, but I didn't save them. So this is all we've got.
  7. Open the Muggy Gate

    The ALCS: New York Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox

    I thought I'd relive the day when everyone chewed me out for picking the Red Sox only to see them come back and win 4 straight in the end. Ah.... good times, good times. And Anglesault and mike546 in perfect form of course. I'd figure this coulda been a classic thread. Oh well...
  8. Open the Muggy Gate

    And now presenting to you TSM...

  9. Open the Muggy Gate

    The OAO Raw Thread for 4/17/06

    I was looking through Ray Gordy's profile on Obsessed with Wrestling, and for some reason, I just laughed at this pic.
  10. Open the Muggy Gate

    The OAO Raw Thread for 4/17/06

    don't forgot The Return of Haas and GOD'S VENGENCE~!
  11. Open the Muggy Gate

    The OAO Raw Thread for 4/17/06

    That was great on every level imaginable.
  12. Open the Muggy Gate

    The OAO Raw Thread for 4/17/06

    Trish kidnaps her own boyfriend.... WTF?!
  13. Open the Muggy Gate

    The OAO Raw Thread for 4/17/06

    Up next.... the reason we're watching RAW.
  14. Open the Muggy Gate

    Slackers rule

    I take dibs on the one Pokemon to give hundreds of kids seizures...
  15. Open the Muggy Gate

    Slackers rule

    I caught a Czech! He's a psychic pokemon with the abilities Sing, Arm Thrust, Confusion, and Psychic. His last ability tells him that his Cubs will probably lose again this year.
  16. Open the Muggy Gate

    Slackers rule

    Who the hell are you?
  17. Open the Muggy Gate

    I Just Noticed

    I caught a tekcop! It's a really rare TSM with the abilities of Tackle, Leer, Attract, and Come out of the Closet.
  18. Open the Muggy Gate

    Active Stats

    Aw hell, the pirate fucking rocks! Pirates are good everywhere... except Cutthroat Island, but who remembers that?
  19. Open the Muggy Gate

    The Amazing Race 9

    Well I don't live in Ontario... but I'm all for it!
  20. Open the Muggy Gate

    26. Stuff. And #8.

    now your really hitting home to me. In my family, Dale Earnhardt was king. My grandpa still buys #3 merchandise whereever he can find. He was the biggest DE fan I know. He was my favorite too until the crash. I haven't been much into Nascar since that. Just watch it every now and then and cheer for his son.
  21. Open the Muggy Gate

    25. #9 in the crap list of sporting depression.

    Computer generated recreation? Okay, that's a stretch...
  22. Open the Muggy Gate

    25. #9 in the crap list of sporting depression.

    Beautiful Ortonsault. Couldn't have said it any better.
  23. Open the Muggy Gate

    REVEALED~! Bob Barron childhood photo's...

    Hey iggy, isn't this a great topic?
  24. Open the Muggy Gate

    The Amazing Race 9

    When I found out the Hippies were going in the wrong direction, I stood up and screamed FUCK! Glad to see they're still in it. And how can you not love the Frog hat? I gotta get me one of those now.
  25. Open the Muggy Gate

    Hey Leena.

    It was in the Picture topic. I'm surprised no one scooped it up the moment it was posted.